Sunday, 29 December 2013

Year end, new year, resolutions?


kebosanan betul harini.. keje da siap.. xtau nak buat apa now..
so update blog la..

da run proxy kat PC ni so boleh la nak berfacebook..
tapi lately mmg cam da jarang pun main FB..
nak bukak instagram tp takot pulak kantoi nnt org nampak.. da la aku byk je follow orang2 seksi dan suke post gambar2 mengghairahkan.. hehe..

so disebabkan takda keje, aku pun carik keje.. at first I thought of asking other people if theres anything theyd want my help with..
tp then aku cam fikir aah xmau la buat keje orang lain.. baik aku buat keje utk diri sendiri.. *yes I am selfish like that*..

so then I came across this website

and aku pun join affiliate dan register untuk jadi ahli..

basically kat sini die ada offer kerja2 kerani untuk kita buat dan dapat upah..
nak comment byk2 pun aku rasa cam x boleh sbb aku baru register..
perlukan 3 hari utk go thru bagai.. pastu baru boleh start minta2 keje utk dibuat time waktu lapang.. macam sekarang ni.. kalau x buat time kje pun boleh buat time kat umah..

salu aku balik keje pukol 6.. by 8 aku mmg cam da xda keje kat umah tu.. dok membuang masa kat laman social, ataupun main game je.. so aku rasa tak salah dan tak rugi kalau aku nak cuba buat keje sampingan time ada free time.. lagipun its something I want to do.. not what I have to do..
so if by any chance there are people who read my blog, I recommend that you click the link below
and start making money from home..
ishh cliché nyer ayat.. I am not a good affiliate agent I guess.. sebab aku sndiri tak convinced dgn apa aku cakap.. ni kan pulak nak convince kan orang..

anyhoot, aku rasa xpe kot aku cuba buat benda ni.. selagi ianya tak mendatangkan mudarat kepada aku dan orang lain, I think it should be no problem..

ok enough about iklan.. now I want to talk about other things that are happening in my life..

owh I just finished reading this article about being busy as not a good thing, which yuyu posted on twitter just now..

I agree what the author is saying.. but at the same time I feel like I am still at a point in my life where it is okay for me to be busy..
Maybe its because I feel like I am still young and ive got plenty of time to spend on being busy..

People who are more focused in getting more in life, focused more on adding values to life, are usually those who are more aged.. more matured.. maybe even more matured that what they ought to be.. huhu.. am i making sense?

Regardless, I do believe the author has some few good points in why being busy, or choosing to be busy isn’t a good thing.. or in her/his words, isnt a respectable thing..
Go read and give it a thought yourself..

Ok lets move on to the next topic..
Not sure if I have mentioned this but I no longer work in Singapore, praise the LORD!!!

I really disliked going to Singapore everyday where I would have to wake up at 530 am everyday, and catch the bus at 6.30..
Waiting and queuing to get on the bus at custom checkpoints, at JB and Singapore.. its tiring..
I did all that for 6 months.. and it wasn’t by choice.. had I been given the choice to not go to Singapore daily like that, I surely wudve chosen not to.. hmmm my sentence sounds like keling..

 waaah now so racist!!

Anyhow, its been like a week or two that I have stopped going to Singapore.. and I love it.. although there is this thing about me not getting the rm1k extra allowance for going to Singapore.. it is going to affect me financially, i know.. but i believe that i can manage.. i will manage.. hehe..
Furthermore I get to see my fiance everyday at the office so all is good..

Ok lets talk more about work,
January pay was paid earlier, paid to us on 23 January.. and guess how much left with me now? RM800 only..
And I still haven’t paid ASB loan, and the gintell massage chair..
And I just sent my car to service and that’s another RM200..
Omaigod.. I am so bad at managing my finances..

I bought all the unnecessary things..
Beli lilin la, lighter lilin, dulang nak bakar kuih la.. itu ini itu ini.. dah habis da duit aku.. dekat rm200 gak spent on some random and ridiculous things which I don’t need..
And owh, I forgot to mention I bough some more baju and seluar.. which costed me rm286..
Grrr.. spending the money that I don’t have on things that I don’t really need..
No I don’t need them.. I want them!! And I deserve them!!
Wah… justifying to myself, just so I wont feel so sucky and bad about what I’d done..

Theres a reason, or reasons why I feld it was ok for me to have spent so lavishly the past few days..
One is because my company HR had missed out to include my allowance and claim when they made the early payment.. short of RM1150 for that..
And not to mention, its January in a few days and my ASB dividen will be in by then.. I will be rm9k richer by January.. spending few hundreds for self-indulgence should be ok and justified, I guess??

Haaaa I don’t want to talk about finances anymore.. it will always give me headaches.. lets move on to the next item on the list..

Owh yeah, I went for medical check/assessment for petronas and shell the other day.. went there with acap at hosp penawar pasir gudang..
I just called the hosp to ask about the results but they said theyre still on lunch break.. I will call them again later in the evening..

They told me to have that medical checkup so they can send me for BOSIET training..
it’s the pre requisite for offshore jobs I guess..

but because its year end and then the new year, with a few clashes with other jobs.. I will only be going for BOSIET training on the 15th of January..
hmm.. I don’t mind actually.. I can wait.. i have all the time in the world.. *poyo*
like seriously, I am in no rush.. I know sooner or later they will send me offshore.. and I am so okay with that.. I used to be very excited about offshore job before.. but now not anymore.. I just want to keep calm and just get thru with it with grace.. *wah poyo lagi*

hmmm… okla da malas pulak rasanya nak cakap pasal keje..
lets talk about something else..
my phones screen broke again.. hmm… I was at the office and it fell accidentally and it broke.. eff it!!
Pecah yg skrin jd gelap dan x nampak apa2, xleh function apa2.. susah nyer hidup xda phone walaupun hanya untuk 2 hari..
and I sent it for replacement at holiday plaza for rm140.. damn melayang duit aku..
and tanpa aku sedari the screen ada crack baru.. hairline crack, but it still sucks..
crack yg dating dari mana aku tak tahu.. sakit nyer hati ini.. hmm… xpe la kan.. x payah nak stress2 sgt la benda da nak jadi.. sabar je la kan.. lagipun phone aku tu still boleh digunakan kot..

tapi itu membuatkan aku rasa cam nak beli iphone 5s.. rasa nak buang duit yg sangat membuak2.. ditambah dgn berita bahawa farik karim pun baru beli 5s gold.. he txt me just to tell me that.. curse him!!!

Haih.. sakit hati je kan..
Aku mmg nak beli pun.. tp cam byk lagi benda yg aku kena bagi consideration..
Tp xtau la nnt kalau aku tewas dgn godaan iphone 5s aku beli jugak kang dapat rm9k nnt ni.. hehe..

Alaaa… kan nak keje offshore dpt byk kot OT allowance bagai.. sure mampu je kot.. *fingers crossed*

Hmm.. ok nak cakap pasal benda lain pulak..
Nak kasi brief review on the latest movie I watched.. 47 ronin starring the ever famous skinny Keanu reeves..

Ok aku kasi citer tu 3.5 bintang.. the storyline and screenplay is okay.. but I feel like Keanu is too old for the character.. it feels weird.. contrived.. and… ntah la taktau apa perkataan yg betul to describe.. it just didn’t feel right for him to play the part.. tapi jalan cerita die best la.. dan heroin citer tu sangat cantik.. I think shes really beautiful dan sesuai memainkan watak tersebut..

Hmm okla aku cam da malas nak membebel lagi kat sini.. semoga bertemu lagi..
Aku doakan semua orang yg baik2 saja untuk tahun 2014 akan datang ni.. 

*lantakla citer takda kaitan langsung dgn tahun baru*

Thursday, 12 December 2013

second last day..

salam.. TGIF!!!!!!!!
13 Dec 2013.. by right its my second last day training in Singapore.. next Monday 16 Dec will be the last day..

today started a lil rough.. nothing bad happened in the morning while i was getting ready for work..
i had to accompany the new HR manager who insisted on being called Madam M to Singapore so I rode with her to work today.
we met at around 7 am and got stuck in a massive traffic jam at Tuas.. which took us more than 1 hr just to cross the mofo bridge..
arrived at Bukit Batok office at 9.25am..
she was supposed to attend this orientation session scheduled at 9.15 so she was 10 minutes late.
Not her fault, and certainly not mine.. we could not have anticipated the massive jam at the bridge..
noone could have..

i am so glad that I wont have to go through the crazy jam like that anymore after this.. seriusly, I am utterly grateful..

and i was alone today.. faqihudin went to KB to deliver something i dont know.. and azwan was late as usual.. i saw him just now, around 10 minutes ago.. he arrived at 11.10am.. and i doubt that he wrote his name in the late comer log book..
i did.. i'd always write my name in the darn book when i'm late.. although i really dont want to.

so i was alone all morning.. had to move some of the beacons and placed them separately according to the places theyre gonna be shipped to.. they are heavy!!! and i had a minor injury whereby the sharp edge of the beacons mounting plate "stabbed" my thigh.. not sure if stab is the right word to use but who cares..
my pants got hole on it.. my concern is when i am to pray for jumaat prayer.. that my "aurat" would be showing.. how to pray like that?

hmm... still have some more beacon sets to be moved.. i am taking a break for a while, also to escape the blardy Sugeng and Erich coz i worry that should they ask to check on the wall mounted speakers which havent been tagged fully, that'd be a disaster.. my hope is that if they cant see me there, they wont ask for it..
after all, todays inspection is only for them to verify category 2 punchlish items which are almost all including drawings.. I suppose..

ok i think that is long enough.. i meant to make it short initially.. but one thing comes after another and i just had to continue typing...

oh my.. cant wait to finish here in Singapore.. will i miss it? naaah probably not..

malaysia tanah airku..

ok thx bye..