Wednesday, 31 August 2011

RAYA 2011


its 1st of september and 3rd day of syawal and for this entry the main thing im gonna talk about is of coz about my syawal 1st and 2nd that i spent with my parents where we went to beraya sana sini and i was driving the whole time *tiring&challenging..

on the 1st syawal woke up very early coz my dad was all like "bangun la dogheh kang lambek lak nak ke mesjid tu bapak susah nak duduk kang tompek bapak tu orang da ambek".. he cannot perform solah like ordianry people coz of his legs condition he has to sit on a chair to perform solat thus he was so worried his 'chair' might be takan by other people if lambat..

so I went to mesjid usamah zaid wangsa maju with parents.. damn so ngantuk time khutbah tu and surely i dozed off la but fortunately not in a manner yg memalukan cam time solat jumaat..
ok dont know if this is relevant but that morning time kat mesjid ramai sungguh orang2 cando yall.. #gatal&pulangkefitrah

pas pi mesjid terus la gerak pulang ke kampong ngn my kak and kak ngah 3 kereta terus ke simpang ampat melaka pi umah makcik hawa kat tebong yang aku pon tak kenal.. tp time kanak2 lu cam pernah sampai la sini.. pastu gerak lak ke umah makngah aku kat batang melaka.. haha she still remembers that time when sho took my kulit goreng pisang she thought i didnt want but i actually purposely skinned the pisang goreng coz nak makan it separately.. huhu.. i was 7 at time maybe..
that day her anak2 takda pasal akan balik 6 hb pasal tak dapat cuti so kesian makngah raya sorang2 jer..

pas pi umah makngah gerak umah palong lak kat gemencheh tapi dier takda umah pasal kuar beraya... jumper lak ngn achik yot kakak my dad kat umah paklong.. dier ngn anak2 cucu2 dier la.. but then we went separate ways la kitorang nak ke bukit rokan umah mak lang dier lak baru balik dari umah maklang.. haaa kat umah maklang lawak tol pasal secara random ada sorang budak ni 8 tahun umor nyer sorang2 jer datang beraya umah maklang.. haha.. mak lang aku pi soal budak ni anak sapa cucu sapa la pasal dier cakap budak ni da datang da tadi beramai2 la ni datang lagi sorang2 nak duit raya la tu.. last2 budak tu blah camtu jer tak salam pon ngn maklang aku ke paklang aku ker..
kat umah maklang bukit rokan aku luper nak check in foursquare.. *perluke???

pas umah maklang gerak lak ke seremban nak ke umah makteh aku belah mak.. kat sana jumper ngn maksu belah mak tapi aku panggil dier induk jer.. haa anak2 dier da besar yall.. anak2 dier aku jumper time kanak2 dulu jer.. time darjah 1 darjah 2 dulu.. sekang ni yg tua du da nak kawen pulak da..
pastu gerak umah paklong lak kat seremban tu.. jumper wan ku sayang.. omg kenyang nyer pi beraya.. pastu balik umah kak aku kat seremban 2 la pulak..

hari kedua lak..
pagi2 terus gerak ke kampung gamin kuala pilah.. pi beraya umah cik dagho, umah mail, umah manap utih, umah udo nan.. pi gak melawat umah kampung wan aku yg dlu2 time kecik2 aku pegi beraya dekat.. tapi la ni da jadi utan la pasal takda orang jaga.. kalo aku ada duit lebih nnt nak je aku bersihkan kampung ni buat rumah ke so that nnt time raya ada la kampung nak balik ke.. lepas habes kat kampong gamin gerak lak ke palong 4 pi umah cik yot yg aku jumper semalam tu.. anak2 dier da balik dan da kuar pegi beraya dier ngn suami jer ada kat umah.. lepas kat umah achik gerak lak umah paktam kat palong 11.. lepas tu gerak lak ke felda lui timur pi umah makteh amah lak..

ateh amah baik la.. satu family dier baik.. umah dier byk kelapa pastu die kasi kitorang kelapa 16 bijik ngn rambutan sekali.. time tu pon da malam kol 1030 malam kot boleh lak abg ijan tu pi kupas kelapa and panjat pokok moktan nak kasi kat kitorang.. huhu... derang nak kitorang tido sana je malam tu.. tapi pasal aku ni cam segan n taknak nyusahkan derang aku ajak gak parents aku balik... lagipon bapak aku cam susah nak tido kalo bukan atas katel.. susah la kalo nak tido sana takda katel..
oh lupe lak.. time kat umah ateh amah paklong taha yg kitorang pegi umah dier semalam tu datang umah ateh amah gak.. 4 bijik keta dier datang.. paklong tanya aku keje mana pastu memberikan nasihat jgn sombong tolong mak bapak pe sumer.. haha pastu maklong ada cakap nak carikan aku bini.. hahaha.. *perlukenaksuke??
kat sini jumper budak chomel yg pipi dier sgt bulat and grumpy lak tu so chomel.. i took a photo of her and uploaded on fb coz i think shes so adorable.. and she smiled at me a few times... huhu..

ok that night dalam kol 1030 ke 1040 tah baru kitorang gerak dari lui timor back to KL.. omg sangat challenging nak drive malam2 kat sini pasal takda lampu jalan and kete kat depan menghala ke pahang ramai pulak tu silau gila pening kepala aku nak drive.. tapi slow2 akhirnya sampai la aku ke kuala pilah.. then ke seremban.. mula2 cam igt nak balik umah kak kat seremban2 tapi pastu pikir balik cam sejam je lagi da sampai KL so aku gagahkan gak drive kat KL.. bapak aku sanggup ni bersengkang mata teman aku to make sure aku tak terlelap.. huhu.. balik ikot PLUS gak pasal bapak risau LEKAS sunyi tak byk kete nnt ada orang buat jahat langgar belakang kete dan rompak samun bila kita berhenti.. so pasal tu ikot PLUS.. aku pon taknak la terlibat dalam kes2 macam ni since just a few days ago my ipad da kena ragut.. babi.. sakit hati aku bila igt2 balik..

ok pendek citer kol 2.30 sampai la aku kat wangsa maju.. ada la berhenti kat hentian seremban tu pasal bapak nak pi toilet and die ajak pekena teh secawan kat situ dier kata sedap..

hmm... actually aku still ngantok lagi pasal bangun cam awal considering semalam tido dekat kol 3 la gak.. maybe i shud sambung tido...

damn this entry is boring like hell... tapi takper la.. aku pon type secara raandom jer ni... nak pi breakfast ni ngn ibu bapa... later~~

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Da nak raya y'all..


Honestly I'm also surprise TNT I am posting another entry now.. It's only been a few days since my last update.. Maybe I'm just bored now..

Now at mother's house in wangsa maju.. Came back yesterday coz my dad insisted but issokey.. Got home to find nobody's home.. Parents went to surau for teraweh and my kak with her kids went to seremban already coz nak raya Sanaa umah sndri blablabla.. Ok itu terpulang pada dia.. I just feel less meriah without the kids in the house..

Now im typing on my ipad2 just to try it out.. Similar to when i blogged on my ipod touch some time ago just to try it out.. Damn i type so slow here.. Da dapat ipad nnt nxt month igt nak beli leather case kaler itam yg super sleek i checked out yesterday.. Nnt after raaya la kot buy tht one..

Ok later today i ma go send my car to service then get it to a car wash (harap2 adayg bukak lagi).. Then nak gi jalan tar with kengkawan to buy baju melayu for my bapak and for myself as well.. Huhu.. Maybe bukak posa kat luar gak kot.. We'll see..

Ok bosan umah sunyi jer..

Okla xda mood da nak menaip pasal cam x biasa.. So later la yall..

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

finally there is time for an update..

i know the title sounds kinda not tally coz i just updated yesterday.. but yesterdays update cant count coz it was just a video that i watched and felt nostalgic.. it wasnt really anything i wanted to talk about, was just something random hence this entry right here..

well ekceli ive been wanting to write a new post since many days ago but just never got the chance.. so u know what i did.. each time i thought of something i want to talk about, i'd write it as a note on my iphone (iphone caption needed) so when its time for me to write about them id know what to talk about.

theres ekceli a list of the things.. so i will try to go at it one by one..

ok first..
u know its ramadhan now and only a few days left to shawal.. and we can see many muslims(those faithful ones) are trying their best to increase their amalan, solat teraweh, baca quran, go to majlis agama, perform qiamulail etc etc as to obtain that one night we call lailatulqadar.. but as for me, i have stopped giving a dang about it long ago.. hmm.. there was one time during ramadhan probably 10years ago that i yearned to be given and blessed with lailatulqadar.. but as i grew up many things changed.. my environment, the people around me.. things i surround myself with..they all have made me become how i am now today.. someone whos not giving a damn.. i am not ignorant though but just i dont care.. i dont know what word can be used to describe me.. but i believe its not of something good.. no i am not blaming anyone or anything for why ive changed from the old innocent me.. i take it as a process in life i must go through.. and i never thought of myself as a saint, so at times i am ok if i am the devil..
hmm.. i cannot say much about how changed ive become coz i know its not a good thing.. but i know there will come a time where i will care again.. care about islam, care about my amalan and bekalan for hereafter.. i just hope when its time, its not too late anymore..

ok i dont want to get my mood down now.. i still have a few things to talk here..
now that i am working.. my salary is not much tho.. but when added up with overtime, mileage claim etc etc i think i earn enough and since i am also teaching tution until end of november.. my monthly income is quite big thus this luxury (kind of) life i am living now.. so it actually worries me that i might not get out of this lavish lifestyle i have now once i dont teach tution anymore.. hmm..
but thats not what i want to talk about coz i said earlier.. i dont want to worry about anything now.. that i will worry later when im supposed to.. *livemoreworryless
what i wanted to talk about is now i am full with desires to buy new stuffs... now my eyes are set on buying an ipad2 and a motorcycle.. probaly not to the latter tho coz i dont even have a bike licence.. but ipad2 is almost certain.. hmm.. once the gaji is in, i ma buy myself an ipad2.. i dont want to care what other people have to say about me getting an ipad2.. its my money so lantak la.. haha *selfish&stubborn

well this actually made me remember about this one thought i had the other day.. u know how often people talk about the importance to save money so that u can use it on rainy days blablabla.. maybe i have not fully understood that or maybe i think i will not have rainy days.. but as of now.. i just dont care.. well ekceli i understand it completely, but im choosing to ignore it.. in other words is that i just dont want to worry about it.. *livemoreworrylessmyass
i know its good to have some money saved up.. but right now i just want to live my life and loving it.. not save all my money, refrain myself from buying things i want so later i can support a house for my bini anak2 or whatever.. thats what  my family expects of me.. but this begs the question do i want to have bini and anak2?? yes actually but  not desperately though.. i will accept if thats what God has destined for me.. terima qada qadar but i dont look for a wife now nor do i long for one.. maybe when the day comes when i feel i need to have a wife, then i will find one.. and i am sure by that time i am richer than i am now so to support them (bini and anak2) wont be a big problem to me.. huhu *katakataconfident
i had that thought when i looked at this one fren of mine (no name needs mentioning) who i just found out will tie the knot early next year or middle of year whenever so hes started to save here and there, sanggup naik moto je rather than a car padahal gaji dia lagi mahal ni bang oi.. ok maybe we just have different perceptions in life on whats important whats not.. but seriusly dude, why are u sacrificing your own happiness for someone other than you?? hmm maybe he loves the woman dearly and the girls happiness outweighs his own.. if thats the case.. i respect u and wish u the best in life.. if suffering just so that your bini can be happy makes u happy, so be it..

ok lets move on to the next item on the list..

this one in my iphone i put as "life teaches me that we can only rely on ourselves to never let us down"
hmm.. i actually put a fb status that time coz i was just pissed at everyone and everything..
my fb status  reads "
It sucks when life f*cks u when u least expect it.. True that u can only rely on urself to never let u down.. Nobodys gone love u like u love u.. Shayt!!! *mode meroyan
u know how some times when u'd trust on something or something to do something for you.. and u believed him wholeheartedly that he'd never let u down... but when it matters the most he just fucked ya.. haih.. theres nothing much i want or can talk about this one.. i think better to leave this one out and not mention anything that will worsen the scenario..
 but just bear in  mind this.. dont simply put your heart and soul to someone whos not you coz they will not care or love u as much as u do... it pains the worst especially  when its someone whom u trust never to hurt u who does shits to you..
argh... need to clear my mind from this... *ctrl+alt+del please

hmm.. the next thing is about my training i attended the other day.. how to program  a BACnet controller using Plain English Language.. why the fuck that i went to this again??
ok the programming was easy enough, similar to C and C++ i learned as a student but the shit is when i couldnt install the program called Continuum on my laptop coz i'm running windows 7 64-bit OS when the prog requires a 32-bit.. how the fuck was i supposed to know??
(i need to reduce my usage of the word fuck   #random)
but that problem i got solved by installing VMware on my laptop and run a windows XP instead.. but then it turned out the controller the trainer had prepared for me couldnt connect to my workstation due to unknown reason.. i was pissed and in the end i gave up *dasarmelayumudahgiveup
and now there is 2 sets of question that i need to answer and submit to him after raya.. damn i'm so freaking malas to go through the notes to answer them questions.. oh please la datang kerajinan tu nnt..
i also attended a NTSP training at NIOSHto allow us to work at TNB later.. and the trainer named azhar abu bakar was such a funny character.. the whole training session he made jokes and made us laugh so although i was sleepy as shit at that time i didnt doze off.. maybe heres a tip for those teachers or lecturers out there who want to avoid their students from sleeping in class, be creative, crack jokes and dont care too much about appearance and protocol.. act silly sometimes (not all the times please) so that people will know and remember you.. it doesnt hurt, does it??
ok nak cakap pasal benda lain pulak.. bosan la pasal keje..

hmm.. ok next..

i dont know what is it with me now but i am longing to watch old malay movies.. when i said old i dont mean P Ramlee old.. but old like movies in the late 80s or early 90s.. theres this one movie called ops belantara year 1993 i watched when i was kid and me and my brother would later act out the scenes in the movie and we'd kick each other here and there.. haha funny how influenced we were by the movie and we thought it was so cool back then... i bet if i see the movie now i will laugh my heart out and criticize it like hell..
 theres another movie called ringgit kasorga year 1994.. after watching diana yusof in it, i wanted to go to france and learn the language.. haha kids get inspired by anything, dont they.. hmm.. i also want to watchmovies like
sayang salmah (terus teringat phrase sucimusalmah used widely by mehayams) yang ada sidi oraza, azhar sulaiman, norish karman dll
perempuan isteri dan... lakonan sofea jane and nasir bilal khan
kekasih awal akhir lakonan sofea jane and jamal abdillah
Baginda lakonan azean irdawati (pasal voleyball yall)
Puteri Impian lakonan amy mastura
dan lain lain
i have searched the internet for links to download these movies from but still havent found any.. huhuhu.. maybe need to hit a speedy video store like the old days..

OMG i just got a notification on FB, min malik just approved my friend request.. hehe.. excited..
so i paused this entry and went browsing her photos.. she's changed now.. now a military woman.. when did that shit happen?? (seriusly, need to reduce the word shit too)
hmm.. dont want to say much.. if that makes her happy so let her be happy.. no matter what i will always be a fan of her and her song flora cinta..

haha so random nak letak lagu bagai..

ok that brings me to the final item for this blog entry (damn my hands tired already)
the other night i went to jalan TAR KL to look for baju melayu.. and also kueh2 raya.. i was thinking to buy my bapak nyer baju melayu there.. kaler krim saiz L pinggang 42.. so i went with my frens.. 3 of them one being a philipino.. OMG ramai nyer orang time tgh2 malam ni.. and the jalan was quite sempit la.. to make it worse was time tu la pulak ada orang2 bawak trolley berisi air la baju la apa la yg menambahsesakkan keadaan.. rasa cam nak tampar2 jer orang bawak trolley tu nyusahkan orang lalu lalang jer.. at the of the day, i didnt buy anything coz couldnt find baju melayu yg seluar saiz 42.. i asked if they could sell only the shirt they rudely said no..  so curse them..
haih.. kat mana la nak beli ni eh.. *stillnoidea
my friend orang filipina ni pulak yg beli baju raya sakan.. dgn baju nyer sampin nyer songkok nyer.. haha.. semangat kau kan donnie dapat beraya sini tahun ni.. aku pon takda baju lagi ni..
well ekceli i saw one red colour quite nice there so im planning to go back maybe this saturday to buy me that red baju melayu with red samping as well.. hoho.. sungguh meriah merah makngah la aku raya tahun ni..

OMG, i think if my hands have mouth they would be swearing at me coz man im so damn tired already but still rasa macam byk nak cakap ni.. but i think enough is enough.. better stop this post here la.. the other things are so minor they dont mean or matter much anyway..
so sampai disini saja.. later yall

*saper la yg gigih baca entry ni sampai habis eh???

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

haaaa... i am full of memories..


no word needs said.. i miss this...

alumni.. i hope therell be one soon..

Sunday, 7 August 2011


saya sayang dan rindukan kamu2 semua kawan2 kesayangans..

Saturday, 6 August 2011

reinventing myself?

salam ramadhan..

sedar tak sedar da 6 hari pon puasa untuk tahun 2011 ni.. or 1432 hijraah.. and i have not gone to teraweh yet.. i'm just plain lazy.. but so far havent missed puasa yet so alhamdulillah.. well, probably the reason that i dont go to teraweh anymore coz i dont pray anymore.. ok i have no excuse as to why i dont pray the 5 times wajib anymore.. i'm just malas.. and maybe i'm a changed man now.. not that i'm proud of the person ive become.. i just... haih ok no excuse.. i'm just lazy..

damn, it wasnt my intention to talk about how bad ive been.. but it all just came out without plan.. i actually wanted to talk about reinenting myself.. i feel theres a need for me to change how i live my life now.. i am now a lame as person whos consumed with his work.. everyday keje siang malam.. and all i could think of is work.. like all the times... things that used to matter to me.. things that play very important roles in my life previously now like dont exist anymore.. haih.. like i said.. im a changed man.. and sometimes i feel like i dont know myself anymore..

well, maybe im not supposed to know myself yet.. maybe all of these take time.. i knew that i cannot remain as izuan the new zealand student forever.. and maybe i'm still in the process of adapting.. transitioning bak kata omputeh.. for however long it takes la.. mmg macam kelakar.. ive been working for 4 months now and i still havent let go of the person i used to be.. the glamorous one.. the better looking one.. the nonchalant and carefree one.. maybe i should learn to accept the new me now.. maybe its time already.. im the lame as izuan who works 6 days a week and has no life..

hmm.. that aint entirely true.. i have a life.. and this is the life that have awaited me.. even when i was still studying.. i knew that i'd be this izuan.. and why the eff am i whining now?? haaa... maybe the real question is whether or not i'm ready to let go the old me and step to my new self.. i mean like really step into the new izuan shoes the working man..

in every change, theres good and bad.. if we only focus on the bad then we'll only see the bad la.. and if we can distinguish the good form everything else and see the whole picture.. we know that its not so bad.. not as bad as we first thought it is... i now earn my own money.. pay my own bill.. drive my own car.. and have the pride of being treated like an adult instead of a student.. ok i feel good about all of these.. like i said.. ada baik dan ada buruknyer..

so is there really a need to reinvent myself here?? i think not.. kalau kita nak bising2 komplen itu ini, mmg sampai bila2 pon takkan ubah apa.. if i really want to change, i will take the step i need.. but for now i think i shouldnt complain and just try to adapt to this new life of mine... i know i will learn to love it somehow.. and not that i'm saying i'm a psychic or whatever.. but i'm pretty sure life gets better.. my job gets better..

well, i reread what i wrote and suddenly i realized what made me feel so gloomy lately.. its because of my belly fat.. darn it i havev muffin top now.. eeewww... sangat memalukan.. ok takda sapa yg patut dipersalahkan selain diri sendiri.. ive been eating like a pig.. sumer benda aku makan.. kalau bukak posa tu mmg tak igt dunia la makanan nyer kan.. and often ramai makanan yg tak habes dan dibuang.. membazir sungguh.. ok that one, i'll try to not do anymore..

i know well why my badan continues to expand.. its because i eat a lot and dont go to gym or do any sport.. the reason i dont exercise anymore is because i aint go no time for it.. keje sampai kol  530.. bila jam tu sampai umah dalam kol 630 camtu.. then nak mandi, beli makanan and makan, then kol 730 da kuar pi mengajar budak tusyen lak.. balik da kol 1030 da.. manada masa nak bereksesais..

mula2 dulu ada la pasang niat nak amek fitness first konon2 nyer.. tapi bila pikir2 balik dgn takda masa, dan tak selalu pegi gym, akan membazer je pulak duit bayar membership fee.. kalau murah tak per la jugak.. ni 200 kot.. mahal bos.. tak mampu la aku...

okla, aku rasa cam da malas nak menulis.. maybe nnt aku akan tulis lagi...

this transitioning process is so tiring and confusing.. i hope that itll be over soon and i'll be able to view myself as the awesome izuan like i once did.. not the lame as izuan i am now... sigh..

things will get better... i pray to God not to leave me forsaken and to give me guidance when i most need it.. insyaallah..

sehingga di lain masa.. later~~~