Tuesday, 18 August 2015

stress pulak dpt keje baru

rasa cam kelakar lak nak rasa stress sekarang ni.. tp realitinya mmg tgh stress pon..

otak rasa cam serabut sgt..

rasa takut dan risau menghantui diri..

sekarang keadaan xda apa2 masalah.. selesa je.. ada rumah, ada keje, keje senang..

kalau terima tawaran kerja yg baru tu apa akan jadi pada kehidupan sekarang?

nampak mcm akan jadi lebih mencabar.

income lebih besar? only slightly.. tp hidup di KL, rasa mcm sgt mencabar yer.
dah la xda pegi site dah.. so eventually income jadi makin kecil sebenanyer.. basic je naik sikit..

prospek masa depan? mana yg lebih bagus?

sejujurnya aku rasa lebih kurang sama je.. mungkin tawaran baru tu masa depan lebih cerah sedikit sbb company besar.

hubungan family? terpaksa berjauhan dgn bini.. dan dia da mula emo2 da..
sebelum ni ckp ok nak keje KL sesama.. tp skrg da tukar pulak.. bila kita da accept baru dia nak emo.. haih.. stress la camni..

rasa cam nak tido je..

rumah dah beli kat johor.. walaupun pada awalnye aku hesitated to buy a property in Johor.. but she said a house is an asset, if we buy a house, we wont lose.. well i guess shes right..

mcm byk cons je tawaran baru ni..

tapi surat resign dah anta.. what to do?

nangis jap..

lepas nangis, buckle up and weather the storm..

insyallah its for the best

i dont know why i say this but still feel like i am making a mistake

because its an opportunity that dont come often?

whats the worst that could happen?
i will be out of job next year? so how do i cope with that?

i tell myself that i will do cwa full time.. make sense? insyallah boleh.. boleh je asalkan rajin..

whats the best thing that could happen?
my current boss gives me a raise so i wont leave the company?

hmmm highly unlikely.. dia kedekut

whatever it is.. i dont want to stress myself out because of it..
no matter what decision, it will be up to me to make it work..

insyallah, with God's help and hidayah, things will work out for the best..
i trust in this.. we propose God disposes..

okla its lunch time already..
have faith people..

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