owh its been a while.. and ive been rather busy with work and other things.
went to a few weddings, took photos.. maybe will share some here.. maybe later..
x banyak pon, wedding pasha dgn afif je kot for this month of january..
ok ada satu benda ni nak meroyan sikit kat sini.. aku rasa cam nyawa manusia tu sangat la overrated.. sapa yg overrated? sudah tentu la manusia tu sendiri..
kita sebagai manusia makhluk yg ada akal, dan kita la makhluk yg paling dominan atas muka bumi ni pasal kita diberi akal.. so kadar peningkatan populasi manusia pon adalah pada kadar eksponential.. sekarang kita dah terlalu ramai sampai pada tahap yg kita sendiri sudah menyedari kehadiran kita manusia yg terlalu ramai atas bumi ni la punca planet ni pon semakin sempot nak menampung segala keburukan yg datang disebabkan manusia.. man-made disasters la lebih kurang..
mungkin aku didatangi pemikiran ni pasal aku tgk citer History Channel, Mankind the story of all of us..
which is a brilliant show in my opinion...
so aku cant help but to think about kejadian manusia and our survival.. and these days of course the topic of sustainability is not uncommon to the public anymore..
well, berbalik kepada perihal manusia dan nyawa mereka yg sangat overrated.
why kita sangat sedih bila ada orang mati? dan majority daripada kita sangat takutkan mati.. aku juga mungkin salah seorang dalam kumpulan majoriti tu, tapi aku cuba untuk tidak berasa takut akan kematian..
juga cuba untuk tidak berasa sedih bila didatangi berita kematian kenalan, sahabat mahupun ahli keluarga..
memangla setakat ni takda lagi family aku yg da meninggal untuk aku merasai kesedihan tersebut so mungkin aku ni pandai cakap jer.. tapi lambat laun benda tu pasti akan berlaku.. so aku cuba untuk tidak merasa sedih..
TBH, i imagined the day my mother dies (ok admittedly this is quite morbid, but i like to try things, so i did)
ok so i was sad of course.. i just tried to imagine how i'd be like.. would i be weeping? or maybe wailing? or maybe i'd just sit there with my siblings, be strong and just accept what has been.. and i told myself that my mum atleast had me to pray for her 5 times a day everyday.. thats pretty comforting, in my opinion...
and i also know that death is certain, the only thing in life that we are sure we will have to face.. everybody will..
thinking of it as such, having this kind of point of view, i must admit, makes me fear death less..
same like the time when i feared my final year project.. i didnt think that i could do it.. in the beginning it seemed so hard, i could hardly wrap my head around the concept.. for months i was stuck (with my partner afiq shah)
but there was one thing i told myself..
"degree engineering ni takda la susah mana pon, da beribu atau berjuta orang dah grad dgn degree engineering, da go thru the same thing i will have to go thru, so for sure aku pon boleh lepas, aku pon boleh buat apa yg berjuta orang telah buat, aku pon boleh capai apa yg berjuta orang telah capai"
when i looked at it this way, the task/challenge seemed surpass-able.. it seemed do-able, although i didnt really know how to start yet..
alhamdulillah i got thru it..
same like death,, now it seems scary, seems morbid and we dont want it, and we try not to talk about it too often.. but if you think of it as a normal thing, for example macam cabut gigi ke apa ke, then it'd seem less scary.. and we can get thru it..
ok panjang pulak aku meroyan kan..
some people suker meroyan kat twitter, cakap pendek2.. aku suke meroyan aku tulis blog..
eh ada kaitan ke?
ok la kot da cukop la meroyan pasal nyawa manusia la, pasal mati la..
*matila post ni mcm sangat tak keruan tema nyer