hello yuols and salam..
its july already and its my birthday month.. although besday aku dalam masa beberapa minggu lagi, tapi aku cam ada this one burning desire to write this post..
actually beberapa hari sudah ni aku banyak kali terfikir untuk tulis post dan mengimbau kenangan 10 tahun yg lalu..
the similar thing i did when i was turning 20, if i'm not mistaken, when i was in my 1st year of study in NZ, and i wrote a blog post in my friendster blog(that had been deleted) of how my life was, 10 years ago until today, which means since when i was 10 yo till i was 20 yo..
and sure enough there were many stories that i recalled.. and lucky enough for me that i managed to pdf-archive my blog posts(although not all of them) and i plan to upload all the pdfs to the internet, most probably to my dropbox acc.. maybe later.. after this post..
so in this post, i plan to do the same, recall my life when i was 18, and up till today that i am turning 28 in just weeks. in exactly 3 more weeks now that i checked the date.. hehe..
so 10 years ago i was 18, what happened to me?
i was in KMS, my 1st year in KMS.. the date i registered as a student in KMS was somewhere in July if i'm not mistaken..
before that i went to KMPk(Kolej Matrikulasi perak) which i was there for only about a month..
i made friends with many Chinese lads, who were mostly from Perak.. i learned mandarin, and i was quite good at it(so i was told).. i had many Chinese friends than Malays, no Indian as far as i could remember.. and i came up with a chinese/english name for, stephen it was, if im not mistaken..
hahaha i know i was so poyo right.. when i was talking to a new friend, i would introduce myself as stephen..
hahaha now that i think of it, i feel so poyo, but i dont regret it.. its part of my life journey kan..
before i left kmpk, i had a number of frens who were so fond of me, and i had this book, in which they would write their names, address, biodata and some ucapan, promises that we'd stay frends forever.. bla bla bla.. something like that..
i came across that book a few months back(if im not mistaken) and it made me smile, thinking of how naive we were.. so kanak2 kan..
now i already dont know where the book is.. haha and of cos da tak ingat da the names of them boys whom i made frens with..
ok banyak lak kisah pasal kmpk.. padahal banyak lagi benda nak citer ni..
owh i shouldve said this earlier. beware people for this post is gonna be so effing looooooooong...
well i plan to write as long and as many as i can remember..
ok next..
before masuk kmpk i worked at shangrila hotel, before dapat results spm.. kerja sebagai part time banquet waiter..
shangrila KL was not the first hotel that i worked at, the first hotel was hotel hilton KL, dekat2 dgn mandarin oriental, dekat bukit bintang area, not really sure actually, for i am not really good with jalan2 kat KL tu..
then the hotel changed name to hotel mutiara, then Concorde, if im not mistaken..
the first time i ever worked there, i followed my friend amirul hakim, who was also my classmate in middle school(F1 - F3), that was before i went to mrsm jasin.
i still remember we clocked in at 9am, and there was this big event thats happening at night and we plan to work until 11pm that night..
at 11am, when we were setting up the tables for that day's luncheon event, i was already tired and merungut "baru pukol 11??"
and he gave me an advise which to me is very useful and one that i had adhered to all my life, up till now that is..
when i whined like that, he said "kau buat je keje tu, jangan fikir, kau kosongkan otak kau, kau buat dek, kau gerak kan tangan kaki, cucuk pin tu kat kain tu satu satu, and before you know it, its lunch time.. then its time for coffee break, then dinner, then balik.. just do it, dont think"
so thats what i did, walaupun apa yg amirul hakim tu cakap sangat simple, dan very plain, tapi i am honestly grateful for having that with me, had helped a lot in my life, whenever aku berhadapan dgn sesuatu yg tak best, atau bosan atau sedih.. just hang on, and just farking do it.. before you know it, it will be over.. and you'll get the reward afterwards..
so nak dijadikan cerita, kerja aku pada hari tu tak habis at 11 pm as what we had planned, we continued working sampai pukol 5 pm the next day, and for that event, i got paid around rm300++ if im not mistaken..
kalau dulu kena kerja lebih 30 jam nak dapat rm300, sekarang sehari kerja dok goyang telor kat office pon boleh dapat rm300.. huhu..
homai, aku baru cerita pasal 2 benda jer.. x masuk lagi citer kat kms ni..
in my last blog post about this reminiscing thingy, which i mentioned above, i didnt describe fully of my experiences in kms, i just wrote down in bullet points.. but i dont want to just bullet point them all.. i want to cerita each and everyone of them..
yes bish this entry si gonna be so damn long..
ok lepas kmpk, aku pon dapat la offer untuk buat preparation A level kat kms before fly ke NZ..
kat kms aku xda la kesorangan.. my good friend yazri yaakob aka wong.. my bestfren in msrsm jasin..
and there was odie and sola whom i was close with when in mrsm jasin.. there were others la jugak.. ada acap poh(ashraf azmi) pastu ada syamim( maharajadewa capub jasin)..
masa mula2 masuk kms aku xda apa2 kisah sangat la nak cerita.. except masa mula2 tu aku tak suka betul dgn matyer.. nama penuh dia mohd hekmatyer fahmin bin hasan fahmin.. dia budak ex mrsm berseri, which was the best among mrsm for spm 2004,. so i had this presumption that he was berlagak.. and he was from kelantan some more.. back in those days i had a bad impression on kelantan people.. hehe.. i think most of us have had that bad impression on kelantanese before, at least at one point in our lives..
why i disliked this kid? pasal dia cam suka condemn aku.. or mungkin aku je yg perasan kot.. pastu dia cam pandai, which made me envy him even more.. and he was good in volleyball.. damn that was the real thing that made me dislike him..
hahahaha.. so fani la my younger self.. pasal tu orang tu tere dan pandai aku nak tak suka dia lak..
but now we are good, matyer and I are good, i think.. we dont talk anymore.. we're still friends on fb but we dont talk anymore.. nothing to talk about i guess..
masa kat kms jugak aku da start active tulis blog kat friendster.. i would write about the randomest thing.. about my fly trip pergi hisap shisha, shisha nyer dapur tu jatuh berderai.. pastu pasal kisah main snooker dgn nizam, matyer, boy, mon, miji.. pastu pasal kisah cinta monyet kanak2.. pasal kisah stress aku (aku pon xtau kenapa aku stress sgt time ni)
mungkin perkara biasa la tu budak nak membesar, nak rasa stress, nak memberontak la itu lah ini lah.. tah per2 je kan.. xpe la, its part and parcel of growing up.. we dont just get born and know stuff.. we learn and some had to learn the hard way.. maybe i was one of them... oops digressed.
i had this one friend, a girl, who read my blog, i mean used to read my blog on frenster.. i know because she would leave comments.. nama dia aidzeera.. and yes we went to NZ together, she took EE but i think she didnt finish.. then we lost contact.. but i heard from people that she changed her field of study from EE Engineering to Law(so random, right)
and she was living with her bf in NZ, went to grape orchard and went wine tasting with her bf, then she got into a fight with her frens coz she'd borrow their money but never pay them back.. hmm.. sampai situ je kisah hidup aidzeera yg aku tahu..
my point here is, i had high expectation for her because she was brilliant, very good and fluent english.. but from stories of her that i heard, she might have not ended up so well... well then again, who am i to judge?? entah2 dia lagi berjaya dan bahagia dgn hidup dia sekarang..
i shouldnve judged.. i wish we had remained in contact but we didnt.. i dont know how did it get to this.. well maybe thats normal.. we cannot keep all of our friends forever.. over time, people just drift apart and thats normal..
like i said, its part and parcel of life..
in kms i had great teachers.. i had mr selva who taught us english.. hes a short indian guy in his late 50s when he taught us, that means he must be in his late 60s now.. he would always ask questions to make us think, on current issues, and sometimes on sensitive issues involving races and religions.. i
dont hate him for that.. i enjoyed having deep and fruitful conversations with him on these topics, although i was not so very well knowledged when it came to agama, but atleast the talks which we had with him, made us think.. and thinking is not a bad thing, right? yg penting kena sentiasa ada panduan yg betul, dan berasaskan ajaran islam, alquran dan sunnah.. cewah..
then i had Pn Khairiah who taught us chemistry option paper.. option paper which was paper6 of A level chemistry, she is the only teacher from kms that i still keep in touch with.. boleh kata stiap kali raya i would go visit her at kajang with odie, zarik dan lain2.. she still knows me, im touched..
i like her way of teaching, yg sgt specific dan point oriented.. she taught us how to read between the lines, to identify the important points in long text passages, which were so boring and daunting.. so for that teacher, i thank you..
ok i dont feel like talking more about teachers, nak cakap pasal benda random yg lain.. kat koop kms dulu ada jual nasi lemak yg sedap dan dadih yg best gila.. dadih sejuk yg susu dia perisa susu dutch lady tu.. harga dia rm1, or rm1.50 kalau x silap.. aku selalu gak la beli dadih dan nasi lemak koop tu..
pastu memalam ada orang jual berger kat sebelah DS, pon kesukaan aku gak tu..
kalau fly salu pergi makan kat foodcourt kat ampangan, kena jalan past penghulu cantik, pastu lepas pacific mall.. pastu baru sampai ampangan.. makanan paling femes kat situ adalah rtkd.. roti telur kentang daging.. owh leleh air liur bila teringat balik.. combination sos dan mayonaise dgn rtkd tu adalah terbaik.. sekarang xtau la ada lagi ke tak.. huhu.. kenangan sungguh..
ok nak cakap pasal benda lain pulak..
dulu kalau kat kms, keluar dating pergi la terminal one atau seremban parade, makan anw kat depan seremban parade.. aku rasa anw tu dah tutup dah kot.. i read it in the news not so long ago..
kat kms, petang2 aku salu main volleyball with my boys..
antara pemain volleyball tegar kat kms adalah aku, erwan, zhariq, saser(faizal hama), dalino, adam medic(skandal zhariq), bakhit bahot, matyer, david danding, senior pisang, senior putih terengganu(x ingat nama)
pastu ada jiji(dia suka kat senior putih tganu tu).. pastu kadang2 ada capek(skendal dalino), capoh, odie and syamim pon ada, boleh tahan ramai jugak la budak turun main volleyball.. cukup la 2 3 team kadang2 tu.. tapi sorry la aku da x ingat sangat semua orang..
sometimes main bola kat padang depan kms, yg kami panggil old trafford..its not a football field pon..
its like a moderate sized lawn, maybe around 25-30 meters in width and 60-70 meters in length, or maybe less.. so kat situ la main bola petang2..
time main bola ni aku salu dituduh bermain secara kasar.. haha.. maybe aku mmg main kasar, sebab aku kaki bangku kot.. so aku main redah je lah orang kan.. aku pulak mmg badan jenis besar kan.. rangka besar so bila tolak orang main bola tu tentu2 lah budak lain tu akan tewas.. haha..
ada satu hari tu aku gadoh ngn matyer pasal bola ni la.. i dont remember how it went, dia nak sepak bola, pastu aku masukkan kaki aku in between, so dia gi sepak my kaki instead, kitorang pakai boots so aku takda la sakit pon kena sepak, tapi dia nyer kaki tu mungkin terpeleot ke apa ke so dia sakit and he called me names, to which i didnt respond and i just left there..
that night he came to my room and apologized.. and aku as the bigger person(literally bigger) accepted his apology and moved on
alamak aku ada kerja nak kena buat sekarang ni.. so untuk itu, post ini akan di gantung di sini dan akan di sambung bila aku habis kerja petang ni.. or esok pagi.. depends.. lantak la ni blog aku sukati aku la bila nak sambung..
tapi aku mmg ada byk gila lagi citer nak membebel kat sini ni.. kau tunggu kau.. siap la kau... haha
meh sini layan lagu hasnol sambil melayan perasaan.. lagu wajib karoke aku n odie.. kononnyer..
lagu yg aku layan sambil menaip blog post ni.. kasi feeling2 old times gitu..
its july already and its my birthday month.. although besday aku dalam masa beberapa minggu lagi, tapi aku cam ada this one burning desire to write this post..
actually beberapa hari sudah ni aku banyak kali terfikir untuk tulis post dan mengimbau kenangan 10 tahun yg lalu..
the similar thing i did when i was turning 20, if i'm not mistaken, when i was in my 1st year of study in NZ, and i wrote a blog post in my friendster blog(that had been deleted) of how my life was, 10 years ago until today, which means since when i was 10 yo till i was 20 yo..
and sure enough there were many stories that i recalled.. and lucky enough for me that i managed to pdf-archive my blog posts(although not all of them) and i plan to upload all the pdfs to the internet, most probably to my dropbox acc.. maybe later.. after this post..
so in this post, i plan to do the same, recall my life when i was 18, and up till today that i am turning 28 in just weeks. in exactly 3 more weeks now that i checked the date.. hehe..
so 10 years ago i was 18, what happened to me?
i was in KMS, my 1st year in KMS.. the date i registered as a student in KMS was somewhere in July if i'm not mistaken..
before that i went to KMPk(Kolej Matrikulasi perak) which i was there for only about a month..
i made friends with many Chinese lads, who were mostly from Perak.. i learned mandarin, and i was quite good at it(so i was told).. i had many Chinese friends than Malays, no Indian as far as i could remember.. and i came up with a chinese/english name for, stephen it was, if im not mistaken..
hahaha i know i was so poyo right.. when i was talking to a new friend, i would introduce myself as stephen..
hahaha now that i think of it, i feel so poyo, but i dont regret it.. its part of my life journey kan..
before i left kmpk, i had a number of frens who were so fond of me, and i had this book, in which they would write their names, address, biodata and some ucapan, promises that we'd stay frends forever.. bla bla bla.. something like that..
i came across that book a few months back(if im not mistaken) and it made me smile, thinking of how naive we were.. so kanak2 kan..
now i already dont know where the book is.. haha and of cos da tak ingat da the names of them boys whom i made frens with..
ok banyak lak kisah pasal kmpk.. padahal banyak lagi benda nak citer ni..
owh i shouldve said this earlier. beware people for this post is gonna be so effing looooooooong...
well i plan to write as long and as many as i can remember..
ok next..
before masuk kmpk i worked at shangrila hotel, before dapat results spm.. kerja sebagai part time banquet waiter..
shangrila KL was not the first hotel that i worked at, the first hotel was hotel hilton KL, dekat2 dgn mandarin oriental, dekat bukit bintang area, not really sure actually, for i am not really good with jalan2 kat KL tu..
then the hotel changed name to hotel mutiara, then Concorde, if im not mistaken..
the first time i ever worked there, i followed my friend amirul hakim, who was also my classmate in middle school(F1 - F3), that was before i went to mrsm jasin.
i still remember we clocked in at 9am, and there was this big event thats happening at night and we plan to work until 11pm that night..
at 11am, when we were setting up the tables for that day's luncheon event, i was already tired and merungut "baru pukol 11??"
and he gave me an advise which to me is very useful and one that i had adhered to all my life, up till now that is..
when i whined like that, he said "kau buat je keje tu, jangan fikir, kau kosongkan otak kau, kau buat dek, kau gerak kan tangan kaki, cucuk pin tu kat kain tu satu satu, and before you know it, its lunch time.. then its time for coffee break, then dinner, then balik.. just do it, dont think"
so thats what i did, walaupun apa yg amirul hakim tu cakap sangat simple, dan very plain, tapi i am honestly grateful for having that with me, had helped a lot in my life, whenever aku berhadapan dgn sesuatu yg tak best, atau bosan atau sedih.. just hang on, and just farking do it.. before you know it, it will be over.. and you'll get the reward afterwards..
so nak dijadikan cerita, kerja aku pada hari tu tak habis at 11 pm as what we had planned, we continued working sampai pukol 5 pm the next day, and for that event, i got paid around rm300++ if im not mistaken..
kalau dulu kena kerja lebih 30 jam nak dapat rm300, sekarang sehari kerja dok goyang telor kat office pon boleh dapat rm300.. huhu..
homai, aku baru cerita pasal 2 benda jer.. x masuk lagi citer kat kms ni..
in my last blog post about this reminiscing thingy, which i mentioned above, i didnt describe fully of my experiences in kms, i just wrote down in bullet points.. but i dont want to just bullet point them all.. i want to cerita each and everyone of them..
yes bish this entry si gonna be so damn long..
ok lepas kmpk, aku pon dapat la offer untuk buat preparation A level kat kms before fly ke NZ..
kat kms aku xda la kesorangan.. my good friend yazri yaakob aka wong.. my bestfren in msrsm jasin..
and there was odie and sola whom i was close with when in mrsm jasin.. there were others la jugak.. ada acap poh(ashraf azmi) pastu ada syamim( maharajadewa capub jasin)..
masa mula2 masuk kms aku xda apa2 kisah sangat la nak cerita.. except masa mula2 tu aku tak suka betul dgn matyer.. nama penuh dia mohd hekmatyer fahmin bin hasan fahmin.. dia budak ex mrsm berseri, which was the best among mrsm for spm 2004,. so i had this presumption that he was berlagak.. and he was from kelantan some more.. back in those days i had a bad impression on kelantan people.. hehe.. i think most of us have had that bad impression on kelantanese before, at least at one point in our lives..
why i disliked this kid? pasal dia cam suka condemn aku.. or mungkin aku je yg perasan kot.. pastu dia cam pandai, which made me envy him even more.. and he was good in volleyball.. damn that was the real thing that made me dislike him..
hahahaha.. so fani la my younger self.. pasal tu orang tu tere dan pandai aku nak tak suka dia lak..
but now we are good, matyer and I are good, i think.. we dont talk anymore.. we're still friends on fb but we dont talk anymore.. nothing to talk about i guess..
masa kat kms jugak aku da start active tulis blog kat friendster.. i would write about the randomest thing.. about my fly trip pergi hisap shisha, shisha nyer dapur tu jatuh berderai.. pastu pasal kisah main snooker dgn nizam, matyer, boy, mon, miji.. pastu pasal kisah cinta monyet kanak2.. pasal kisah stress aku (aku pon xtau kenapa aku stress sgt time ni)
mungkin perkara biasa la tu budak nak membesar, nak rasa stress, nak memberontak la itu lah ini lah.. tah per2 je kan.. xpe la, its part and parcel of growing up.. we dont just get born and know stuff.. we learn and some had to learn the hard way.. maybe i was one of them... oops digressed.
i had this one friend, a girl, who read my blog, i mean used to read my blog on frenster.. i know because she would leave comments.. nama dia aidzeera.. and yes we went to NZ together, she took EE but i think she didnt finish.. then we lost contact.. but i heard from people that she changed her field of study from EE Engineering to Law(so random, right)
and she was living with her bf in NZ, went to grape orchard and went wine tasting with her bf, then she got into a fight with her frens coz she'd borrow their money but never pay them back.. hmm.. sampai situ je kisah hidup aidzeera yg aku tahu..
my point here is, i had high expectation for her because she was brilliant, very good and fluent english.. but from stories of her that i heard, she might have not ended up so well... well then again, who am i to judge?? entah2 dia lagi berjaya dan bahagia dgn hidup dia sekarang..
i shouldnve judged.. i wish we had remained in contact but we didnt.. i dont know how did it get to this.. well maybe thats normal.. we cannot keep all of our friends forever.. over time, people just drift apart and thats normal..
like i said, its part and parcel of life..
in kms i had great teachers.. i had mr selva who taught us english.. hes a short indian guy in his late 50s when he taught us, that means he must be in his late 60s now.. he would always ask questions to make us think, on current issues, and sometimes on sensitive issues involving races and religions.. i
dont hate him for that.. i enjoyed having deep and fruitful conversations with him on these topics, although i was not so very well knowledged when it came to agama, but atleast the talks which we had with him, made us think.. and thinking is not a bad thing, right? yg penting kena sentiasa ada panduan yg betul, dan berasaskan ajaran islam, alquran dan sunnah.. cewah..
then i had Pn Khairiah who taught us chemistry option paper.. option paper which was paper6 of A level chemistry, she is the only teacher from kms that i still keep in touch with.. boleh kata stiap kali raya i would go visit her at kajang with odie, zarik dan lain2.. she still knows me, im touched..
i like her way of teaching, yg sgt specific dan point oriented.. she taught us how to read between the lines, to identify the important points in long text passages, which were so boring and daunting.. so for that teacher, i thank you..
ok i dont feel like talking more about teachers, nak cakap pasal benda random yg lain.. kat koop kms dulu ada jual nasi lemak yg sedap dan dadih yg best gila.. dadih sejuk yg susu dia perisa susu dutch lady tu.. harga dia rm1, or rm1.50 kalau x silap.. aku selalu gak la beli dadih dan nasi lemak koop tu..
pastu memalam ada orang jual berger kat sebelah DS, pon kesukaan aku gak tu..
kalau fly salu pergi makan kat foodcourt kat ampangan, kena jalan past penghulu cantik, pastu lepas pacific mall.. pastu baru sampai ampangan.. makanan paling femes kat situ adalah rtkd.. roti telur kentang daging.. owh leleh air liur bila teringat balik.. combination sos dan mayonaise dgn rtkd tu adalah terbaik.. sekarang xtau la ada lagi ke tak.. huhu.. kenangan sungguh..
ok nak cakap pasal benda lain pulak..
dulu kalau kat kms, keluar dating pergi la terminal one atau seremban parade, makan anw kat depan seremban parade.. aku rasa anw tu dah tutup dah kot.. i read it in the news not so long ago..
kat kms, petang2 aku salu main volleyball with my boys..
antara pemain volleyball tegar kat kms adalah aku, erwan, zhariq, saser(faizal hama), dalino, adam medic(skandal zhariq), bakhit bahot, matyer, david danding, senior pisang, senior putih terengganu(x ingat nama)
pastu ada jiji(dia suka kat senior putih tganu tu).. pastu kadang2 ada capek(skendal dalino), capoh, odie and syamim pon ada, boleh tahan ramai jugak la budak turun main volleyball.. cukup la 2 3 team kadang2 tu.. tapi sorry la aku da x ingat sangat semua orang..
sometimes main bola kat padang depan kms, yg kami panggil old trafford..its not a football field pon..
its like a moderate sized lawn, maybe around 25-30 meters in width and 60-70 meters in length, or maybe less.. so kat situ la main bola petang2..
time main bola ni aku salu dituduh bermain secara kasar.. haha.. maybe aku mmg main kasar, sebab aku kaki bangku kot.. so aku main redah je lah orang kan.. aku pulak mmg badan jenis besar kan.. rangka besar so bila tolak orang main bola tu tentu2 lah budak lain tu akan tewas.. haha..
ada satu hari tu aku gadoh ngn matyer pasal bola ni la.. i dont remember how it went, dia nak sepak bola, pastu aku masukkan kaki aku in between, so dia gi sepak my kaki instead, kitorang pakai boots so aku takda la sakit pon kena sepak, tapi dia nyer kaki tu mungkin terpeleot ke apa ke so dia sakit and he called me names, to which i didnt respond and i just left there..
that night he came to my room and apologized.. and aku as the bigger person(literally bigger) accepted his apology and moved on
alamak aku ada kerja nak kena buat sekarang ni.. so untuk itu, post ini akan di gantung di sini dan akan di sambung bila aku habis kerja petang ni.. or esok pagi.. depends.. lantak la ni blog aku sukati aku la bila nak sambung..
tapi aku mmg ada byk gila lagi citer nak membebel kat sini ni.. kau tunggu kau.. siap la kau... haha
meh sini layan lagu hasnol sambil melayan perasaan.. lagu wajib karoke aku n odie.. kononnyer..
lagu yg aku layan sambil menaip blog post ni.. kasi feeling2 old times gitu..
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