sekarang ni aku berada di Accra Ghana.. arrived here yesterday morning at 1140am Ghana time.
time difference between here and Singapore is 8 hours.
My flight from Singapore was at 1.40am on the 24th of September, Sunday.. transit at Dubai for 3 hours.. so in total, my journey from Changi to Accra took 18hours.. lama gila kan..
so right now i'm in my hotel room. i'm staying at Holiday Inn, very near to the airport.
Cantik gak Hotel ni.. bilik pun selesa
Dont know what to do nor where to go here.. next to this hotel there's a mall called Marina Mall. It is really small compared to the malls we have in Malaysia.. it took my 10 minutes to finish walking around the mall and see all the stores inside..
there's supermarket inside and i bought snacks for me to osel osel when in hotel room.. ok barang sini mahal ok compared to kat malaysia.. pastu beli kepok yg mcm pringles tu, tp nama die uncle's snack tp rasa x sedap langsung ibarat makanan orang diabetis jer tawar leweh..
mall xda wayang xda arcade or any entertainment.. super lame, and i am bored again.. hence this blogpost, which i am not sure the purpose of it other than as a means for me to menghilangkan bosan..
haa still bosan though..
ok lemme story a bit about the purpose of my trip to Ghana this time.
Honestly, I myself am not entirely certain but this is what the Client sent to us..
From this – the vendor will provide formal recommendations & solutions related to:
· Quality survey of the “As built – designed” PA loudspeaker distribution network / GA network
· Recommendations to improve the quality of the system, with respect to PA quality and personnel understanding PA loudspeaker distribution network commands, especially in Emergency / GA situations
· Carry out a Material Take of list, for preparation of formal quotations to upgrade / improve system
· Carry out a Spares survey vs. Recommended spares / Special tools
· Provide a formal report
haaa.. aci x aku nak chuak sikit pasal kerja ni.. rasa cam x cukop confident lagi sebenarnyer nak buat benda ni..
mungkin sebab kena buat sengsorang kan.. haaaa.. chuak chuak..
tapi apa lah chuak tu dapat buat untuk tolong aku pon.. feeling nervous aint gonna help me here.. it could make things worse je nanti..
so baik kita cool je kan.. dan hadapkan aje apa keje kena buat.. insyaallah Allah tolong kita buat keje kalau ikhlas dan jujur.. cewah..
so kisahnyer esok driver akan ambik dari hotel ke airport and aku akan naik flight lagi ke Takoradi, dari Takoradi akan naik chopper ke FPSO Jubilee.. jadual kerja yg dirancangkan adalah selama 5 hari je.. tp i am not convinced that it'll take only 5 days.. probably more.. which i have no issues against that to be honest.. the longer the better sbb dalam kumpol duit allowance offhsore..
tp kekdahnyer orang malaysia yg akan nak aku balik cepat, my fiance my mak my bapak..
theyre worried of my safety especially now after several cases of ariplane disaster.. missing MH370 and the shooting down of MH17.. Alfatihah kepada mangsa2.. dan kesian dgn family mereka.. nak buat camner.. ini kan qada' dan qadar ketentuan-Nya..
ok kesian jugak kat MAS pasal kena hadapi tragedi2 ni.. memburukkan reputasi dan nama baik MAS.. tp aku still menaruh keyakinan dgn keupayaan MAS sbb benda yg da jadi ni xda saper boleh duga and it couldve happened to any airline.. orang lain yg x yakin dgn MAS dan xnak naik MAS tu lantak depa la..
owh speaking of airlines.. ni nak habaq sikit ni.. aritu masa dtg Ghana from Singapore aku naik Emirates Business Class kau.. haaaa #kelaskaumaria..
aku mengaku it was my first time and i was so excited.. ok mmg best pon.. everything was so much better..
the seat, the food, the service.. peramugara peramugari semua sangat friendly dgn penumpang business class.. haaa mungkin Emirates sahaja begitu, mungkin airlines lain x macam tu.. itu aku tak pasti sebab baru sekali naik business class..
and the best part was dapat menunggu kat Emirates lounge yg ada kerusi sedap dgn byk tempat nak charge phone, sambil ada buffet utk makan mcm2.. ada pastry, sandwich, kek, juices.. mmg best la.. tp sumer makanan lite2 je la.. xda la die kasi steak pizza or pasta time nak menunggu2 kat lounge tu..
Emirates Business Lounge in Changi |
can adjust seat jadi bed.. oh so ohsem |
besar screen kau |
belanja selfie sikit #noob |
breakfast |
Lunch - Appetizer |
main course lamb biryani |
dessert citrus cake |
the atmosphere, the ambient and the feeling of being in the lounge tu is what makes travelling business class better.. bak kata si salleh, terdapat jurang kasta yg jelas antara kelas ekonomi dgn kelas business.. apatah lagi first class.. dan selepas da pernah naik business class ni aku setuju dgn apa Salleh cakap tu..
aku ni pon nasib baik je dpt naik BC sebab client yg belikan tiket pegi Ghana ni.. kalau nak harapkan Omega belikan mmg tak merasa la jawabnyer.. mesti nak carik yg paling murah kan.. so pendek kata ni la rezeki aku dan mungkin lepas ni xtau la bila lagi nak merasa naik BC..
bebudak servis lain pon cam byk tanya "weh nape kau dpt naik business class weh?" lepas aku post gambar boarding pass aku kat instagram.. haha.. jawab aku senang je.. client yg belikan..
haaa.. tetiba teringat lagi satu cerita bila cakap pasal post gambar kat instagram..
ni pon sebab aku ada post gambar no giliran aku time pergi interview Sapura Kencana Petroleum dekat Hotel Renaissance JB itu hari..
aku interview untuk position project engineer based in Lumut Perak..
haaa belum pape lagi da berangan tau nak keje Perak.. tapi mengikut firasat dan intuisi aku berdasarkan apa yg terjadi sewaktu interview itu, aku rasa macam aku da dapat keje tu..
based on what the interviewer said "i really like you, you're very projectable and know how to sell yourself"
itu ayat die awal2.. i was happy to hear that but didnt think it meant anything.. then he said this "i will put in in Project Team, under E&I division. You will be reporting to E&I manager who is currently in SK HQ in KL.."
time tu aku blur gila.. then he continued..
"so for now until December or early January you will be based in KL, then after detailed Engineering Stage, you will be stationed at Lumut for the project"
pastu he wrote my name in his small book, together with my no giliran, degree apa, contact number and email add etc etc..
and i was shocked, but inside i was overwhelmed with excitement.. what does this mean?? do i get the job??? i dont fucking know!!! but to me it sure sounds like ive gotten the job..
but i am trying hard to not get my hopes high because anything can happen kan.. selagi belum dpt official offer selagi tu aku takkan menaruh harapan setinggi gunung.. xda official offer so jgn berangan please..
so itu lah kisah aku pegi walk in interview SKP yg byk gila orang time tu.. haaa.. berjam2 aku menunggu.. aku dah usaha, dah buat apa yg aku boleh buat.. skrg ni tunggu je la jawapan die.. ada rezeki insyallah..
tapi kalau da ditakdirkan aku x dpt pun, aku syukur sbb dpt peluang gi interview tu.. lagipun aku suka dgn keje aku skrg..sbb sgt relax dan tak stress.. lebih2 lagi sbb berpeluang travel pegi negara orang sana sini..
tahun ni je aku da pergi travel 3 negara asing yg aku takkan pergi kalau bukan kerana Omega Integration..
Myanmar in February, Qatar in April and now Ghana in August..
TQ Omega and TQ God for this opportunity.. sesungguhnya aku hanya akan doakan yg terbaik untuk aku dan orang2 sekeliling aku.. keluarga dan sahabat2.. kalau dpt SK, aku yakin itu yg terbaik untuk aku.. kalau x dpt maknanya Omega is whats best for me.. simple kan fikir camtu..
i just received a news saying that Sharul, my colleague whom i went to Qatar with was admitted to Hospital just now.. im not sure of his condition.. maybe he was admitted because of his back pain which he'd been complaining since last week.. after his trip to Korea.. aritu cakap xleh bangun sbb sgt sakit.. my frens and i managed to visit him at Pulai after Che Ta's housewarming last time..
i pray that he'll recover soon.. my prayers are with you buddy..
owh speaking of friends, another ex colleague of mine, ex Omegarian Shafiq Yahini da selamat diijabkabulkan dgn kekasih hatinya siti Hajjar..
kenduri aritu boleh kata hampir semua Omegarians and ex Omegarians dtg kat Pekan Kayu Ara Pasong Pontian.. I went there with my lovely fiance..
sedap makannyer.. Alhamdulillah..
we took photos with the pengantin but not using our phones la.. photographer yg amekkan.. yg amek guna camera sndiri gambar2 dgn kawan2 je la..
ok kegemokan semakin menjadi jadi.. tp xpe la.. nnt gi la senam kasi kurus balik.. haha.. citacita murni sgt..
haaa ni nak share something yg xda kena mengena.. paintings yg ada sekitar kawasan hotel ni yg aku rasa agak unit dan cantik.. so here they are.. african themed..
oklah aku cam da xda idea nak citer ape lagi.. nnt kita borak lagi yer..
nak gi carik makan kat restoran bawah tu..