Monday, 24 August 2015


hello yall

aku ada kat omega singapore now.. da lama jugak la x berada kat office omega singapore ni.. Omega Integration Pte Ltd (OIPL)

in 2013 i attended training here for 6 months.. lepas tu da jarang sangat dtg balik OIPL ni.. xda urusan pon nak dtg sini balik.. lain lah kalau aku ni buat projek ke apa.. ni salu pergi site je..

aku dtg oipl harini sbb nak buat mock up test utk job upgrade firmware fire and gas panel platform perisai pacific101..

skrg aku cam kompius.. buat testing ni tapi gagal.. x dpt nak download/upload to/from the fire panel.. x sure kenapa tak boleh.. configuration file xleh nak download to the panel.. sedangkan firmware nyer boleh je di load.. so agak pening jugak la yer..

lagi pening nye sbb flight tiket da beli pulak ni.. sebab last week client da email da booking chopper hari rabu.. so kalau chopper rabu msti la kena flight ke Miri hari selasa kan.. jadi harini aku prepare la TAF tu and mintak belikan flight tiket..

airasia jhb-myy rm199 sajork.. xtau la boleh cancel ke x tu..

kalau x burn sajo la tiket tu..

for some reasons mata aku pedih je skrg ni.. dan berair je.. xtau la kenapa.. sedikit risau tapi xtau why exactly nak risau..

mungkin sbb x cukup tido ke eh?? mmg rasa mengantuk tahap gaban pon sekarang ni..

haih tetiba da xda mood nak sambung entry ni.. banyak cakap pasal benda2 tahi je kat sini nampaknyer.. baikla aku stop je..

omg ngantuk gila mata aku skrg rasa cam kena gam je..

kla.. till next time..

maybe ni last aku berada kat office omega singapore ni.. who knows..
maybe nxt time dtg as client pulak.. insyallah amen..

sebagai selingan, tgk la betapa laju nyer internet speed kat OIPL ni..

kat omega johore mana dpt speed cani.. kalau lucky dapat la 10mbs kot.. huhu.. tapi mada slow je dpt dlm 1.5 mbs jer..

okla bye..

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

stress pulak dpt keje baru

rasa cam kelakar lak nak rasa stress sekarang ni.. tp realitinya mmg tgh stress pon..

otak rasa cam serabut sgt..

rasa takut dan risau menghantui diri..

sekarang keadaan xda apa2 masalah.. selesa je.. ada rumah, ada keje, keje senang..

kalau terima tawaran kerja yg baru tu apa akan jadi pada kehidupan sekarang?

nampak mcm akan jadi lebih mencabar.

income lebih besar? only slightly.. tp hidup di KL, rasa mcm sgt mencabar yer.
dah la xda pegi site dah.. so eventually income jadi makin kecil sebenanyer.. basic je naik sikit..

prospek masa depan? mana yg lebih bagus?

sejujurnya aku rasa lebih kurang sama je.. mungkin tawaran baru tu masa depan lebih cerah sedikit sbb company besar.

hubungan family? terpaksa berjauhan dgn bini.. dan dia da mula emo2 da..
sebelum ni ckp ok nak keje KL sesama.. tp skrg da tukar pulak.. bila kita da accept baru dia nak emo.. haih.. stress la camni..

rasa cam nak tido je..

rumah dah beli kat johor.. walaupun pada awalnye aku hesitated to buy a property in Johor.. but she said a house is an asset, if we buy a house, we wont lose.. well i guess shes right..

mcm byk cons je tawaran baru ni..

tapi surat resign dah anta.. what to do?

nangis jap..

lepas nangis, buckle up and weather the storm..

insyallah its for the best

i dont know why i say this but still feel like i am making a mistake

because its an opportunity that dont come often?

whats the worst that could happen?
i will be out of job next year? so how do i cope with that?

i tell myself that i will do cwa full time.. make sense? insyallah boleh.. boleh je asalkan rajin..

whats the best thing that could happen?
my current boss gives me a raise so i wont leave the company?

hmmm highly unlikely.. dia kedekut

whatever it is.. i dont want to stress myself out because of it..
no matter what decision, it will be up to me to make it work..

insyallah, with God's help and hidayah, things will work out for the best..
i trust in this.. we propose God disposes..

okla its lunch time already..
have faith people..

Sunday, 16 August 2015

no idea nak letak tajuk apa entry ni..


semoga yuols berapa dalam keadaan selamat dan sejahtera..

dalam blog post yg sebelum ni aku cakap nak sambung membebel bila dpt peluang.. tapi x menyambung pun.. nak kata x berkesempatan aku free je bila kat office tu.. tp whatever la kan.. skrg nk tulis blog tp can da xda mood nk citer pasal kisah lama.. tgk la caner..

skrg berapa do rumah pekan nenas.. sehari harian dok umah je membuta.. MIL and FIL went to jemputan kenduri kat dewan Ghulam JB.. mmg plan nak ikut derang tp wife tetiba pening kepala n rasa nak pitam so stay rumah sajork sbb die nak tido.. so kisah nye tido je la dok mah ni sambil bukak AC sbb hari panas terik yer..

OK jom update apa2 yg patut..

Semarang issue paling stressful buat org2 Malaysia is about kejatuhan nilai ringgit.. last I check the exchange rate against USD is USD1 = MYR4..
semua org tahu its not a good thing for the country and the people.. but some idiotic ministers or so called 'pakar ekonomi' cakap its good sbb whatever reasons la..
mestilah kena cakap mcm tu sbb dah kena bayar dgn Najib lah tu.. bila la mamat botak uban tu nak mati agaknye.. he has brought too many bad news to the country.. ke nak kena tunggu hero solo muncul dan menyelamatkan keadaan mcm malam cerita tamil vasantham ni?
Oh Tuhan please make things better for Malaysia.. Ameen..

OK move on to next topic..

haritu pergi interview sapura kencana petroleum.. but the intvw went horrible.. I paniced.. I froze.. it was terrible.. if I was the interviewer I would not consider me for the job.. it was for the post of Telecom/instrument engineer btw..
nik Alman and qayyum were also invited to the interview.. I wish them good luck.. if the job is theirs then the job is theirs..

baik dari interview my bad luck continued.. my Asus phone fell from my shirt pocket and the screen got smashed.. rasa cam nak nangis.. baru je beli phone tu.. x sempat nak pasang tempered glass lagi.. repair screen melayang la duit rm300..

own lupa lak.  x cerita pun lagi pasal iphone6 aku masuk laut kat mmhe pasir gudang.. omaigod.. bila terkenang nasib malang ni rasa cam nak nangis je..

but its behind me now.. lets not discuss about it more coz I dont see any good coming out of it..

let's talk about other things..

rumah da dpt kunci dr developer..
in my previous blog post I mentioned about lawyer TKK yg handle utk rumah aku tu ada prepare chronology letter for the payments dan lain2..
so we brought the letter to see the developer, manager yg jaga project tu.. bukan org bawahan dia.. so he checked and saw that the delay of payment was due to the delay of his team sending out this letter and that letter.. so the interest charge originally from rm3380 got down to only rm65..

kitorang pun malas nak panjang2 cerita paid for the balance and got the house key.. this was 1 week before raya kalau x silap..

pas dpt kunci kitorang check la brg2 kat dlm rumah and fill up defect form tu.. mcm kasi punchlist FAT la..
cat x betul, surface finish x elok.. wall crack.. pintu kopek2.. semua kena punch.. semalam check rumah derang dah clear the punches.. good job.. bagus2.. tp can ada a few je lg belum clear kot..

last week baru masuk SAJ and next week akan masuk TNB.. org pasang grille ondeway.. insyaallah end of this month grille akan dipasang..
basic needs utk hidup kat rumah tu dah ready la.. tp kitorang nak buat cantik2 elok2 before pindah masuk.. aku target by October la nak pindah masuk rumah tu.. I have a weird feeling, hard to explain, but mixed of excitement and pride on the thoughts of moving into our own place..

expenses for the new house da ada.. we have set aside the money.. went to kwsp and withdrew from our acc2 to pay for the house renovations,furniture etc..

Alhamdulillah.. so far it seems OK.. the money we have is enough to pay for it all..

OK tukar topik jap.. this month salary aku dpt basic sajork pasal xda gi site memana..
sedih sikit.. tp insyaallah xda apa2 problem kot..

OK cerita lain pulak.. aku ada join group yg buat unit trust investment melalui CWA.. aku pun x pastu why aku join CWA sbg agent after my bad experience with my CWA investment a few years back.. mungkin sbb brother yg lead team CWA kat sini tu dia mcm baik dan helpful and he made me believe that I can do it.. so I have paid RM310 to sit for the exam to obtain unit trust license.. my exam date is scheduled on 17 September.. in a month time.. memula nak amek exam 20 Aug tp takda seat available pulak.. aku pulak pada asalnya scheduled to go to CPOC commissioning on 22 Aug.. tp dah delay pulak to early Sept..
aku takut delay lama nnt 17 hb aku masih kat laut burn la duit aku RM310 sbb xleh refund..
stress pulak fikir pasal benda ni.. CPOC ni sesuka je nak tukar2 date pulak..

aahhh why stress over something like that.. lantak la kalau burn pun duit tu.. insyaallah ada next time.. rezeki Allah luas.. pegi laut tu lagi dpt byk duit..

brother yg cwa tu nama dia Airudin.. dia ajak aku pergi coaching session harini kat skudai tp aku x pergi sbb wife pening kepala.. mana boleh aku nak tinggalkan je.. lgpun aku rasa selagi aku xda license tu I feel like I don't belong..
its okay.. that time will come insyaallah..

xda update pasal raya pun.. well tbh cam xda apa yg menarik pun.. first raya dgn wife.. insyaallah next year dgn baby..

tahun ni raya kat KL.. next year di Johor la pulak..
aku x kisah pun.. also next year raya da ada rumah sndiri.. he he.. excited bak ang..

a few weeks back pegi checkup Doktor.. tgk baby gerak2 dalam perut.. gerak2 kaki tangan dia.. baca dalam baby bump app tu die ckp at 12weeks baby da sempurna dah anggota.. cuma nak membesar je sampai 9 bulan utk delivery.. omaigod I am going to be a daddy..
xtau lagi baby girl or baby boy.. tp we already checked a few good names for our baby.. semoga semua dipermudah.. insyaallah..

OK before I go, I just wanna say here that I am utterly grateful for everything I have now.. Thank you God for everything..

kisah2 lama time study dulu nnt2 la aku sambung.. time kat office nnt ke.. huhu..

k la bye later~~