Thursday, 5 January 2012

i am myselfs bestfriend... and some other random stuff


yesss.. today im gonna be talking about bestfriend.. do i have one? i dont know.. maybe i did but not anymore.. but thats okay coz lately i think i dont really need a bestfren.. i have myself to be my own bestfren..

ive been outstationed for 17days now.. and all this while ive been alone and i did everything on my own.. independent katanya.. ok ada la sekali tu kuar ngn afiq kechik time kat KK but thats it.. yg lain2 tu mmg aku sorang2 je la..

i admit there were times when i felt like screaming my lungs out so that people wud notice me and id not feel alone anymore.. but that is just stupid and crazy and of coz i didnt do it.. being alone sucks people.. im telling u it sucks big time..
i thank all the people whom ive kacau, whom i txted and  dgn baiknyer melayan txting ngn aku during those times i felt lonely and was close to meroyan..

so why do i say i am my own bestfren?? haaa coz i always know what to say and what to think to make me feel better.. about everything.. and i am very thankful for that.. grateful to God who made me this way.. kurang bergantung sikit kepada orang lain and i think thats a good thing..

actually i wanted to talk about my job, comparing to the time when i was still jobless.. how much i have changed.. how much i have gained.... i had nothing before and now i have money, a car, a 42" tv, an iphone, an ipad etc etc... ok malas nak fikir byk2.. dan tetiba rassa cam malas dan cam tak perlu je nak tulis kat sini pasal tu.. *pemalasnyer aku

less than 24 hours i will be in KL.. and that is awesome.. i cannot wait to come home..

tadi my sis called and she said nnt ada interview kat astro nak cari pengacara macam aznil.. im flattered that she called me to tell me that.. she thinks i have what it takes to be a good pengacara.. huhu.. ok bangga sikit.. tapi do i really??
 maybe dulu aku rasa aku ada la bakat sikit2 dalam pengacaraan, public speaking or paling tak pon membaca berita.. tapi aku tak pernah try pon bakat tu.. mungkin its way harder that it looks kan..

i remember back when i was in primary school i entered a pidato competition in malay.. (elocution eh dalam english?).. i was confident before my turn.. i thought that i wud not stumble and i could deliver my points smoothly but thats not the case.. i was a mess.. haha.. point ke mana tangan ke mana sumer benda kacau bilau.. and my head started to heat up and i think my head just changed colout from ceklat to merah.. haha.. so malu and nerves..

so berbalik kepada kisah aku nak jadi pembaca berita ni kan.. i am considering to go audition actually.. i owe it to myself to go try.. and altho i know theres a possibility im gonna make a fool of myself during the audition, atleast i go give it a try.. and thats better than not trying at all.. huhu.. the audition is in january rasanya.. ok aku sangat katak bawah tmpurung now coz i dont have a tv at home..

my source of information is facebook and  download to watch tv series.. kalau berita2 yg kecik2 ni mmg aku taktau la..
aaaa ary malik tersingkir dari masterchef malaysia.. aku suker dier sebab dier cantek walaupon da 40tahun umor..

damnit im so damn full after eating at sugarbun kapit ni.. its like mcd but dodgier.. haha sesuker hati aku jer kutok tempat orang.. beger dier sedap la jugok tapi nothing beats mcd punya fries.. tak caya tanya qamarol arifin ombak ghendu~~

and i read the poem posted by izzaty pwc on fb pasal english pronunciation.. heres the link

aiyoo pening kepala aku nak menyusun lidah nak nyebut the words.. and i think half of them pon aku tak tau maksud and taktau how to pronounce.. but its a nice read la.. give it a try..

shada is getting married this sunday.. aaahhh the first of GB to get married.. i feel old already..

i still remember that time when we were in auckland, making that farewell video for shada.. ada soalan tanya what kind of a mother shes gonna be.. haha.. soalan yang menyebabkan bali meloncat keriangan tu... haha lawak je igt bali yg overexcited tu.. huhu bali sengal..

but for sure shes gonna be a cool mum la.. tapi taktau la if she plans to have children awal ke tak kan.. nnt sure dier ajar anak2 dier main mafia la.. main black magic la.. dan sbgnya..

haa tak sabar nak balik.. tak sabar nak mendownload di rumah dgn internet yg laju.. tak sabar nak balik wangsa maju jumper ibu bapa nak kasi pearl ornaments ni, ceklat2 ni, fridge magnet yg sazalina mintak.. and also tak sabar nak jumper kengkawan time knduri shada nnt.. sure meriah nnt.. GB reunion katanya.. sengal qayum tak dapat join lak.. so sengal..

okla da malas nak tulis da.. nak cari2 gambar lak nak menghiasi blog katanya..

ps - i made a few vlog videos but theyre not gonna be put here.. huhu.. malu..

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