Tuesday, 26 April 2022

20220427 0838


20220427 0838

This morning rasa mcm banyak je benda nak citer… takpe kita go satu satu..

1.       Pergi offshore


From 14/4/22 – 21-4/21 aku pergi offshore… naik boat jer.. ada survey utk whcp & scada utk CHOC.. keje nye senang je kot.. aku da siap report aku... tunggu report part vendor katanya akan submit 29/4/22.. client da kecoh suruh submit.. tp lantak la.. malas aku layan..


5 tahun aku da x naik offshore.. sebelum naik tu ada la rasa excited.. sbb da lama x merasa dok laut kan.. tapi 2 hari kat sana aku dah ingat semula kenapa dulu aku selalu meroyan bilamana aku kena pergi offshore.. I remember I once said that I have had enough of offshore in my life.. so this time around I was reminded of this feeling and I think I will be okay if I never have to go offshore again..


2.       Balik offshore diberitahu contract tak sambung


While I was on my way back to KL from KB my PM txted me, ada x HR email bgtau pasal contract.. I replied.. I haven’t had the chance to check my email yet..

So sesampai nyer di rumah, there it was.. the email from my PM, cc-ed to HR.. he attached my performance evaluation form and another form, basically these forms say that my contract will not be extended..

I kinda expected it to be honest.. I had mixed feelings.. mostly sad I guess..

I replied to that email saying that I want to request for an early release, that I want my last day of service to be on 30/4/22.. the email was on 21/4/22.. so its been 6 days but still no reply from my PM nor HR.. as expected.. it’s a bad and unprofessional thing to do not to respond to staff’s request, but I knew this is the kind of company this is so no shock there.. just annoyance.. so unprofessional..

So basically since they had not responded, I guess I will just serve until my last day as per the employment contact which is until 31/6/22.. malas la aku nak trigger diorang lagi..

The next day on 22/4/22, my colleague asked me to join the breaking fast session with out subcon, and I met with my PM there, and asked about my request.. he said hes agreed for the early release, just wait from HR to advise.. but it was just a verbal assurance, nothing written so I guess it doesn’t count..


3.       Iphone jatuh jalan


Speaking of the berbuka puasa on 22/4/22, while on the way back home from the restaurant somewhere in ampang, I wanted to use waze so I put my iphone on the phone holder attached to my bike handle.. I checked it was firm and secured properly so I was convinced that it was safe, that the phone wasn’t gonna fall..

Riding along mrr2, I should’ve taken the phone down and kept it in my bag coz I already know the way and not using waze but since I already checked the sturdiness of the phone holder, I didn’t take my phone away..

As mrr2 is not without bumps, it wasn’t a smooth ride, at one particular bump, the phone holder shook so much that the iphone fell to the ground.. lucky I realized the phone had fell, so I stopped the bike to rescue the phone..

Alas, since the road was busy I didn’t make it in time.. I could clearly see my iphone being run over by 1 motorcycle and 2 cars.. my heart sank.. after I picked it up, being careful so that I wont be hit by moving vehicles on the expressway, I didn’t want to check but I saw the light was still on..

I only check my phone once I reached home..

It is a stong phone.. the screens shattered of course, the front and the back, but the function survived..

I knew the cost of repair is gonna be around 1k+.. but what choice do I have kan.. xkan nak beli phone baru.. its not even 1 month old yet.. but I is redha, this is ujian... orang lain punya ujian lagi dahsyat… ebby yus punya rumah masuk dalam lumpur masa banjir haritu.. ni iphone aku jer.. luckily its still reparable..

So the next day I sent it for repair and I was right.. the cost was rm1.2k.. I said ok..

Yesterday I went to collect the repaired phone and the ahbeng showed me theres one black dot and 1 line on the phone, which cant be repaired, since the damage was on the inner screen side..

I am sad.. I am trying to keep positive now.. atleast the phone can still function.. plus the dot & line annoyance.. I is redha..


4.       Offer baru terawang2


While I was in quarantine station before going offshore (10/4-14/4/22), I got an offer from a new company as a PE.. I guess they were in a hurry as they wanted me to join on 25/4/22 which is before raya, they are willing to pay the buyout... I said I will not be able to.. I don’t want to just leave & abandon my current company Tanjung like that.. and I was about to go offshore.. it felt somehow wrong to accept the offer without properly giving notice to Tanjung.. I guess I did the right thing, but it was unfortunate that on the day I came back from offshore, I got the news that my contract will not be renewed.. well, that’s life.. and it aint always fair..


So after I knew that I will not continue with tanjung, I contacted the new company(lets call them company A), and the HR said they already hired another candidate since I declined when they offered previously.. technically I never declined.. I just said that I couldn’t start on the date that they wanted me to join..

However, the HR said all hope is not lost.. she said the project team is looking for another PE but only after raya.. so right now I am praying to God that I got the offer...

Raya will be on 3/5/22 btw…

The issue right now is that I am not sure when they want me to join, and since Tanjung HR is basically useless, I am not sure if they will agree to release me earlier if company A wants me to start early..

Whatever it is, I will just pray to God and hope the best… trust that everything that happens is in Gods willing and it’s the best for me and my family, insyallah…

So itu lah kisah offer terawang2 lagi ni… no letter offer yet…

Draft letter offer yg lama tu ada la.. yg nak masuk 25/4 tu… huhu…


5.       Floating xauusd


So this is another major thing la yg membuatkan aku risau jer ni.. its been floating since 2 days ago.. quite a lot jugak la floating nyer..

Nothing much that I can say but I pray that it will revert… gila la dia drop dari 1975… semalam it went to as low as 1891… berapa ribu pip dah tu…

This morning I checked it was at 1903…

I need it to go up to 1926 to close the current open positions.. insyallah it will… saya berdoa kepada Allah.. huhu…

Ada sedikit rasa bersalah la jugak sbb mcm nak berdoa dengan Allah bila dalam saat memerlukan jer.. but its not true jugak… aku selalu jer berdoa.. dalam ceramah ustaz hannan anaki tu, dia remind kita yg Allah mmg suka bila kita meminta2 dari-Nya… so I will do just that… and to always remember that He is the almighty and kun faya kun… Dia pemberi rezeki dan kita mintak je lah dari Dia.. insyaallah it will be alright.. aku kena sabar byk la ni…


6.       Ukail accident


Ni pun antara perkara yg buat aku rasa sangat serabut… so meh kita story sikit..

Last Sunday 24/4/22 masa aku balik w maju utk hantar iphone repair tu.. aku nak belanja my parents and my sisters family utk berbuka puasa makan arab..

Mula2 ingat nk makan kat Hadramawt dekat wangsa 118 tu… bila pergi sana nak tanya menu, dia cakap situ ada buffet je… RM62++ per pax…

Terus rasa mcm kejang… kemain mahal.. so an alternative, aku pergi la kedai arab dekat area maybank wangsa delima tu, situ boleh order ala carte jer…

Masa dekat rumah mak, ail main playdough dengan cousins dia.. banyak kali aku & ibu nyer suruh kemas balik tapi dia x kemas pun.. last2 aku amek jer, gumpal2kan dan pass ke ibu dia..

I was upset coz he didn’t clear the mess when I had told him many times..

Masa nak gerak pergi berbuka tu, I told him to ride with his mamayong.. partly because I was still upset with him, another part, I thought kalau naik dgn mamayong, dia boleh main2 dgn cousins dia dalam kereta… socialize la sikit.. nnt da nak balik..

Da sampai kedai arab nak gi makan tu… he knew I was upset with him.. dia keluar kereta mamayong lepas tu nak cross the road to my car on the opposite side, katanya nak pujuk dedi..

Masa tu la ada satu kereta persona yg laju namati… aku x Nampak apay g berlaku, aku dgn bunyi tayar kereta dan satu dentuman yg kuat jer.. and I saw my boy ukail atas jalan dgn kaki berdarah…

Aku punyalah takut…. Sedih dan bersalah… orang ramai dating, bising2 kat cina persona tu cakap kenapa bawak laju itu ini… but all I could think of masa tu is that my boy is in pain…

Dia tak nangis tapi dia mcm menggigil menahan sakit kat kaki dia… aduyai meruntun jiwa dedi tau…

Then  kita bawak dia ke klinik.. doctor cuci luka.. pastu bagi referral letter suruh bawak ke hospital utk x ray..

Lepas makan berbuka, terus bawak ke Pantai Hospital KL (PHKL) emergency..

Doctor check x ray dia kata mcm okay, pakaikan splint dekat kaki dia…

Tapi dia kata mintak specialist check tulang dia…

Esok nya 25/4/22 1.30pm pergi jumpa specialist dia kata tulang dia fracture.. pakar tu nak buat procedure utk clean the wound, remove dead cells to avoid infection.. so terus book OR pukol 8pm tu… so ail dengan ibu nyer kena la stay hospital.. nasib baik la ada insurance.. so procedure tu sumer covered under insurance la..

Just now my wife updated me that abg ail can discharge today.. yeay alhamdulillah…


7.       Jaga adawiyah


Since ibu nyer kena jaga ukail dekat hospital, jadi tugas dedi la menjaga adawiyah… amagad its very challenging yer… penat dedi… tp bukan anak orang lain kan.. so kita xnak la merungut.. just enjoy the moment…

Semalam lepas balik dari PHKL gi visit abg ail & ibu, awiyah nangis non stop dari tempat parking sampai rumah… puas la dedi mujuk nyer kata nak beli mainan la beli candy la..

Kat umah terus video call dgn ibu… mintak ibu pujuk nak dia mandi before nak tido… nasib baik lama2 dia berjaya dipujuk… lepas mandi nak pakai baju ibu.. tido pelok dedi xnak bantal pelok..

Pagi tadi before nak gi school dia start buat perangai lagi xnak mandi… dedi cakap kalau xnak mandi nnt xyah ikut dedi gi jumpa ibu… baru la dia nak ikut pergi mandi siap2 gi school… alahai anak dara kecik ni… sangat strong-willed… orang kata 2nd born mmg gini perangai nyer.. nasib baik la ibu nye kata harini ukail da boleh discharge… dedi penat~~


8.       Hamper office

So semalam aku masuk office la.. the day before isnin tu aku ambik MC sbb nak anto ukail jumpa pakar tu..

Budak2 ni kata pergi la ambik hamper kat tingkat 16.. utk muslim sempena raya.. so aku pun pergi la.. ambik la hamper tu dari kak Rima admin level 16 tu..

Pastu masa nak turun ke level 12, receptionist tu kata I cannot take because I dah nak berhenti.. I was like.. are u serius bij??

Sangat petty kan…

Pastu aku letak je hamper tu kat tepi tu… bukan aku hadap pun…

Serius weh, aku rasa kelakar gila company ni… geleng kepala je la..

Tapi pastu ada budak lain ambikkan hamper tu utk aku… ni ada je hamper ni kat tepi meja aku ni.. biar je la kat sini… x hingin pun aku nak ambik… duh~~


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