Saturday, 31 October 2015

mengimbau kenangan lama

salam all,

actually it was last night that i felt strongly to write about this topic, but i was already mengantuk and it was late so i didnt..
i have been stalking people on facebook, looking at their photos and see what they have been up to..
not sure if it was a bad thing, but i felt sorta funny.. coz i dont normally do this stalking thingy..

the people i checked on fb were the people from my sekolah rendah, some of them my friends, some were just people i knew, i doubt that they know me, coz i think, as far as i can remember i never had any conversations with them, maybe a quick hi when we passed by each other, but never really talked, so i assume they dont know me, so thats why i didnt send friends request to them on fb last night, coz lets be honest, we werent friends pun..

well, i think i will talk about one by one of the people whom i stalked yesterday, but before i get to that, i really wonder if other people do what i do.. i think people do, maybe not everybody though, but i am pretty sure that other people also check on the people from their past on facebook.. just for fun u know.. and to see how they fair now, coz things change, as do people..
and maybe u wanna see if you're doing better than them,, haha its not a healthy thing u know to compare yourself to others.. but whatever, its just how humans are, we like to compare, we like to know if we are better or not.. hahaha... i do.. but i think i dont care much if they did better than me.. nor do i care if i did better than them.. its just nice to know..

ok banyak pulak membebel tapi x get to the point pun..

first person on my list was shuhaimi mokhtar
it started when i saw on fb that it was farah najwa mokhtar birthday.. she was my classmates from darjah 1 sampai tingkatan 3.. incredible kan..
but we were not so close pun, it was just coincidence that we were in the same class all those years.
so of course i stalked her too..
not sure if "stalk" is the right word though, i was merely checking her out, not that i do it all the time pun..
so basically shes married with a child now.. graduated from Utem, not sure if shes working now though, it looked like shes not working, stay at home mum.. maybe, thats what it looked like on her fb..
shes wearing tudung labuh now.. which is good.. good for her..

eh terdigress pulak, kan nak cakap pasal shuhaimi..
hes her brother actually..
xtau la nak cakap caner, but i admired him.. hes 2 years older than me.. i first noticed him when i was darjah 4, he was darjah 6 and he was the head student.. if im not mistaken, that year he was the best student.. dia ketua pengawas (head student).. and that one day i saw him talking to a teacher in english and i was just in awe,. hahaha funny kan.. time kecik2, something so simple and maybe silly like that, i can still remember..
sepanjang darjah 4 tu i had utmost respect for shuhaimi mokhtar, its as if he was this perfect person who couldnt do any wrong to me.. i was soooo kanak2 kan.. its funny to think about it now..
it has been years that i didnt hear anything about him.. last i heard was that he continued his study in the US, and that was that.. i lost contact with farah najwa, even more her brother..
so with facebook, it allowed me to find out about shuhaimi now..
so according to facebook, he now has 2 kids, and he married nurliyana khairuddin, penolong ketua pengawas back in school.. i will talk about her later.. coz she too was someone i respected and looked up to..
back to shuhaimi, according to linked in, he is now a project engineer at a local company, but its not a big nor a famous company though.. hes been with the company for 5 years, so i guess hes a senior engineer now..
and from facebook, i found his blog.. which is no longer active.. the last post was on 2008.. and he doesnt write in is blog, he just post pictures..

ok next person i wanna to talk about is his wife, nurliyana khairuddin, she was penolong ketua pengawas, and an extremely clever girl.. i find it so fulfilling that she married shuhaimi though coz they seem perfect for each other..
according to facebook, shes not working anywhere, but i think maybe its because she doesnt update her fb religiously..
shes clever and brilliant, i cant imagine why shed give away her talent and gifts.. but whatever la kan, its her life..

ok moving on to the next person is izyan syaswani khairuddin, and yes shes nurliyana younger sister.. shes the same age with me..
i think i did talk about izyan in my old blog, where i mentioned she was studing medicine in Australia..
so from nurliyana's facebook, i found izyan's page.. so apparently shes married since dec 2011 and currently living in Melbourne with her husband.. from her photos, i didnt see any baby photo.. biasanya orang mesti nak post gambar anak2 kalau ada anak2 kan.. but not with her.. so i assumed that shes still childless, mungkin belum ada rezeki.. and shes wearing tudung labuh as well.. which is something i find so gratifying..
back in school, the kids and even teachers always compared me to izyan, coz the closeness of our names to each other.. and maybe i was the only person who ever beat her in exam.. well, it was not really a win though, its just that in that exam i got 5As(UPSR subjects) and she only got 4As.. but if based on cumulative scores by percentage, hers was like >95% while mine was like somewhere 80% ~ 85%
whatever la, i still take proud in that achievement.. huhu..
not sure where izyan works now though, i think shes a doctor in australia.. very deserving..

ok next person whom i stalked last night was sherhan fariz tan. sedap kan nama dia.. if im not mistaken her dad was a mualaf la.. was or is?? ntah.. whatever la.. so sherhan ni muka china la sbb mmg darah mixed kan..
dia budak lompat pasal dia lepas pts, so hes 1 year younger than me.. back in school he was tiny, and comel, and very kind person..
no photos on his fb though, none that was not private, sames goes to his instagram..
from linked in i found that hes working for PR1MA doing Building information Modelling.. i dont really know what that is though.. and hes married with a child, i think.. based on his tweets..

out of all the people whom i checked on, hes the only one whos more active on social media.. the others are not.. for some reasons they are not as expressive as i thought they would be..or they could be.. coz these people were brilliant people, people whom i admired and looked highly of..
its like, they live their lives quietly and not contributing to the goods of other people.. they can do so much better..

well, maybe they do help people, its just that i dont know about it.. coz maybe they are the kind of people who do not make their good deeds known to public.. bukan jenis orang yg suka menghebah2kan kebaikan derang..
this is me thinking positive of them.. like i should..

i suddenly feel less motivated to continue this post.. it wouldve been more bersemangat and bersungguh2 had i written this post last night.. huhu.. it is what it is.. i still feel good that i write it, atleast i write about it.. and not just let it slip my mind..
coz memory fades u know.. maybe it a few years i will no longer know or remember of this thing..

they are so many other people whom id like to check on facebook and other social media platforms..
maybe i will, in the future, when i feel like it.. and write another blog post about it..

huhu, post yg byk membebel dan cam xda point sangat.. tapi whatever la ni kan blog aku, sukati aku la kan..

kla, nak gi berry, bye~~

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