Wednesday, 15 April 2015

gosh it is April now... already??!!

Salam makhluk2 sekalian alam.
harini khamis 16 April 2015, jam menunjukkan pukol 0837..
pejam celik je da bulan april dah ni..

lama betul aku x update blog.
no reason actually.. aku just malas.. juga sebab aku dah xda byk masa berseorangan..

dulu2 aku byk menulis sebab aku ada byk masa bersendirian sbb belum kawen..
and most of the time i would write about sad stuff, mostly to console myself.. to cheer myself up..

but now i dont need to anymore.. i am not alone most of the time.. there are always things to do with le wife..

and also, there is no sad stuff going on in my life at the moment.. and Alhamdulillah for that..

but today I am posting a blog entry.. well atleast i am trying to.. to be honest, I am not entirely sure if this post will meet its completion.

damn my hands are already tired from typing.. its not half page long yet.. nampak sangat da lama x menaip.. dah berkarat.. speed menaip pon dah slow.. macam jaman2 baru nak bukak hotmail dulu..

well, apa yg nak diborakkan kat sini yer??

oklah seperti biasa, random stuff.. apa saja yg terlintas di fikiran..

this morning aku baru je plan cakap nak gi gym kat bini aku, then i guess my MIL heard me and then she said "malam jumaat x payah la pegi gym"

oopss speechless pulak.. kita baru ada semangat nak workout mengeluarkan peluh.. semalam dah x pegi gym sebab gi makan mesjid depan rumah tu.. aku pun sengal x bawak baju sukan semalam masa keluar rumah tu..

haaih.. perasaan nak bergym petang ni membuak2.. we'll see if I could persuade my wife to join me instead.. hehe..

ok next nak cakap pasal apa.. topik hangat di media sosial sekarang antaranya adalah berkenaan GST and komen Dr M suruh Najib letak jawatan sebagai PM. Nak komen byk2 pun x guna kat sini..

basically I agree with Dr M, all he had done up till this day is ask questions.. valid questions that the people have the right to the answers to.. 2 major questions that I can recall, 1st is about the death of Altantuya and execution of Sirul who had murdered the Mongolian woman.

2nd one is about 1MDB abd the missing of RM42billion of its fund.

but it seems like Najib is just ignoring him.. and to me that only shows how incompetent of him as a leader.. and that will hurt him in the next GE which will be in a few years..
tapi nak buat caner kan, there are still idiots who will vote for him.. and theres this possibility of having a biased, unfair, non-transparent election.. x telus, x jujur..
if the accusations by the oppositions in the last GE13 were true, then I pray to God to punish them corrupt beeches di dunia dan akhirat..
dan semoga orang2 teraniaya ni dilindungiNya..

Berkenaan GST tu pulak, I suppose it could help the country to improve its economy and some say its a fair way to ensure everybody who lives in the country and enjoying everything it has to offer, will contribute and pay their share fairly..
although fair is a subjective word. Equal does not necessarily mean fair..

oklah, enough about that..

lets talk about work.. aku ni actually was scheduled to go to Kuwait this week.. but this darn Koreans of Daelim still havent given us a firm date of this mobilisation.

test gear dah rent dah Rm4000/mth..
visa dah prepare.. cash advance da dapat rm3.5k.. kang kalau cancel trip tapi cash advance dah habis sebab shopping online byk sangat.. sakit pulak hati kita ni..
btw, saja nak share kat sini kuwait dinar ni mahal gila weh.. cer tgt exchange rate kuwait dinar against MYR

but this morning Faiz (the PIC of this project) told me them Koreans will revert with a firm date for us to mob to Kuwait..

I am excited to go to Kuwait mostly because we will transit at Dubai.. and owh we are flying Emirates there.. not business class though.. altho it wouldve been awesome if it was.. hehe..

taktau la naper rasa cam sexcited je nak pegi Dubai.. mungkin byk sgt exposure from Holywood showing how beautiful Dubai is.. tapi kalau gi Dubai pon, cuma transit sahajo.. 12 hours transit if I'm not mistaken.. sempat la jugak nak gi jenjalan, selfie kat Burj khalifah and what not..

but me wife is not happy that I'm going to Kuwait, because I will be gone for a month.. I am not happy about that too.. and I am sorry I am not expressive enough.. but of course I'll be missing her..

i am just the kind of person who prefers to only focus on the positive side.. who believes that we should only focus on the positive side of things.. in every decision, every journey, there will be good and bad, loss and gain.. but why sorrow when you can celebrate??

thats how ive always been.. lifes too short to be sad..kan? kan? KHENNNN.... *nazimothmansangat

previously I was supposed to go to Korea for 3 months but I didnt go because my wife didnt let me.. yes I know it sounds like she's controlling me, making the decision for me.. but I do not mind it.. believe I made the right decision by not going to Korea.. because I care.. because she matters and because I respect her say in our marriage.

lagipun, ada job lain yg aku boleh pergi seperti south acis atau Kuwait ni, thats why its was ok for me to decline going to Korea.. tapi kalau memang xda choice, nak xnak kena la pegi Korea.. walaupun the prospects of going to Korea tu macam x menarik jer.. hehe..

oklah, enough about work..

this month is the first month I pay for my housing loan.. bank OCBC, interest rate 4.45% and mothly payment is rm1706.. and kalau masuk life insurance great eastern tu rm220.. so every month bayaran rumah in total is rm1926.. ok pitam sebentar..

pening kepala gak ni.. caner nak bayar bulan2 depan ni.. sebab tu la aku cakap kat bini aku.. I cannot afford to not go outstation because thats what pays for ze hauz..

i know that we still could afford to pay the house even without my overseas allowances.. because my wife's pay is almost the same as me.. but I dont want to ask her to pay.. I feel better about myself if only I pay.. call it a man's ego if you must.. I dont care.. after all, everything that Men do, be it for himself or for others is to make themselves more attractive to ladies.. hahaha..
I agree with this to a certain extent.. that i read about here ..  no 6

aku rasa there will be a next trip to Korea after Raya, and I hope my wife wont oppose me to go there then.. hehe fingers crossed..
nampak sangat la the main reason nak pergi Korea sebab nak ngompol duit kan.. haha yes I admitz.. and i haz no shame in admitting that.. moneys important BIJ!!

haaa perut terasa seperti memulas petanda berry2 mahu dibebaskan.. jadi aku harus habiskan blog post ini di sini..
insyallah bertemu lagi di masa akan datang.. mungkin 3 bulan dari sekarang..
