20170724 1508 Monday
Xtau caner nak describe perasaan ni sekarang.
Pening kepala
Ada keje, prepare template utk write up dgn A&E Specs ni
Aku da start buat
Tp rasa cam x konfiden dgn apa aku buat tu
Tadi si Punitha tukomen pasal BQ pulak
Ekceli bukan punitha tp TJ
20hb aritu dia bagi documents and dalam email dia tulis“Prepare BQ”
Xda instruction lain
So aku pun buat la ikut format yg aku guna sebelum ni, sbbdia nak BQ je, bukan nye quotation.
Dan ni utk client yg sama which is for Genting, so I used the format I used previously, tukar quantity of door je, but I wasn’t/am not sure on the quantity of the workstation tho, coz its not specifically mentioned in the Clients BQ.
So on the same day I replied her w the BQ, and of course informed her..
Then the next day or 2 days after she said she hadn’t received the email so I resent to her..
Then just now she said she still hadn’t received so I resent again..
I also copied the BQ which I prepared and saved in a pendriveto give to her, then suddenly she said she received dy.. andthen she said nxt time after sending her email, please inform her.. I was like “!@#$!#@%” internally but I was too tired to argue so I just nodded.. I figured no good could come out of arguing with her so I didn’t..
TJ received my email, which I sent to Punitha and cc-ed to him.. she said I shudve used the format the Client gave..
I was like.. hmmm… whats the purpose of the BQ actually?, its for us to know our cost price, by specifying each item/accessories required for the addition of doors..
So there is no necessity to follow the clients format..
And its not like I didn’t follow at all.. I followed the numbering, which to me is enough for the sales person like punitha to key in the unit price for each item..
But since I really cudnt be botherd to argue so I didn’t.. thenhe said he’ll do it.. so I was like.. okla.. buat la kau..
Dunno whats wrong w me.. I just cudnt be bothered about so many things..
I can only assume this is another effect of getting old, I guess
Its like I have lost interest in most of the things in life.. thereare only a few that can make me feel excited, one of them is volleyball..
But even volleyball can sometimes be boring, but other times, most of the time best and fun..
Its my birthday month and I got free tickets to tgv and mbobut I just cant afford to go watch the movies, because my wife will be mad if I go without her.. but I don’t how she can come w me to watch with ahnaf ukail around.
She wudnt agree if I suggested that we send ahnafukail to my mak for her to watch while we go watch the movie.
Also that my mak will be at the hospital jaga my bapak who was admitted 2 days ago, due to sakit perot
Yesterday I went to visit him, the doctor was going to insert camera into his stomach to see the insides.. and he said one of the doctors suspected him of having kanser perot, I am not sure if its colon cancer or stomach cancer..
I know its an appaling news and I shud be scared and sad etc..but I feel like it is unlikely..
Not saying that I am fortune teller or psychic, but I don’t think, and cant imagine my bapak having cancer.. dunno why I feel this way but that’s just how it is..
Semalam we went to the curve and makan at johny rockets..my wife belanja.. dunnot why we decided to go out to the curve just for lunch, and that we went to eat at such a mahalplace..
Maybe my wife felt what I felt too.. I was frustraded by the stupid AC installer, who I got from Kaodim.. he changed our appointment time and was late and I was pissed, I said Fucker and Go to Hell to him.. I even called him idiot.. sbb dialambat and I felt cheated.
So untuk pasang the AC, I have asked Aizat budak PWS to install, dia charge slightly mahal than the kaodim guys.. I hope dia pasang AC ni elok2 la.. huhu..
My wife beli barang from Tesco byk betul..
She had to pay for all the spendings now considering that I aint got no more cash left..
I paid for the AC, water heater and other things which I purchased from lazada using my cred card.. close to 1k jugakla..
I asked her to pay for the AC installation fees which is going to be RM250.. she said ok..
Owh I feel a bit stressed now sbb duit mcm da habis.. lps tumcm2 nak beli..
Pastu org yg sewa rumah johor tu nak keluar rumah pulak, so mcm2 la kesesakan nye skrg ni..
Stress, risau..
Tp x guna jugak nak risau2.. sebenarnye kalau kita berjimatcermat boleh je sebenarnyer..
Xda la nak gi makan kat johny rockets kan.. huhu… tp sekalisekala je yg semalam tu…
Last makan johny rockets pon time kat Kuwait dulu tu ha.. dabertahun kan.. sekali sekala xpe la..
Lagipun sbb time tgh stress nak melayankan perasaan ni..
Harini da start bawa bekal utk makan lunch.. tadi makanbrekfes separuh pastu lg separuh makan time lunch.
Omaigod aku x reti la caner nak tulis proposal template ni..
Rasa cam tau, tp cam ada something yg menghalang aku darinak teruskan buat template ni.. da start halfway pastu rasa kemalasan tu datang..
Rasa malam tu juga disebabkan aku sndiri cam x konfidensamada apa yg aku buat ni betul ke x..
Nak feeling2 mcm mak tara mae, “the devil wudnt let me”
Owh I already submitted leave form utk cuti khamis ni, and I learned that I don’t have any cuti, not before I am confirmed as a staff.. lolz..
Lantak la.. unpaid pun unpaid la.. janji aku nak cuti khamisni..
Walaupon ada pelbagai perkara yg membuatkan aku stress lately, mostly sbb kesempitan wang ni..
I believe it will end soon..
But hey there are also happy things in going on in my life recently..
I get to see my son everyday..
Saying nye kat budak tu.. today is his first day kat taska.. mywife asked the teacher to take photos of him dekat taska.. andhe looks like enjoying himself.. seronok sangat nampaknyatu.. huhu..
Daddy rindu budak omel ni.. walaupon dia suka eksyen dgndedi dia ni..
My team leader just gave me an assignment
To go site visit at AIA, then produce a solution for the clients problem, regarding their glass railing and turnstiles..
Nak pegi site survey ni aku x risau..
Yg risau nye part nak produce solution tu..
Haha lantak la nnt diskas je la dgn si TJ ni..
Pastu mesti cam busy nak buat BQ
Nak buat drawing ke
Nak tau apa nak buat lagi..
Da la ada 2 site AIA tu kena pergi.. kat Menara AIA dgnWisma AIA… tp aku rasa dua2 tempat tu x jauh la kot from each other..
Eh malas la nak stress2.. buat je la keje mana yg mampu manayg tahu.. yg x tahu tu kena la Tanya orang atasan kan.. kalau x baik x yah ada org atasan kalau semua pon nak kena fikirsendiri..
Dah malas la nak pening2 kepala fikir solution sendiri, baikkita report je dan have it discussed so solution nye tu nntsemua org tahu dan semua org agree.. xda la kita nakdisalahkan kalau solution kita bagi tu bila da buat nnt org x approve, byk pulak komen nye, banyak lak cikadak nye.
Omaigod I am so mengantuk already..
Until next time.. later~~