Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Jom berbual lagi...

20200109 1030

Hi y'all!!

Since I am superbored at office today with nothing to do… I thought why not post a blog entry? Dah berapa harini asyik dok melayan Netflix je… baiklah aku menulis… dapat lah jugak aku meluahkan perasaan ke, berlatih menaip ke… praktis English ke…. Tapi ni hari aku x rasa nak speaking English, so aku akan tulis campur2 dalam Malay and English…

So as usual, untuk membuatkan penulisan ni lebih berstruktur, aku akan listkan dulu topik2 yg aku nak bualkan disini…

1.       Kisah orang sombong

2.       Kisah interview

3.       Kisah pindah rumah lagi

4.       Kisah perbelanjaan.

5.       Kisah hilang semangat dan keseronokan hidup

Oklah tu… 5 je lah dulu… kalua banyak sangat topik karang aku x dapat nak kupas dgn panjang dan dengan lebih detail… sbb nnt tangan dah penat, dan mata da rasa berpinau…

1.       Kisah orang sombong

Actually aku pun x berapa nak suka nak cakap pasal perkara ni, Cuma aku agak terasa hati dengan tingkahlaku beberapa kawan aku la… ada lah satu video ni aku dapat dari group whatsapp GOD, pasal kak vivi yg membebel pasal fonen nak tanya something tapi sibuk nak ber-hai hai dulu pulak…

pada aku video tu sangat lucu dan aku gelak besar bila tengok sbb telatak kak vivi ni mmg suker over… so aku pun forward la video tu ke kawan2 aku yg aku rasa akan enjoy the video jugak… actually, xda pun berharap untuk dapat respons dari diorang… tp bila x dapat response, dpt double blue tick je, aku rasa mcm kecik hati la jugak… 

Aku pun x pasti samada perasaan kecik hati aku tu berasas atau tidak… tp aku pun x faham kenapa kau x nak response kan… atleast LOL ke apa ke… ni tidak… kau dah kenapa? Nak nyombong ngn orang tak semena2… aku dengan kau kawan dah lama kot… tp kau buat layan tak layan je… busy bebenor ke hidup kau tu? X boleh nak bagi response walaupun sepatah perkataan?

Bikin bingit aku je bila fikir balik…

Tp aku ni xda la suka berdendam ke apa… dan aku pun fikir2 balik… aku nak kecik hati ke nak merajuk ke pun xda faedah nyer… so lantak la diorang x nak response pun, aku x perlu nak kecik hati… nnt kalau ada video2 yg kelakar lagi, aku forward je la lagi… kalau aku tengok dia x response lepas da baca pun, xpe la… niat aku nak share aje… sbg bahan gelak ketawa… benda bukan2 aku x share pun… benda2 lawak je aku share… dan kalau xda balasan pun xpe lah… yg buat sombong diorang, aku x sombong pun…

 walaupun dah ramai yg bagitau aku yang aku ni mmg ada muka orang sombong… tp aku perangai x sombong pun dik non… aku ni peramah jugak la orang nyer… tp xda lah terlalu ramah dengan orang x kenal pun nak bertepuk tampar bagai… berpada2 la…

Kepada kawan2 lama aku yg telah bersikap sombong tu, I have nothing more to say for now… but I will keep treating you as my friends and will keep sharing with you anything that makes me laugh, just so you will laugh too and hopefully, will give just a little joy in life… agittew…

2.       Kisah interview – sebelum dan selepas

Takda apa nak citer pun sebenarnyer… just nak bagitau semalam aku ada pergi interview kat kepong tu ha… sejauh2 alam kau… agak challenging jugak la semalam pada aku… dengan pengasuh anak2 aku x dapat jaga anak2 aku semalam sebab dia kena pergi hospital nak check darah ke ape tah… so aku terpaksa la bawak anak dara kecik aku si Adawiyah naik LRT balik wangsa maju… mintak tolong wife aku hantarkan ke lrt awan besar tu… masya-Allah jem teruk gila kat bukit jalil ni ha… lepas hantar aku kat lrt awan besar, dia kena meredah jem nak balik rumah lagi, akibatnya lambat la dia nak hantar anak bujang aku ahnaf ukail gi taska, dan lambat la dia pergi office…

Aku lak berdua dengan anak dara kecik naik train pergi wangsa maju… aku nyer tebiu kol 9.30am… sebbaik sempat la sampai… anak dara aku tu pulak time dalam train boleh pulak dia kencing, tembus pulak kena baju aku… koghase???

Masa dia melepas tu aku rasa panas je kat badan aku, memula aku skeptikal jugak sbb dia pakai diapers… aku tanya dia “adik kencing ke?” dia boleh senyum je pulak… adoyai anakku ini… geram betul la dengan kecomelan dia ni… tembus kena la baju aku yg nak pergi interview kejap lagi ni… maybe sbb diapers dia senget kot bila dia duduk dalam carrier yg melekat kat badan tu…

Sampai je lrt wangsa maju, terus bergegas keluarkan duit kat ATM, pastu amek teksi ke seksyen 2 wangsa maju… memula ingat nak amek grab, tp mahal pulak rm9… naik teksi tu baru rm4… dah la grab nak kena tunggu bagai… pastu nnt xtau nak pickup kat mana la… payah…
Sampai umah mak aku, nak bayar teksi tug una rm50 sekeping, pakcik tu xda duit pecah pulak… terpaksa la aku mintak duit mak aku nak bayar teksi tu…

Tinggalkan adik, bgtau mak dia nyer makanan dlm beg ape sumer, grab kunci HRV akak aku, terus gerak gi kepong utk iv…
Sampai agak awal, aku dpt la menjamu sarapan kat kedai kopi street depan office tu… mahal betul rm8.50 utk white coffee and chicken sandwich… tp sbb tgh lapar… makan aje lah…

The iv went well la jugak… citer la pasal education background and work experience… rasa mcm ok la… kalau ada rezeki ada la tu… xda pun dia tanya soalan2 teknikal yg aku x dpt jawab ke apa…. So skrg ni kita tunggu je lah keputusan nyer dalam seminggu dua… hopefully dapat la keje tu… xda lah aku nak pening2 risau xda keje kan…

Lepas iv balik umah mak, pastu mintak bapak anta balik jalilmas… sampai umah, ambik ukail dari taska, balik umah… bapak balik wangsa maju… kat umah, terus mandikan anak2… pastu suapkan adik makan, masak spaghetti, ukail suka betul makan spaghetti yg mak nyer masak semalam…

Itu je lah kisah interview aku semalam… x byk pasal kisah iv pun tp pasal kisah sebelum dan selepas jer…

Plan asalnyer petang iv tu, anak2 ni tokma nyer akan jaga… boleh pulak tukar plan last minute… tokma nyer tak dapat jaga petang semalam… kena terus pergi HKL katanya… so terpaksa la dedi ambik EL full day sbb nak jagak anak2… tak pasal2 unpaid leave dah kita… tp xpe la… berpenat-lelah untuk anak2... agittew...

3.       Kisah pindah rumah lagi

Takda kisah apa pun ni… Cuma aku terfikir la… kalau aku dapat keje kat Kepong tu… bini aku lak keje kat TTDI… patut x kalau kita pindah balik cari rumah area sana???

Kalau pindah ke sana, dekat sikit nak pergi keje kan… xda la nak kena menghadap jem je setiap hari… boleh bikin strees woo…

Rumah jalilmas tu carikan aje penyewa… kalau fully furnish macam rumah aku, paling2 nak letak sewa RM 1500 tu… sbb dekat dgn LRT, parking pun ada 2… rasanya mcm boleh sangat nak dapatkan penyewa tu… dapatlah cover instalment bank dgn maintenance fees… siap dapat positive cashflow lagi…

Tp kisahnyer nak pindah tu yg malas sangat tu… bukan keje mudah kan…. Aku pun baru terfikir je… tak discuss lagi dgn wife aku… tengok la camner keadaan nyer… keje kat Kepong tu pun belum tentu dapat lagi…

Biasalah aku ni memang suka fikirkan kemungkinan itu dan ini…

4.       Kisah perbelanjaan

Dalam kepala ni macam2 benda nak guna duit… nak servis kereta VCG, nak servis kereta WVE, nak repair motor WQR, nak beli rak utk pokok2, nak bayar yuran Uitm lagi… aiyooo macam2 lah nak guna duit…

Malas sungguh lah nak buat bajet perbelanjaan ni… kalau dpt je offer keje baru ni… harus aku akan menggunakan saja duit yg akua da utk segala macam perbelanjaan ni… xda masa nak fikir2 cukup duit ke tak…

Oklah malas nak citer panjang pasal ni… bikin stress kepala jer…

5.       Kisah hilang semangat dan keseronokan hidup

Sebab utama nak cakap pasal ni adalah kerana haritu I had the same discussion with my wife… sbb sekarang ni hidup mcm sangat bosan dan rutin, buat benda yang sama berulang-ulang dan dah xda benda2 menarik dalam hidup… sedih nye lah kan…

Dia cakap kita kena pergi travel baru la dapat melepaskan tension… memang la nak travel tapi bajet nyer enggak ada… ni sumer sebab tahun 2019 aku pindah rumah, bayar mcm2 nak masuk rumah renovate itu ini, beli barang2 rumah itu ini… so bajet utk berlibur dan bercuti tu takda… makanya, x dapat la kita sekeluarga nak pergi berjalan…

Tp yg lepas tu biarkan lah lepas… dah jadi pun… kita pun dah ada rumah yg fully equipped dan cantik sekarang… so sekarang ni kita focus kat masa sekarang dan masa depan…
So aku rasa it is time for me to start doing the budgeting and expenses tracking yg macam aku buat dulu tu… da dekat 2 tahun aku stop… malas nyer la pulak nak start balik…
Takpe la… kita buat slow2…

Berbalik kepada kisah hilang semangat ni, perkara ni da lama dah aku rasakan… masa tahun 2017 masa aku memula join geng GOD main VB, aku rasa sangat happy time tu sbb aku dapat bersukan main VB dan berseronok dgn bersokan…

 tp lama kelamaan, main VB tu pun dah rasa x best… dah x seronok… x exciting mcm dulu2… tp aku still pergi la jugak sekali sekala… kalau x pergi langsung karang x bersokan, kena macam2 penyakit lak aku… dah la x jaga makan… x bersokan pulak… jangan cari pasal… so kena la jugak bersukan walaupun light2 jer…

eh.. tibah cerita pasal bersokan dan kesihatan pulak… padahal topik nya pasal hilang semangat hidup…

sebenarnyer bukan mudah nak kupas pasal issue ni… dan aku yakin bukan aku sorang je yg mengalami masalah ni…. Mungkin majority orang dalam dunia sekarang pun mengalami masalah ni jugak… masing2 ada mekanisma yg tersendiri untuk cope dengan masalah ni…
mungkin jugak masalah ni merupakan masalah mentak yg mild… semuanya dalam kepala jer… 

dan cara paling bagus is kita control cara kita berfikir dan cara kita melihat hidup… menilai semula hidup… yg baik dan yang x baik… bersyukur dengan kelebihan dan berusaha memperbaiki kelemahan…
hmmm cliche nyer ayat...

Above all, apa sahaja masalah yg kita hadapi dalam dunia ni, pasti ada jalan penyelesaian nyer dan Allah sentiasa ada untuk kita meluahkan apa saja yg kita rasakan… dan Dialah yg berkuasa untuk mengizinkan permasalahan kita ni dapat diselesaikan… kita sebagai Hamba, kena usaha dan selalu berdoa la…
Cewah… tetiba fefeeling ostajah pulak aku harini…

Baiklah… sampai di sini saja hasil tulisan aku utk harini… nnt bebila time aku boring2 aku tulis lagi la yer…
Semoga bermanfaat…

Sunday, 5 January 2020

What a long hiatus...


My last post was in July 2018, where I talked about my life etcetra.. it was back when I was still working for JMPEC at Ara Damansara and I was stationed at Paka Terengganu for 5 months.

In the whole of 2019, I didn’t post a single entry. I just didn’t feel like posting anything. Even as I am typing this, I do have the doubt if if will complete it. But that’s besides the point.. whats important is that I keep writing.

Truth be told, I have so many things on my mind.. it’s a clutter inside my head.. 

so in order to make this post more organized, I will make a list and go through it one by one.. so here it goes..

1.       Car accidents
2.       Hyperthetical thoughts of dying or TPD
3.       No work - interview
4.       Takaful
5.       Selling house
6.       Sublet business, digital marketing
7.       Return to Grab as last resort, family expectation etc
8.       Adawiyah first teeth and Ukails first day of schoole

Hahaha see its already 8 items here and I have so many more in my head.. but never mind, I will talk about these first.. I have all the time in the world.. well not really...

1. Car Accidents

On a Sunday evening of 15/12/2019 as I was driving from Pontian to KL with my family, there was a massive traffic jam along PLUS highway. I was driving my wife’s car Perodua Arus and as we were reaching the Nilai Exit, my car was hit from behind by a Ford Fiesta. 

When I drive, I would always keep a safe distance from the car in front of me. So when the car in front hit the emergency brake, I managed to slow my car in time. Unfortunately, the Ford behind me probably didn’t keep a safe distance, and collided with me.

I was quite shocked but I knew there was no use for me to get upset coz it was an accident and unintentional. The driver was a young girl aged 23 but the car owner is her brother aged 24. Our Aruz did not sustain substantial damage in my opinion, only denting to the rear bumper and mis location of the rear-view camera, among other things.

 Luckily my family and I didn’t sustain any injury.

The ford on the other hand, had quite substantial damages. As we were moving from the highway to Nilai Police Station to lodge a report, the Ford couldn’t move as its temperature was high, probably the radiator was broken. Despite the problem, both the ford owner and I managed to report the accident at Plaza toll Seri Putra that night.

The next day my wife had to take EL as we need to send the car to Body & Paint workshop for repair and submit for insurance claim. It has been 3 weeks, her car is still at the workshop, waiting for some spare parts which are yet to arrive. To me there’s no issue there as the longer the car is at the workshop, the more LOU (Loss of Use) claim that we will get from the insurance company.. haha.. 

hopefully, by this week, the repair will be done and we could collect back our car ASAP.

2 weeks after that incident, it was my turn to be in a car accident. My family and I were on our way from Bandar Kinrara to Serdang for dinner. Our Perodua Axia was hit by a Lorry from the right-hand side. Luckily, I was not driving fast and was on the slow lane. 

1 or 2 seconds before impact I heard a screeching sound from outside and swerved my car to the left to avoid the lorry. Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get out of its way and the collision happened. I however managed to stop my car or else we would’ve fallen down to the drain on the side.

The lorry drive was a Malay bloke aged 31, and knowing that the accident was purely his fault, he apologized several times. He said his lorry had problems with the braking or the transmission system. I honestly didn’t care what was the issue as long as he acknowledged that it was his fault.

He did offer to repair my car and asked that I send my Axia to his friends workshop at Seri Kembangan without reporting the accident to the police, but my wife didn’t agree.. (hahaha.. I am too nice sometimes and always want to help people when they ask nicely) but since my wife gave me a glare and a disapproving look, I agreed to make the police report. The lorry couldn’t move due to the transmission (gear) issue and was left on the side of the road.

My family and I didn’t sustain any injuries but my Axia was quite badly damaged. On the same night, the lorry driver made a police report at Sri Petaling Station.
I couldn’t lodge the report on the same night as I didn’t have my driving license with me. Earlier that day I went to the gym and had left my DL there in exchange for the locker so I could only report on the next day.
Now both our cars are at Body & Paint workshop for repair. I had to take my Persona from Wangsa Maju and let my wife drive the Persona. I will take the public transport to work.

2    2. Hypothetical thoughts of dying or TPD

Having experienced 2 car accidents in the span on 16 days, I would be lying if I said the thought of dying never crossed my mind. 

Being someone who does overthink and likes to plan on things, I even imagined how it would be like if I died or had Total Permanent Disability (TPD).
Well, truthfully, not so much on me dying actually but more on if I had TPD.. coz if I’m dead then I’m dead, what more to do, right?
First think that comes to mind is, I will get my TPD compensation from my Takaful certs which sum up to RM800k.

I would probably be paralyzed so there’s not much of travelling that can be done. I would use the money to clear all my loans – those that are not insured. Also my wife’s loans as well. Then the balance I would probably put in ASB, ASB2, and other ASNB funds available. We will live off of the dividend only. I think I will start writing more and hopefully publish a book about life or about anything. I will probably spend whole lot of time reading.

My wife will probably stop working as she would need to take care of me and our kids. It would be a challenging life for her. If she decides to leave me, I would not stop her though. I am not a selfish person and I would understand. But I know that she won’t leave me... huhu...

But if she does leave me, then I will stay with my family at Wangsa Maju then... quite a sad life but nevertheless, I’m still alive so just live it la.

3.      3. No work – interview

Now lets talk about real life matters. I was recently let go from my current work and I am currently serving the notice period. My last working day is on 10/01/2020 which is this Friday. My boss has already given me the letter and in the letter its mentioned that I would be compensated until March of 2020.
Why am I being let go? According to my boss, he does not think that this line of work is suitable for me. That is all I can say on behalf of him. Yes I have made mistakes but they are never major mistakes and have never costed major loss to the company IMO.

Yes I feel sad and disappointed, but I believe in Allah as the provider of Rizq (sustenance/provision) and when a door closes, another will open. And I believe everything that happened, happened for a reason and Allah is the best planner for me and my family. As long as I keep working hard, He will provide.

So I have been applying to many jobs on Jobstreets, Linked-in, Adnexio, Glassdoor, Jobstore but I am yet to get any offer. I had an interview scheduled last Saturday 04/01/2020 and I already went to the office, waited there for 10 minutes or so but to my disappointment, I was told that the boss who was going to interview me had an emergency matter and had to re-schedule. I was quite upset for about a minute coz I had to drive from home on a Saturday for the scheduled interview only to be told that it could not take place at the very last minute… 

but then I thought, there is no point in getting upset. It is only re-scheduled, not cancelled… shit happens, so just pick up the pieces and move on. I have already emailed the company asking to re-schedule the interview to this coming Saturday 11/01/2020. So hopefully I will excel during the interview and get the job. Insya-Allah, if its meant to be it will be.

4.       4. Takaful

I recently joined Zurich as a Takaful Agent since Dec 2019 and I already have 6 clients so far. I have approached my office mates but only managed to close 1 of them. Some are still thinking and considering. Well, let them be.. its their decision. My job is to create the awareness and provide them with the information, but the final say is theirs. What matters is that I have done my part… nothing more that I can do but keep reminding and spreading the awareness on the importance of Takaful.

Truth be told, I initially was approached by an AIA agency to do Takaful. I even sat for the Takaful Basic Exem (TBE) under AIA and was given the training by the AIA agency who are mostly Chinese. However I am a racist person and felt that I connected more to the Zurich team which are all Malays. 

My Zurich leader is Hilmi, my work colleague from Infinite QL back in 2017. I am not sure if it was the right decision to register under Zurich instead but I followed my heart and I was more comfortable with Hilmi so that’s why I joined under him. I do feel bad for the AIA Agency tho but oh well…

Hilmi’s leader who is also my leader is Izfar, who is an Agency Manager. On 31/12/2019, he even picked me up from my house at Jalilmas to go to Takaful Beginner class at Setia Alam. He dives a BMW. I believe that was the 1st time I ever rode a BMW and I must admit I was a bit Jakun but of course I tried not to show it too much… hahaha…

So on our way to Setia Alam and from Setia Alam back to Jalilmas, we talked and I learned a few things about Izfar. He had started doing Takaful since 2008. He did it part time for about 4 years before doing it full time and now he is very comfortable. Although I don’t like to admit it, I was impressed by him. Not only by his car or possessions, but by his attributes and characters. He is someone whom I respect and aspire to become one day. Insya-Allah, may Allah ease and show me the way.

5.       5. Selling house

Actually, I have been contemplating to sell my house in Skudai since April of 2019, but to no luck, still no buyer up until now. It might be the location or the price or something. I keep praying to Allah that it will eventually get sold though.

Why do I want to sell the house, one might ask… its because now my family are staying in KL and it would be difficult to manage the house, to look for tenants, among other things. Also, after the house is sold, we will have some cash to allow me to venture into small business or anything… or at the very least, we can use the cash to sustain our life here in KL.
Yes I do feel attached and sayang to let go of the house as it is our first house together but my wife and I discussed this and we both agree that its for the best.

6.      6. Sublet business, digital marketing

I often saw the ads on FB on Digital Marketing so I actually registered to attend the 2-hour free class. It was an okay experience and we were made known on the importance of Digital Marketing in todays world. It is a known fact and an undeniable truth. I am intrigued to join the full class which will consist of 90 days to learn about FB marketing, Google ads, Youtube marketing, Video making workshop, Search engine Optimizations among other things. 

The total cost is around RM3800 if I’m not mistaken. After completion of the course, we will be given a certificate. I personally believe that the course is very important for business owners to market their business. If I am a business owner, I would not hesitate to join the course actually… but considering my current circumstance, I have to be realistic and put it on hold for now… Unless if my house gets sold immediately, then I would really consider joining the classes.

Also on FB, I saw the ads for a free 2 hour class to do Sublet Business, which I registered and attended on 25/12/2019. Almost all of the things shown during the free class are the things that I already know. At the end of the free class, the instructor said the full class will be a 2-day class and it the price is RM1800… OK bye!!

I know that knowledge is never free… but I think its really too much to charge that amount for a 2-day class… and there is no certification and no guarantee that it will work… the best way to learn in this Sublet business is to actually do it on your own… to just jump and go through it all and learn the hard way… its always the best… 

but in order for me to do that, I need some capital and fund, and it goes back to me selling my Skudai House… again, may Allah ease and show me the way.

7.       7. Return to Grab as last resort, family expectation etc

As I said, I am a practical person and I do plan most of the things in my life. Considering how things are at the moment I have to plan what if I still don’t get offered any job by April of this year… My option would be to back being a Grab driver.

Atleast its Halal job and if done right, the monthly income would be enough for me to pay my monthly commitments and bills… but of course this will be my last option though… I will keep applying for Engineering jobs and at the same time promoting Takaful on my Social Media and actually implementing my plans on how to find clients etcetra…

If my luck is heading towards that, I would have to face the scrutiny and disappointment from my family and my in laws though… but then again, everything that has happened is not my fault and there is no use to cry over spilled milk… what I must do and what I will do is keep on living and trying to find ways on how to better myself and to improve my life and my family’s life… that’s really what matters… is that I never stop trying and never stop working hard… everything else is in God’s hand.

8.       8. Adawiyah first teeth and Ukails first day of school
Okay, enough about sad stuff… Just want to share here that my daughter Adawiyah had her first teeth appeared about 2 – 3 days ago and she is the cutest… there is no word that I can use to describe how much I love her… she is such an adorable and manja child, cannot part from her mother even for a minute…

Also to share here, today is Ukails first day of school. I saw on FB other people post on facebook of their childrens first day of school… I would rather post about it here coz its for my view only…
Earlier today, in the morning I sent Adawiyah to the babysitter Tok Ma, then took Ukail to his school which is in the same block but on GF… The lifts were all full and we had to take the stairs down from Level 10 to GF… Ukail didn’t complain but he kept saying “lepas ni tangga ni pulak” and “eh ada tangga lagi”… alahai comel nyer anak bujang dedi ni… when we reached GF, the school was yet to open, we had to wait about 5 minutes before the teacher arrived… I hugged him and kissed him… told him to be good to the teachers and learn ABC…

I love both my kids with every fiber of my being…

So I guess that is all from me for today… I started this post from 10am and now its 12.30pm already…
Hahaha… its been a while so my writing is quite unpolished and my typing is quite slow…

Till next time… later~~