salam semua..
pada masa sekarang ni aku berada dalam keadaan yg agak tertekan.. tapi xda la teruk sgt pon.. sbb mungkin da jadi kebiasaan aku untuk tidak dwell in stressful emotions.. being stressed is not good for my health.. not good for anyone's health..
mungkin perisai anti-stress aku cukup bagus untuk halang aku dari terus2an berada dalam keadaan stress.. its not really a shield tho.. its just.. just forget about it..
haaa this reminds me of the guy from True Detective Woody something his name, when he was presenting an award at the Emmy recently with Matthew Mcconahey (damn i dunno the spelling).. Matthew was saying he's really impressed with that woody guy that he can simply forget his problems.. just like that.. hahaha.. i think i probably have the same ability as he does.. whenever somethings is bugging me and its actually a silly thing, i'd just forget about it..
well, now i am choosing not to forget about it coz i have other things to story mory here..
these past few days have been sooooo tiring for me..
owh i forgot to mention.. I am still onboard this FPSO in Ghana.. and still in this so called site visit job here..
but the past few days i did more than just survey.. i did some checking at the JB and inside the speakers as well.. tapi xda la aku nak check semua speaker.. only the ones yg aku suspect rosak dan high load disebabkan water ingress.. and i was right.. ada dalam 10 speaker la semuanya..
da la installed kat tempat2 tinggi jadi aku memerlukan bantuan staff modec untuk mengakses speaker2 tersebut.. bantuan dari segi memegang tangga dan safety harness ketika memanjat untuk mengakses speaker2 tersebut..
mamat2 yg tolong aku tu nama die Samuel, org Ghana umor 26, muda dari aku setahun.. keje asyik cakap pasal nak kawen dan nak main pompuan sajorkk.. aku layankan aje la kan.. pastu salu buat joke yg aku tak faham.. ok bukan x faham tapi more like "what?? was that a joke??" and i didnt find them funny pon.. tapi untuk mengelakkan situasi awkward, aku senyum2 kucing aje la.. (eh ada ke peribahasa senyum kucing?)
owh, da alang2 aku citer pasal orang Modec, meh sini nak story sikit pasal sorang brader indonesia ni keje sini gak.. die orang jaga radio room kalau x silap aku.. tapi dia ni keje shift malam iaitu dari 1800 sampai 0600.. so aku jumpe die time brekfes pagi2 dan time dinner petang2.. nama die A. Ghozali.. baik orangnyer.. sebelum ni keje di Sarawak, jadi dia cakap x bunyi mcm indon sgt la pasal die reti cakap mcm org Malaysia cakap..
ada lagi sorang brader orang Miri, nama dia Jamal.. tapi die pon vendor keje kat sini buat blasting ape tah utk buang karat kat dinding kapal.. or something like that.. aku cam x faham time die citer die keje buat apa.. aku assume2 je la.. dia pon baik la friendly suka cerita2 pasal kapal tu dan company dia.. die keje dgn company kat vietnam kaedahnye dan die supervise orang2 vietnam yg buat keje blasting tu kat kapal ni.. wah tetiba cerita pasal kisah kerja orang, apahal??
dalam kepala otak aku sekarang takda lain fikir nak balik je ni.. haa cukup2 la kat sini.. my last offshore job i stayed for 10days.. and this time around i am gone stay for 15 days.. aku tak sanggup nak stay any longer than that.. mungkin for my next job assignment i will stay much longer offshore.. who knows.. well, if it is I will prepare myself for that.. (haa nak prepare apa pon aku x sure, tapi saja je cakap konon hebat)
ada beberapa hari lagi kat sini aku nye keje pon boleh kata da siap da.. tinggal operational system test dgn inventory check tu je lagi dalam work pack aku tu.. pastu tinggal nak finalize findings dgn report sajork.. semoga semua berjalan lancar..
semalam ada gado sikit dgn tunang.. aku rasa punca sebab aku penat dan aku tegur die something pastu die nak marah lak.. and pasal in my previous post yg aku post draft tu ada gambar my ex gf..
haih.. ntah la kadang aku x faham pompuan ni.. betul la orang cakap women are not meant to be understood but loved.. so aku rasa aku layankan aje la jugak..
well, aku rasa ramai je penah alami perkara camni kan.. aku malas nak panjangkan cerita.. nnt bila dia da cool aku pujok la.. sekarang kalau contact pon die tak layan.. mmg jenis dia suka xmau layan orang bila die marah.. tapi kalau org x layan die baru dia tahu marah..
and owh while we are on the topic of girls,, heres another meme for ya..
pada masa sekarang ni aku berada dalam keadaan yg agak tertekan.. tapi xda la teruk sgt pon.. sbb mungkin da jadi kebiasaan aku untuk tidak dwell in stressful emotions.. being stressed is not good for my health.. not good for anyone's health..
mungkin perisai anti-stress aku cukup bagus untuk halang aku dari terus2an berada dalam keadaan stress.. its not really a shield tho.. its just.. just forget about it..
haaa this reminds me of the guy from True Detective Woody something his name, when he was presenting an award at the Emmy recently with Matthew Mcconahey (damn i dunno the spelling).. Matthew was saying he's really impressed with that woody guy that he can simply forget his problems.. just like that.. hahaha.. i think i probably have the same ability as he does.. whenever somethings is bugging me and its actually a silly thing, i'd just forget about it..
well, now i am choosing not to forget about it coz i have other things to story mory here..
these past few days have been sooooo tiring for me..
owh i forgot to mention.. I am still onboard this FPSO in Ghana.. and still in this so called site visit job here..
but the past few days i did more than just survey.. i did some checking at the JB and inside the speakers as well.. tapi xda la aku nak check semua speaker.. only the ones yg aku suspect rosak dan high load disebabkan water ingress.. and i was right.. ada dalam 10 speaker la semuanya..
da la installed kat tempat2 tinggi jadi aku memerlukan bantuan staff modec untuk mengakses speaker2 tersebut.. bantuan dari segi memegang tangga dan safety harness ketika memanjat untuk mengakses speaker2 tersebut..
mamat2 yg tolong aku tu nama die Samuel, org Ghana umor 26, muda dari aku setahun.. keje asyik cakap pasal nak kawen dan nak main pompuan sajorkk.. aku layankan aje la kan.. pastu salu buat joke yg aku tak faham.. ok bukan x faham tapi more like "what?? was that a joke??" and i didnt find them funny pon.. tapi untuk mengelakkan situasi awkward, aku senyum2 kucing aje la.. (eh ada ke peribahasa senyum kucing?)
owh, da alang2 aku citer pasal orang Modec, meh sini nak story sikit pasal sorang brader indonesia ni keje sini gak.. die orang jaga radio room kalau x silap aku.. tapi dia ni keje shift malam iaitu dari 1800 sampai 0600.. so aku jumpe die time brekfes pagi2 dan time dinner petang2.. nama die A. Ghozali.. baik orangnyer.. sebelum ni keje di Sarawak, jadi dia cakap x bunyi mcm indon sgt la pasal die reti cakap mcm org Malaysia cakap..
ada lagi sorang brader orang Miri, nama dia Jamal.. tapi die pon vendor keje kat sini buat blasting ape tah utk buang karat kat dinding kapal.. or something like that.. aku cam x faham time die citer die keje buat apa.. aku assume2 je la.. dia pon baik la friendly suka cerita2 pasal kapal tu dan company dia.. die keje dgn company kat vietnam kaedahnye dan die supervise orang2 vietnam yg buat keje blasting tu kat kapal ni.. wah tetiba cerita pasal kisah kerja orang, apahal??
dalam kepala otak aku sekarang takda lain fikir nak balik je ni.. haa cukup2 la kat sini.. my last offshore job i stayed for 10days.. and this time around i am gone stay for 15 days.. aku tak sanggup nak stay any longer than that.. mungkin for my next job assignment i will stay much longer offshore.. who knows.. well, if it is I will prepare myself for that.. (haa nak prepare apa pon aku x sure, tapi saja je cakap konon hebat)
ada beberapa hari lagi kat sini aku nye keje pon boleh kata da siap da.. tinggal operational system test dgn inventory check tu je lagi dalam work pack aku tu.. pastu tinggal nak finalize findings dgn report sajork.. semoga semua berjalan lancar..
semalam ada gado sikit dgn tunang.. aku rasa punca sebab aku penat dan aku tegur die something pastu die nak marah lak.. and pasal in my previous post yg aku post draft tu ada gambar my ex gf..
haih.. ntah la kadang aku x faham pompuan ni.. betul la orang cakap women are not meant to be understood but loved.. so aku rasa aku layankan aje la jugak..
well, aku rasa ramai je penah alami perkara camni kan.. aku malas nak panjangkan cerita.. nnt bila dia da cool aku pujok la.. sekarang kalau contact pon die tak layan.. mmg jenis dia suka xmau layan orang bila die marah.. tapi kalau org x layan die baru dia tahu marah..
and owh while we are on the topic of girls,, heres another meme for ya..
owh.. ada lagi satu benda nak citer..
my exgf sanis is getting married next week i guess.. congratulations to her.. i know there is a chance that she will read this.. so here i wanna to congratulate you in advance and i pray for the majlis to berjalan lancar and above all semoga you two bahagia dunia dan akhirat.. insyallah..
i can anticipate my fiance will say "x bgtau pon bila dia kawen bla bla bla.."
so i have already prepared an answer to that "saya nak bgtau tapi awak xmau cakap dgn saya, salu nau merajok.. and also i didnt tell earlier because i just found out because i didnt have wifi here on the ship.. so here i tell you thru my blog which i think you only read once in 2 months.."
okla sehingga di lain masa.. time for me to mandi and solat and tido..
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