Monday, 20 August 2012



i think it was yesterday i tweeted that i had loads to talk about this year raya but had no time to do so..
now im home doing nothing.. i definitely have all the time today and tomorrow to do this entry, talking about what ever i want about the raya or other random things...

ok bosan...

i shouldve known raya kat KL itu bosan.. but i chose to believe differently hoping that random great things would happen on their own unplanned... but looks like they didnt happen, probably not going to.. but nvm, it was too much to ask for without effort..

ok digressed and meroyan tak ketentuan hala sangat repekan aku.. i will write whatever that i can remember about all the things i had wanted to talk about.. every single random thoughts that was on my mind on the eve of raya, 1st day and 2nd day of raya..

ok 1st, the bernas ad..

i know the ad is so sad, and after watching it i cried i admit to that..
also about this comment that afiq kechik made about the ad.
he tweeted that the ad was brilliant but us malays tend to be sad on hari raya that is supposed to be a joyous, audacious occasion. malays should celebrate not mourn..
but the weird thing in malaysia is that almost all tv programs, raya adverts would have sadness theme..
and that is true..
my comment?
i used to think like afiq kechik.. previously, i would totally agree with him.. that we should celebrate.. but now i think differently, not totally different just slightly..
yes we should celebrate, but the sadness is also apart of raya.
i do become sad when i think of the people who arent here anymore to celebrate. and we hear in the news about people who got killed in accidents and die just a few days before raya.
the sadness from losing your loved ones will feel like double, triple, however many folds when its raya time..
i guess thats why people get sad.
i went to visit the kubur in my kampung yesterday where my atuk, paksu and pak uda were burried. i got sad.
altho we lost them when i was still a kid, but from the look on my mothers face, i could imagine how much she misses them. i tried to put myself in her shoes and i cried too. i am yet to experience the lost of my close family members so i could only imagine and that was enough to make me eyes all red and watery..
so what im trying to say is.. i do understand why people get sad during raya.. its not a choice but it is apart of raya itself.. however being sad alone isnt enough.. sedekah alfatihah to them in their remembrance..

ok next thing i want to ramble on here..

petronas ad..

haih disappointment.
that ad would probably mean something to like 0.05% of Malaysians who work for petronas and had been sent to work in afghan, uzbekistan or wherever in the world.
i personally do not like it coz its so non-malaysian. it doesnt serve the major public's interest.
malay word for it is SYOK SENDIRI.. berapa ketul sangat la orang yg boleh relate to that kind of situation..
sedih!!! not in a good way

ok next i want to talk about raya and food.
maybe it has been a tradition, people preparing food during raya to serve the guests when they come visit. ok here i will say my opinion.

i think some people, most people are too excessive, luxurious and wasteful.. ok im not really sure what word to use.. too much is membazir..
on average 1 house would prepare rendang daging, rendang ayam, nasi impit/ketupat, kuah kacang, lemang and kuih muih. it is just like when breaking fast.. there are just too many food that will end up being dumped in thrash..

i do love all of them, but arent they just too much? it is the tradition, i know but cant we change it? or should we?
if its something to vote, id vote for yes, i think this tradition should change.
but then again its only like once a year, so maybe its okay.. ok now im confused..

but the fact remains, there are just too many food.. try to reduce the amount, if we can..
when im married, i will tell my wife not to be too excessive.. prepare just enough..

haha i think this is easier said than done, but we'll see..
ok teringat this question.."ekau bilo laie ni??"
when is my turn? haih la old people, asking me as if  i have the answer to that..
too many things to consider/to do/to get done before i can think of marriage..

ok off topic sikit, to ramble a bit on a non raya topic..

i want to get married, i do.. if i can afford it that is..
duit tak ada..
ok now i sound like the guy singing the song nak kawen duit tak ada.. sedih!!

nak bayar loan ASB, nak simpan duit beli rumah (downpayment, lawyers fee etc etc), nak kasi mak bapak (beli barang2 rumah and also save in tabung haji), nak bayar hutang MARA lagi..

belanja2 benda lain, duit minyak, installment kereta, service.. nanti roadtax la insurance lagi, nak kena tukar tayar, tukar battery, kena buat alignment la, balancing la.. blablabla..

duit internet, telephone, astro, sewa rumah bil air bil api..
makan minum lagi..

ok kalau nak jadi selfish, to include other miscellaneous items for myself,
nak bayar gym, nak beli protein, nak bayar kerusi urut, nak bayar kad kredit nak beli baju, seluar, kasut, perfume
nak pegi melancong, nak itu nak ini 

damn!!! pening kepala hokay..

caner nak simpan duit nak kawen??

haihs.. xpe la... buat je la mana yg mampu..
meroyan kat sini pon bukan ada pekdah..

baca doa dhuha la kasi murah rezeki

nak cakap pasal benda lain la..

yesterday i followed my family go back kampung in Kuala Pilah,
i was listening to their conversation and i learned something.

there are 2 makcik at the kampung who are cousins to each other. they are not talking to each other anymorel.. because of what??

pasal berebut tanah!!! sedih jugak la bila fikir2 balik..

tanah tu asal nyer kepunyaan mak kepada makcik A, then her mother died, the tanah turun ke mak makcik B which is the younger sister  of mak makcik A.

then mak makcik B died and the war to decide the tanah belongs to whom began.. why not just devide the tanah equally?

this is how the feud started. makcik B which from what people say is a greedy bitch. she already has the tanah which was left by her mother, so supposedly the tanah left by mak makcik A, which later on was passed to mak makcik B should go back to makcik A, coz initially it was from her mother..

but this greedy makcik B also wants to claim this tanah because she said her late mother had given the tanah to her, altho the tanah was not hers to give.. on paper yes it was hers but bitch please, u and makcik A used to be sisters kot.. and u already have the tanah left by your mother, perlu ke nak berebutkan tanah yg mak makcik A left for makcik A when you already have your share...

susah kan bila bertanah2 ni orang jadi tamak sampak lupa sedara mara..
mungkin kalau tanah tu tak tinggi nilai sangat tak la sampai cani kot.. ni tanah tu kebun getah kan... so mmg berebut la..

i side with makcik A coz it was her mothers to begin with.. mak makcik B shouldve returned the tanah to makcik A when she died but decided to give to her daughter pulak.. aish!!

hahahaha now i feel like i'm one of those makcik2 bergossip.. but the different is i am gossiping with myself in this small blog of mine..
may it be of some sort of lesson to us not to be greedy..

makcik A told my mum. when she went to tarawih, after done with solat, she saw makcik B at the saf behind her and wanted to salam, makcik B left just like that... owh what a bitch.. bulan puasa kot...

and makcik B is younger, so she should apologize.. dont be so greedy bitch!!!

ok enough with greedy makcik B, i want to talk about something else..

i know up there i did say something about excessive food and i said we should not be wasteful..

but the truth is, i have a fair share of wasting too..
ok maybe its not wasting yet since its still edible and not spoiled yet.. i will consider it as wasteful if its too much and nobody eats it and then buang macam tu jer pasal da rosak..

ok what i want to say is, i made cornflake madu and kek batik.. hahaha malas nak letak gambar sini but my cookies and cake is not bad la.. considering how i so seldom make those kan..
kek batik first time and i didnt even follow the recipe... buat sesuka hati jer.. just how i used to cook when i was overseas..

haaaa now i remember about this other thing i wanted to talk about...OMG this post is so long alredy.. haha

the 1st day of raya, we went to my fathers siblings houses.. mak ngah, paklong taha, mak lang rokan, then to makchik yot in palong 4, and at night after maghrib went to paktam's at palong 11..

haha i had wanted to take photos at all places but... hmmm.... but i didnt... why didnt i??
maybe i didnt want to seem like poyo sangat? or trying too hard?? or sibuk2 lak semangat nak amek gambar??
haih!! i think too much of what people might say i end up not doing what i want to do... that is sooo not me.. the old me/or should i say the younger me wouldve done it nonchalantly without caring what other people say... tapi nowadays taktau la asal i would opt not to stand out, care too much??
hmmm... need to change this...
haih, maybe next year..

ok digressed a bit. heres the actual thing i want to talk.

the night of the 1st day of raya we had spent at achik yot's house at palong 4.
there i met with abang kincam.. i think his real name is hisham but people have been calling him kincam since i could remember.. he's actually maklangs son but he'd been living with achik yot since he was small..
when i was a preschooler, 5 or 6 years old like that, he used to live with us in wangsa maju.
i think he stayed for a few months before moving out renting somewhere else..
after he left, i barely know of his existence. Years went by and i didnt know if he was still alive or not nor whatever happened to him..

so i learned a few things about him that night.. he got married, then divorced.. go kids i think but i dont know how many.

i also learned that he had been using drugs.. haish... masalah typical lelaki melayu di kampung2..
and he is still using, so they say.. coz he was skinny..
i think they are right, him that i remember used to be muscular (when i was a kid he was like 20+ i think)
ok admit, time kechik aku nak badan macam dier.. hahaha..

but that night he was alone at the corner of the room and noone seemed to care about him.. haish that is so sad..
my pakcik Nor (achik yots husband) said he caught him using drugs in the house when they were gone. achiks son named apak (now an arwah innalillah..) had brain cancer and had to undergo brain surgery so they all spent most of the time at hospital. when pakcik nor came home, people nearby were telling them of how abg kincam had made their house a drugs center.. he'd have his frens come over and do drug there when achik's family was not around..
so when he was caught, pak nor (achik yot's husband) got really mad and even tried to hit him with a parang.. chased him out of the house.. but for raya, he let kincam come back la.. only for raya.. ok la kot..

when i saw him like that, i just felt.. haih sedihnyer hidup macam ni..
anak-anak pon takda ngn kita.. bini lari..
family pon taknak terima..
why oh why must he use drugs..

he calls achik yot mak altho his real mum is maklang.. but ive never seen him and maklang in the same room together.. so i asked my kak why hes calling achik yot mak and not maklang..

so my sister story me la, when he was born maklang family had series of misfortunes, so they believed that kincam was the bringer of bad luck, bawa sial la orang melayu cakap..
haih sedih sungguh..

so maklang had given him to be raised by nenek (my dads mum)... when he was 10 or 11 nenek died and achik took him in, so thats why he calls achik mak, i think..

haih la orang melayu... anak bawa sial?? i could only shake my head when i heard this..

hes not the only one in his family whose life got destroyed by drugs.
his eldest brother named amran, whom we all call wak tembe was/is also using drugs... he got divorced also, and now living a sad life alone, maybe with occasional visits from his sons and daughters..

sedih la bila tahu kisah2 orang macam ni.. it teaches us not to take drugs or even try it.. oh tuhan pelihara la aku dan keluarga ku dari benda haram tu..

okla aku rasa for this time.. im tired actually.. rasa cam nak take a nap sebentar..

kalau ada orang yg baca this post, semoga dapat amek what iktibar there may be.. ada otak fikir la mana baik buruk kan..

saya bukan orang sempurna, takda orang yg sempurna tapi kita sama2 la cuba jadi lebih baik dari sebelum nyer..

kalau ada apa2 yg aku rasa nak bebel lagi sini, aku post lagi.. haha..
tapi now aku da letih la, mata da bepinar2.. haha..
till next time..

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