Wednesday 21 March 2012



semalam tgk berita kat tv sibuk cerita pasal budak2 dapat spm 10a+ la apa la.. i know how that feels i was one of them kot.. but then i thought to myself, they must be thinking that their future is gonna be easier after this..

thats the myth/lie that was told to me when i was their age.. teachers, old people told me that SPM was the big jump the wall thats keeping me from an easy life.. guess what children, it was not the only wall..

take me for as example, i had to go to college la and took a level that was way harder than spm.. then go to uni.. with 4 papers to take every semester... nigga please, it didnt get easier... stop this nonsensce..

and it definitely doesst stop after uni.. if ur a fresh graduate still looking for a job ud probably beg to differ but i am not a fresh graduate so i know better..

working is not easy.. not just the task or the job at hand that u need to care about but also people surrounding u.. ur bos ur colleague, ur supplier ur client.. damn dealing with them is just as hard..
well actually, dealing with them is harder..
except for my boss la coz i think hes so nice and positive all the time.. byk keje sibuk caner pon dier takda stress2 manjang senyum jer.. gaji da berbelas ribu... damn!!! i want that!!!

so what im trying to say here is... dont think your journey has ended when your done wits SPM.. it only means new roads have presented themselves and regardless of which path u take... its gonna just as hard as the others... just choose one that u think will make u and ur loved ones have better lives later in the future

okla since aku kat ofis ni i feel not really safe pulak nak tulis blog..

till next time... later~~

Sunday 11 March 2012

hahaha macam budak f4 nyer English..

berikut adalah petikan ayat dalam email yg dihantar oleh bos PWS selepas kejayaan aktiviti di CSC sabtu lepas..

"I would like to Congratulation for successfully carry out CSC KLDC TNB shutdown activities, I am appreciate and would like to say “thank you” to the whole team that have putting your heart and the soul in this project."

haaa... kasihan..

ps : takot nak upload kat fb pasal nnt ada org komen "Please delete this immediately.."

Saturday 10 March 2012


only one word.. and thats how its been for the past couple of weeks or so.. ive been infected by the disease.. the disease we all have ..

what i want to do:
1. lay in bed all day eating muruku ikan
2. watch spartacus until my nose bleeds
3. go to the movies and eat popcorn
4. shopping? bowling? macam boring pon ada
5. karoke? suara ada ke pon nak melalak?

haha theres nothing much that i really covet of doing.. just simple things like number 1 and 2..
in simpler words I just need rest.. as im so tired of working already..

and yes ive taken leave last week but only to fill my day with other work related activities.. and so is this new leave im taking on this coming tuesday.. there are already so many things im thinking of doing.. and not rest like i want and should to..

damn it this saturday ive gotta work 24 hours yaw at the darn CSC.. damn damn damn.. but sokey.. i wont be alone..

ok da malas nak mengarang nak tulis in bullet points jer now

  • berat da turun 10kg yeay!!
  • I can wear my old jeansnow yeay!!
  • eee malas nyer nak call supplier mintak quotation ni.. sangat penat.. kalau setakat nak compile prices ni keje mudah jer.. nak design pon mudah jer..
  • aaa nak jadi hot macam lee stram