Monday, 24 July 2017


20170724 1508 Monday 

Xtau caner nak describe perasaan ni sekarang.
Pening kepala
Ada keje, prepare template utk write up dgn A&E Specs ni
Aku da start buat
Tp rasa cam x konfiden dgn apa aku buat tu
Tadi si Punitha tukomen pasal BQ pulak
Ekceli bukan punitha tp TJ
20hb aritu dia bagi documents and dalam email dia tulis“Prepare BQ”
Xda instruction lain
So aku pun buat la ikut format yg aku guna sebelum nisbbdia nak BQ je, bukan nye quotation.
Dan ni utk client yg sama which is for Genting, so I used the format I used previously, tukar quantity of door je, but I wasn’t/am not sure on the quantity of the workstation tho, coz its not specifically mentioned in the Clients BQ.
So on the same day I replied her w the BQ, and of course informed her..
Then the next day or 2 days after she said she hadn’t received the email so I resent to her..
Then just now she said she still hadn’t received so I resent again..
I also copied the BQ which I prepared and saved in a pendriveto give to her, then suddenly she said she received dy.. andthen she said nxt time after sending her email, please inform her.. I was like “!@#$!#@%” internally but I was too tired to argue so I just nodded.. I figured no good could come out of arguing with her so I didn’t..
TJ received my email, which I sent to Punitha and cc-ed to him.. she said I shudve used the format the Client gave..
I was like.. hmmm… whats the purpose of the BQ actually?, its for us to know our cost price, by specifying each item/accessories required for the addition of doors..
So there is no necessity to follow the clients format..
And its not like I didn’t follow at all.. I followed the numbering, which to me is enough for the sales person like punitha to key in the unit price for each item..
But since I really cudnt be botherd to argue so I didn’t.. thenhe said he’ll do it.. so I was like.. okla.. buat la kau..
Dunno whats wrong w me.. I just cudnt be bothered about so many things..
I can only assume this is another effect of getting old, I guess
Its like I have lost interest in most of the things in life.. thereare only a few that can make me feel excited, one of them is volleyball..
But even volleyball can sometimes be boring, but other times, most of the time best and fun..
Its my birthday month and I got free tickets to tgv and mbobut I just cant afford to go watch the movies, because my wife will be mad if I go without her.. but I don’t how she can come w me to watch with ahnaf ukail around.
She wudnt agree if I suggested that we send ahnafukail to my mak for her to watch while we go watch the movie.
Also that my mak will be at the hospital jaga my bapak who was admitted 2 days ago, due to sakit perot
Yesterday I went to visit him, the doctor was going to insert camera into his stomach to see the insides.. and he said one of the doctors suspected him of having kanser perot, I am not sure if its colon cancer or stomach cancer..
I know its an appaling news and I shud be scared and sad etc..but I feel like it is unlikely..
Not saying that I am fortune teller or psychic, but I don’t think, and cant imagine my bapak having cancer.. dunno why I feel this way but that’s just how it is..
Semalam we went to the curve and makan at johny wife belanja.. dunnot why we decided to go out to the curve just for lunch, and that we went to eat at such a mahalplace..
Maybe my wife felt what I felt too.. I was frustraded by the stupid AC installer, who I got from Kaodim.. he changed our appointment time and was late and I was pissed, I said Fucker and Go to Hell to him.. I even called him idiot.. sbb dialambat and I felt cheated.
So untuk pasang the AC, I have asked Aizat budak PWS to install, dia charge slightly mahal than the kaodim guys.. I hope dia pasang AC ni elok2 la.. huhu..
My wife beli barang from Tesco byk betul..
She had to pay for all the spendings now considering that I aint got no more cash left..
I paid for the AC, water heater and other things which I purchased from lazada using my cred card.. close to 1k jugakla..
I asked her to pay for the AC installation fees which is going to be RM250.. she said ok..
Owh I feel a bit stressed now sbb duit mcm da habis.. lps tumcm2 nak beli..
Pastu org yg sewa rumah johor tu nak keluar rumah pulak, so mcm2 la kesesakan nye skrg ni..
Stress, risau..
Tp x guna jugak nak risau2.. sebenarnye kalau kita berjimatcermat boleh je sebenarnyer..
Xda la nak gi makan kat johny rockets kan.. huhu… tp sekalisekala je yg semalam tu
Last makan johny rockets pon time kat Kuwait dulu tu ha.. dabertahun kan.. sekali sekala xpe la..
Lagipun sbb time tgh stress nak melayankan perasaan ni..
Harini da start bawa bekal utk makan lunch.. tadi makanbrekfes separuh pastu lg separuh makan time lunch.
Omaigod aku x reti la caner nak tulis proposal template ni..
Rasa cam tau, tp cam ada something yg menghalang aku darinak teruskan buat template ni.. da start halfway pastu rasa kemalasan tu datang..
Rasa malam tu juga disebabkan aku sndiri cam x konfidensamada apa yg aku buat ni betul ke x..
Nak feeling2 mcm mak tara mae, “the devil wudnt let me”
Owh I already submitted leave form utk cuti khamis ni, and I learned that I don’t have any cuti, not before I am confirmed as a staff.. lolz..
Lantak la.. unpaid pun unpaid la.. janji aku nak cuti khamisni..
Walaupon ada pelbagai perkara yg membuatkan aku stress lately, mostly sbb kesempitan wang ni..
I believe it will end soon..
But hey there are also happy things in going on in my life recently..
I get to see my son everyday..
Saying nye kat budak tu.. today is his first day kat taska.. mywife asked the teacher to take photos of him dekat taska.. andhe looks like enjoying himself.. seronok sangat nampaknyatu.. huhu..
Daddy rindu budak omel ni.. walaupon dia suka eksyen dgndedi dia ni..
My team leader just gave me an assignment
To go site visit at AIA, then produce a solution for the clients problem, regarding their glass railing and turnstiles..
Nak pegi site survey ni aku x risau..
Yg risau nye part nak produce solution tu..
Haha lantak la nnt diskas je la dgn si TJ ni..
Pastu mesti cam busy nak buat BQ
Nak buat drawing ke
Nak tau apa nak buat lagi..
Da la ada 2 site AIA tu kena pergi.. kat Menara AIA dgnWisma AIA… tp aku rasa dua2 tempat tu x jauh la kot from each other..
Eh malas la nak stress2.. buat je la keje mana yg mampu manayg tahu.. yg x tahu tu kena la Tanya orang atasan kan.. kalau x baik x yah ada org atasan kalau semua pon nak kena fikirsendiri..
Dah malas la nak pening2 kepala fikir solution sendiribaikkita report je dan have it discussed so solution nye tu nntsemua org tahu dan semua org agree.. xda la kita nakdisalahkan kalau solution kita bagi tu bila da buat nnt org x approve, byk pulak komen nyebanyak lak cikadak nye.
Omaigod I am so mengantuk already..
Until next time.. later~~

Monday, 3 July 2017

Bebelan di office

Tuesday 20170704 0955
As usual I am at office with nothing to do.. I am trying to keep my calm and tell myself that I will not always be not busy like this.. coz I really cant handle doing nothing at work and its driving me crazy.. maybe I shud just chill and enjoy that I am so free with nothing to do, but I am effing bored as phuck.. I want to do something, whatever it is I want to do something else other than sitting in front of this laptop and not doing shit..

I watch youtube, watch movies but that’s not how I am, atleast that’s not how I want to be, or what I want to be doing at work.. when im at work I want to be working but..
So that actually makes me wonder if I should work for myself, on my own time, on my own project or business.. that kinda makes sense in my opinion.. but knowing myself, I am also a bit scared to take this risk, which is to leave my steady job and start a business venture, or doing freelance or anything.. something that I will be in charge of, be held responsible for, and surely reap the rewards most of.. well I actually don’t have to leave my job and take the unnecessary risk.. theres Amway that I can do part time, but I just gotta be rajin.. that’s the real issue there.. I am farking lazy ass hoe.. 
Now that I am not busy with work I do complain, mostly to myself, and to my blog, bleating on how bored I am yadayada.. maybe that’s not much that I can do about that now but surely I can work on something else, which is my Amway business..

I have been introduced to the business for quite sometime, its just that I haven’t been really involved and haven’t been taking the necessary actions to succeed in the business..
I haven’t tirelessly tried to find people to sell products on.. 1 thing is that I am not good at it, 2ndly is that I am very shy, 3rd is that I am very lazy, 4th is that I hate rejections, 5th is that I easily quit..
Also they have classes on Isnin and Rabu at night and I have volleyball on these nights so that’s why la I feel so reluctant and malas to go coz vb is so much fun..

I feel like theres too many obstacles that are stopping me from succeeding in this business.. but I am also aware that they are all surpassable.. but I just gotta work very hard to overcome them, and I am lazy.. lolz!!
It all comes back to that, don’t it.. if u want it real bad youre willing to work hard for it.. that’s also a factor why I haven’t started on the business, coz I don’t feel the need, I don’t feel the desire to get there.. I feel quite comfortable with my current living situation so that’s why ive been lazy.. huhu.. simply put, I am not motivated enough..

I am not like those people who see other people succeed and get crazy jealous or envious of their success..  I am the kind of person who likes to chill and take my time, not bothering about other people, minding my own business, as long as I am not in any problem nor causing other people problems then I am contented.. yepp that’s definitely it..

Having said that, I do have a small desire to get richer tho, but its just a small, tiny little candle flame and not big like a forest fire or whatever.. *my analogy is so dramatic

Ok enough about that, lets talk about other things..
Last night my friends from volleyball came to beraya at my house.. well at first only zam and ayie said they’ll come, then last night they were in total 9 people who came.. ada kakton, bonda, opie, raja, memey, petot and beka.. memula igt 3-4 orang je nk dtg kan so I bought 2 packets of bihun and asked my mak to goring bihun je la, beli la jugak fishcake, sawi, and some sotong, beli ais for the drinks.. I made my famous sirap sunquick sampai 4 jug habis.. dan bihun pon habis.. lelz.. bagus la derang byk makan kan, lagipun kita mmg kena raikan tetamu, lagi2 time sambut raya camni kan..

Cumanya jadi mcm x cukup la sbb x sangka ramai pulak yg datang.. bukan nya buat open house pon, datang beraya sikit2 sajor..
Tp derang baik la sbb nak balik tu kena la bagi duit raya kan.. untung la anak2 buah aku masing2 dpt duit raya rm10 sorang..
Tp untuk ahnaf ukail derang bagi sampul special.. total aku kira ukail dpt rm37.. hehe rasa cam terharu pulak sbb derang cakap anak izzue dapat special la..

Aku cam ada la niat igt nak buat housewarming kat rumah sewa sri damnsara tut p aku agak risau jugak sbb rumah tu kecik dan sempit, so kalau nak buat housewarming/openhouse tu mcm sedih pulak nnt x cukup tempat orang nak duduk..

Tetiba rasa cam nyesal pulak x ambik rumah yg besar sikit kat area damansara damai tu kan, tp masalahnya kat sana xda barang2 dalam rumah, ada kitchen cabinet dgn wardrobe semata, dgn ada 1 AC kat hall yg dah agak nazak keadaannya..

Rumah yg sri damansara ni agak kecik sikit, tp da ada mcm2 barang dalam tu.. ada katil, peti ais, mesin basuh, meja makan, meja tv, sofa, ada tv gemok, pastu lampu tepi dinding tu, basically mcm da agak complete la jugak nak dok dalam rumah tu kan, Cuma ada beberapa benda minor je nak kena tambah.. like the other day my wife and I went to tesco to buy them.. we bought iron board, rak kasut, garment double pole, laundry basket, iron.. we wanted to buy blender also but didn’t coz I thought the ones theyre selling on cjwowshop looks better with more free gifts.. for the stove, we definitely will buy the Mugen from CJwowshop that also comes w a set of knives as free gifts, aint that great?

Well, speaking of cjwowshop, recently I bought the Leagoo handphone from them, and it costed me rm400.. I really wasn’t thinking so much, prolly it was an impulsive shoppin but who cares, right..
The phone has arrived and I have already played w it, so far its ok.. everything works, I am just a bit disappointed with the camera coz the image is quite blurry, and when we want to navigate away from the camera, the phone froze for a second or two before switching to the home screen.. but I guess I cannot expect the phone to be as smooth like an iphone or Samsung yg mahal2 tu.. I paid rm400 for it, so I really cant expect much, can i?

Also came as freegift of the purchase is a VR goggle, a selfie stick, flip cover, and a headphone.. I feel like its such a deal buying this phone.. now I just need to buy an SD card to expand the memory of the phone.. the reason I feel so annoyed with my 16gb iphone is because of the small memory it has, and I cant have many things stored in the phone, cant have many apps installed, need to transfer photos to laptop frequently.. that’s just so annoying.. so that’s why I bought the leagoo phone..

I mean I am not financially stable or abundant right now, or else I wudve bought an iphone 7 256gb or something like that.. huhu.. suka sangat feeling2 kaya padahal x pon..
What I will do if I had extra cash right now is to invest in asbf financing..
Coz I already done that back in 2012 when I first got the 100k asb loan, then another 100k in 2014.. but because I wanted to buy the jalilmas house priced at rm213k, I had to cancel my asb so that my credit score will be strong enough for the house loan..
So now loan rumah jalilmas da lepas, and I recently got an increment coz I changed job from Sapura to Iql, so I guess I wud be able to get a 100k asb loan.. I have already submitted all the documents, except for my June Pay slip.. which I will ask from HR shortly to give to the RHB officer..

Owh recently I checked, RHB offers the lowest interest rate for asb loan, so I thought why not apply from rhb now.. previously I was with Maybank.. and I had the worse experience w the officers when I wanted to sell my asb cert.. so right now I feel like rhB is okay, why not right.. maybe ill just start w 100k and we see how the condition in the future if I can afford it will want to up it to max 200k.. but that’s still a long way to go.. I was there already but had to turn back.. and losing 25k to the forex durjana definitely didn’t help.. 
Sigh.. whats past is past la kan.. why cry over spilled milk bak kata omputeh..

Next story!!

Malam ni ada main volleyball kat titiwangsa, so I thought I will come early, maybe after solat maghrib around 8pmlike that, and I want to run  for about 30-40mins before main vb.. I should start exercising and taking care of my body right.. maybe ill drive tonight.. why not..

Owh lupa nak cerita ni pulak.. this morning got a whatsapp txt from azhan in that gb whatsapp group, hes having a get together beraya potluck at his place this coming Sunday, so I think im going.. this weekend I will not be going back to jb coz I gotta work on Saturday halfday, so I better use the weekends to to beraya at peoples houses kan.. I already have an open house to attend to on Saturday.. aie my classmate from smwm2 kelas ibnu khaldun had already ajak people to come to his house this Saturday petang, and I have that azhan potluck thingy on Sunday.. I feel so excited.. its like mcm kat Auckland dulu2 every weekend ada orang ajak pergi open house and beraya..

And also ayie vb said malam Saturday got someone buat open house also, with tema baju merah or something like that but I cant recall he said whose openhouse.. I mean why not kan I go join them since he already invited..

I am glad that I have all these invitations to go to, but I still think about my wife.. my guess is that shes not really happy that ill be going to these openhouses.. I think if it was up to her, shed want to stay at home and not have fun w my frens, coz she will prolly be staying home at her parents house w our son.. so its kinda of unfair to her.. and she doesn’t like it that I live life as if im a single guy in KL.. lelz..

I swear I have never been acting around like im single and when people ask I will tell them that im married w a child.. and hopefully with more children in the future..

I feel like this is enough ranting for the day.. and also I am not really in the mood to carry on membebel in here.. till next entry.. later bijes~~

Izzue bebel lagi

Monday 20170703 1626
Seperti biasa bila di office, aku kebosanan.. sungguh aku bingung kenapa aku seolah2 tak ada kerja..
Well bukan seolah2, sememang nya aku tak ada kerja.. lolz.. yg aku risaukan ialah apabila boss Nampak aku kelihatan seperti tiada kerja, ataupun nak dijadikan cerita aku bernasib malang, kalau sewaktu aku tengah melagha melakukan sesuatu yg mmg bukan kerja seperti menonton youtube atau pun baca blog nara, atau mungkin menulis blog aku sendiri, lalu boss akan merasa kecewa lalu mengarahkan aku untuk mengeluarkan show cause letter..
Walaupun aku secara peribadi beranggapan yang the chances of that happening is pretty slim, considering that I am seated at the most back row with nobody behind me, also no one walks behind me, so I think that the risks of the boss seeing me doing something not related to work is pretty low.. but  u never know kan.. sometimes when shit wants to hit u, even if the odds don’t seem possible but dengan kuasa tuhan, itll still happen.. jadi itu lah yg aku khuatirkan sekarang..
So berbalik kepada aku melagha dan takda buat apa2, jadi apa tujuan utk entry kali ini? Sesungguhnya mmg xda tujuan.. what can I talk about here eh??
I can talk about raya but I don’t feel like it.. same old same old every hari raya and I am just not in the mood to talk about raya..
Hmm lemme just list down first some of the things that I feel quite berminat to talk about..
ASB Financing
Ebook about asb financing and business hartanah etc.. I bought the combo ebook yg cerita pasal asb la rumah tamu la, rumah sewa la.. dan ada byk video apa sumer dalam tu.. rm30 dari classmate aku kat jasin tu Dr Fadhli.. skrg kat FB dia agak fames ada ramai follower sbb dia salu cerita2 pasal hartanah beli rumah dan kewangan.. power pulak mamat ni kan..
ok da habis citer pasal dia
I want to watch movies at cinema but no kawan so sad, also my wife will marah if I go cinema without her.. not marah la but merajuk.. merajuk is her hobby dan kadang2 tu aku betul2 blur dan x tau apa yg nak dimerajukkan ni.. haih SMH
ok next cerita
I am now berazam to go to the gym to lose some weight but then again, I thought maybe I should just jogging at taman titiwangsa or wherever, coz its free, x perlu nak bayar gym entrance tu, tapi kalau ada buat weight training, nnt badan akan ada muscles jadi ada tone so cantik la kot..
Pastu kalau gi jogging kat ttwangsa tu nak naik moto caner pulak kan, mana nak letak barang berupa kasut, botol air, beg nk letak towel, baju spare, so kalau pegi gym boleh la letak kat locker kan..
Walaupun kena bayar rm5 sekali masuk aku rasa pilihan yg lebih baik adalah kalau kita pergi gym tu..
Tapi kalau running kt luar dapat menghirup udara segar.. but then again, udara kat titiwangsa yg tepi jalan raya tu xda la segar mana pon, bila jogging asyik hirup asap motor kereta je baik xyah.. 
So baik pergi gym yg ada aircond dan ada kelengkapan yg baik seperti gym yg besar2 dan glamer macam fitness first atau celebrity fitness..
Sungguh besar kan angan2 aku, sedangkan aku tahu, bila sampai masa aku untuk bayar yuran gym tu pasti aku akan merasa seperti sgt membazir dan adalah lebih baik kalau aku spend the money on other things like simpan dalam asb etc..
Jadi kalau fikir mcm tu, mmg x dpt la aku nak belanja duit untuk kesihatan diri sendiri kan..
So sebenarnye kita kena jugak spend duit untuk kebaikan diri kita sekarang, sbb kalau kita x jaga diri kita sekarang dgn baik, nnt pada masa hadapan kalau kita ada duit pon tapi diri sndiri dah terabai, mungkin kesihatan dan kecantikan dah terabai.. tak bagus jugak tu kan..
Sebenarnya penting jugak kita invest ke atas diri kita skrg ni kan.. 
Eh pening la kepala ni, kejap fikir macam kejap fikir macam ni.. konpius tau.. cuba la buat keputusan tu dan stick with it kan, x yah la nak manjang risau pasal itu ini, sbb mmg da lumrah dalam hidup ini kita kena la saling tolak ansur, xda satu benda je betul, kena ada balance nye..
Apa2 pon aku sndiri yg kena buat evaluation dan keputusan dan kena disiplin, insyallah la kan kita dapat jaga diri kita skrg dan jugak masa depan..
Masa depan nak byk2 duit pon buat apa kan, baik la spend sikit pada masa yg kita perlukan sekarang ni.. eh cukup la tu cakap pasal duit, penat la.. x berhenti2 cakap pasal duit..
ok da habis cerita tu.. next!!
Aku rasa cam nak tengok citer minions la.. tapi tapi tapi…
Hmm tunggu je la movie tu keluar kat yesmovies tu, boleh je tengok gambar cantik kan, tp maybe kena tunggu lagi 2 3 bulan baru keluar yg gambar cantik kot..
Owh I wish I could cuti lagi.. for some reason I feel like cuti aku ambil masa aku tukar kerja dari scomi ke iql tu rasa mcm x cukup, padahal seminggu jugak aku cuti haritu.. dari selasa ke selasa next week nye..
Mungkin sbb puasa jadi cuti tu x rasa sangat sbb aktiviti kita terbatas, sbb x dpt makan jadi yg kita boleh buat hanyalah tido tido dan tido aje.. nak keluar karang lapar dan penat tp x leh makan jadi x dpt nak keluar sgt kan..
Cuba imagine kalau aku bawak uber dan masa tu puasa dan air cond kereta pulak rosak jadi panas.. sedih..
Owh speaking of aircond kereta rosak, aku tengah frust dgn ac kereta persona aku yg angin dia x kuat ni.. blower dia atau filter nyer ada problem.. angin yg keluar dari corong tu rasa cam x kuat, x sekuat dulu.. aku suspect disebabkan tersangkut dgn habuk atau dedaunan dalam tu..
Aku haritu da bawak pergi kedai repair ac kereta dan brother cina tu cakap nak kena bukak tengok dalam, ambik masa 2 hari dia cakap pastu upah m400+
Hello brother, aku xda duit sebanyak tu buat masa ni.. mmg terpaksa la aku menahan tak repair ac tu walaupun kepanasan sbb aku mmg xda duit skrg..
Kenapa xda duit?
Sbb bayar duit downpayment rumah jalilmas rm16300 haritu
Pastu tambah lagi rm1300 untuk baki lawyers fee nyer.. jilaker nyer lawyers fee dia sampai rm5k lebih.. mcm shiyal je kan padahal kerja lawyer nyer pon mcm bongok..
Ni yg aku nak marah bila teringat tentang kebongokan lawyer firm utk rumah jalilmas ni..
So haritu dia mintak aku email pada dia maybank nyer loan offer/agreement yg kitorang dah signed witnessed by the bank officer, so I scanned it at home, and I zipped the entire documents 25 pages, I didn’t combine the pdf because I was using my home pc and I didn’t have pdf combiner software then, so I just zipped them la.. 
Then I email to the girl from the lawyer firm, named Kathy.. I emailed her the zipped file.. after email I called her to inform her about the email and she said ok, received it..
So 3 days passed, I called back to ask about when we could actually come to sign the S&P and the lawyer loan agreement..
Well actually it wasn’t me who called, it was my wife.. and to our surprice the girl Kathy said that she cudnt open the files and asked us to resend..
Bodoh betul minah tu.. haritu masa aku call kau x check pon kan.. kau simply cakap ok..
Lepas da 3 hari nak kena kitorang call kau balik, baru kau nak bagitau yg file tu kau x leh bukak.. sangat bangang kan dia ni.. x professional langsung.. sakit je hati aku ni bila teringat balik pasal ke tak professionalan minah ni..
Lepas tu dia pergi beraya cuti lama nak mampos, nasib baik ada colleague dia yg boleh take over kerja dia ni.. eh sakit la hati kita ni bila teringat balik..
Ok tukar cerita lain pulak..
Owh selain daripada lawyers fee dan downpayment 10% rumah jalilmas tu, nnt nak kena bayar pulak duit sewa, deposit 2+1 dgn utilities ½ month dgn tenancy agreement for our new rumah sewa dekat sri damansara tu ha.. jadi total melayang jugak la rm3150, walaupun 2 bulan deposit tu kami akan dapat balik bila keluar rumah nnt, tp buat masa ni mmg kita tgh pokai, duit dalam maybank pun tinggal rm100 je ni..
Nak harapkan duit sewa rumah dari pulaijaya dan baki gaji bulan 6 dari IQL ni, aku agak2 ada la dalam rm2k lagi kot.. tu je la tinggal duit yg ada utk belanja bulan 7 ni.. sedih kan.. tp sabar je la.. itll be fine insyallah.. I am sure bini aku boleh tolong la sikit2 kalau betul2 terdesak nnt.. huhu..
Owh baru teringat takda pon cerita lagi pasal my wife da dapat keje baru kat KL, company buat waste management, tp aku x igt nama company tu tapi office dia kat level 20 menara LGB kat TTDI..
Nama menara tu cam kontroversi sgt kan, especially kat Malaysia.. lelz..
Harini aku macam xda keje pon kat office ni.. pagi tadi si punitha ni suruh aku ambik gambar awards dan certs yg company ni receive yg ada terdisplay atas mantle dekat depan reception tu, memula dia cakap ambik gambar je. Dah certs tu semua dalam frame kan.. jadahnyer la aku nak scan certs tu jadi ambik la gambar, so aku cam nak avoid la Nampak reflection aku so aku took the pic from an angle la.. so xda la reflection aku or lampu kat tepi tu Nampak..
Bila da tunjuk kat dia dia kata x nak angle2 pulak, pastu aku pon teringat phone aku ada apps camscanner yg agak awesome ni, I can take a photo of any document, then adjust the edges so the end result will look somehow like a scan document but actually it’s just a photo taken using the phone, anyhow the pics looked good enough for her..
Then I was asked to take all the documents needed for the tender, copies of the documents to pesuruhjaya sumpah at pj ss2 for certification there..since I didn’t have anything to do so I just went la.. its not that hard pon kan.. so basically the documents consists of bank statements of the company, then letter of award, PO from clients etc..
For some reasons the bosses said we needed to redact the details on the bank statements and on the PO, so we did..
When I brought the redacted copies (together w the original copies) to the commissionor for Oaths, she said she cannot stamp on the redacted copies because they are not apple to apple the same as the original copies. So instead she suggested that I filled up a form saying that I am en employee of IQL, declaring that the redacted copies are from the salinan asal, and I had to list down all the letters, all the Pos, all the penyata bank in that limited space form.. I ended up needing 4 of that form, so the pesuruhjaya only had to stamp and sign on 4 copies of documents instead of 20s or 30s documents..
Each stamp from the commissioner costs rm4, if I had asked her to stamp and sign on 30 plus documents I wud have had to pay her rm120++, instead I just made a list of the documents and I only had to pay rm16..
I had already taken rm100 from petty cash to pay for all this stamping, looks like I have an extra rm100 now.. later im sure finance dept will just deduct from my salary for this money..
well yg sebenarnya yg nak diceritakan kat sini adalah harini aku punya keje bukan nya keje engineer.. memula tadi buat keje cleaner je sbb masa nak ambik gambar certs and awards tu aku buat la cleaning jugak sbb sah2 la benda tu berhabuk kan dok atas mantle tu da berapa lama la pulak..
lepas jadi cleaner aku jadi photographer, lepas tu aku jadi mat despatch sbb bawa document pergi pesuruhjaya sumpah tu.. dan sampai la skrg aku xda keje..
dok je la melangok depan laptop sambil menaip konon2 byk la keje tu padahal...
selalu pagi2 kita ada meeting department dan punitha atau TJ akan tanya what are you working on? dan aku senyum je la sbb mmg aku xda working on anything.. lelz..
maybe i should just chill now coz nnt bila da busy nnt mesti x dpt nak chill dan mesti akan ada je benda yg aku akan kena siapkan bagi kat derang.. so skrg ni time xda keje ni kita chill je la ye dak..
Owh I just check my cimb account and it seems like my gaji from IQL had just been deposited.. hmm.. okla not bad.. I was only making estimation when I said it should be around rm2k, but now its actually less.. xpe la kot.. nnt tengok je la dekat pay slip for the details kan..
I think this is enough bullshit and crap that I have shared for today.. nnt bebila aku rasa nak membebel dan cerita pasal benda2 random dan tak berfaedah aku akan tulis lagi..
Owh nak citer jugak haritu masa balik dari johor, driving sesorang dalam kereta dgr youtube all of adam lamberts American idol performances and I felt so nostalgic.. even after close to 10 years, his performances back in AI are just as great as they were..
My favourite being during the disco week where he actually sang a slow version of “If I cant have you”
Layan gila baq hang..
Okla I am out.. see you later!!