Monday 25 March 2013

My hands are tied.. I feel hopeless..


i feel weak..
just received a really bad news..
but i am powerless to do anything.. i cannot change it.. it is what it is..
theres nothing i can do to make things better..
i did try.. i did the best i could to make the best of the situation.. i did it all..
i was dealt a shitty set of cards.. and now i just found out how shitty my cards really are..

and still i cant do anything..
its the same old same old statement..
Allah knows better where I may know not..
Allah has the best planned for me and my future..

but i aint a psychic my dear God.. I cant see any future left for me.. all i see is darkness..

Oh God.. i can keep asking why me why me.. but thats not gonna do me any good, is it?

what i can try to do now is to look for options.. what choice do i have?
not much it seems..

the best i can see now is to stay positive..
be patient..
pray a lot..

and always try to be the best version of Izuan I can be.. thats the only choice i have left..

i know that tough things are ahead of me.. and no use to cry over spilled milk.. the damage is done.. the cards have been dealt.. but the end result is yet to be written..

my job now is to make the best out of what ive been given..
i promise i will not despair on what has been..
but to focus on what i can do to improve on everything.. anything..

being positive is the only option i have left.. giving up is equivalent to committing suicide..

i dont want to be known as the coward who quits life.. nauzubillah..

okla, i think im done with my random ranting for today..
altho i received a bad news today, im not gonna let it ruin whats left of my life..

i shall do everything in my power to make this life of mine, whatever left of it, the best life that i can have..

Saturday 2 March 2013



OMG da lama gila kot tak menulis..
well actually the other day i started to write something.. also tried to post a few photos, mostly gambar kawen pasha&bella yg kat shah alam convention center tu tp that day donno why takleh nak upload lak photo and asyik crash jer.. so post tu pon tak sempat di published kan..

harini aku cam sangat bosan..
dan aku cam tgh ada problem kat office.. work problems la..
aku malas sbnanyer nak fikir pasal masalah kerja ni.. lagi2 sekang ni bila aku da langsung takda rasa minat nak keje kat tempat tu dah..
da puas gak aku apply kat byk tempat tapi takda yg panggil lagi.. so nak buat caner kan.. sabar & tahan je la buat masa ni..

semalam aku gi karoke dgn fariq bulat, odie and david..
aku cam pelik gila ada david kat situ.. tah dari mana datang nyer dier tetiba da baik dgn odie comolot bagao (hahaha... derang mmg da lama baik pon)
so odie pon ngajak la dier gi karoke ngn kitorang.. walaupon dier da setahun lebih kat paris buat master..  wavelength dier dgn kitorang still x sama.. (ada kaitan ke master kat paris dgn wavelength diva???)
dier karoke amek lagu orang2 tua la.. lagu ala2 rock ni.. pastu ada pulak dier amek lagu rihanna stay tu? mampu?
lagu lullaby buat org tido tu..
mmg x masok la dgn 3 diva ni yg sibuk melalak lagu anuar zain nyer, lagi kathijah ibrahim, lagu beribu sesalan nyer..
u see the gap there?
im not complaining.. and im not saying i dont like him being there.. tp aku rasa cam bersalah and agak kesian pasal dier cam a bit left out.. when we laughed about some inside jokes which im sure he doesnt know of.. dier pon nak gelak sekali..
maybe he was trying to make it less awkward kot.. haih ntah la..
takpe2... aku ok je nak kuar ngn dier lagi kalau next time dier nak ikot la..
maybe it takes time la kot kan.. hehe..

haa and btw, tadi aku kuar lg ngn odie zarek david and syamim ke the curve.. kitorang pi makan tony romas syamim belanja.. xda la belanja sumer, dier cam bayar separuh tapi boleh la kan..
kononnyer nak make up pasal cancel trip ke taman negara haritu.. awww, u didnt have to.. tp if u insist... hahaha kitorang mmg tak menolak..

owh, speaking of which, we went to taman negara haritu for 3 days.. not so much of taman negara pon, we stayed at kampung bantal which is one of the kampungs situated by the river banks..
went to orang asli nyer perkampungan, handed out food and clothes to them.. got to see their houses and way of living..
dapat la mandi sungai pahang tu kan.. air dier sangat deras.. tu pon kitorang mandi tempat cetek jer.. kalau dalam air mesti da hannyut da odie.. eh..

owh btw, lupa nak citer trip ke taman negara tu aku pegi dgn odie, zarik and hairi..
ikot plan asalnyer bali n samem pon nak join tp bali x dpt cuti pastu samem xnak drive sengsorang dari kelantan sebab bali cancel blablabla.. so kami berempat je la..

sepanjang kat taman negara tu mmg gigih aku buat video bagai.. pastu gigih la aku upload kat utube channel aku tp nan hado view pon.. aku sndiri pon tak tgk lagi video2 yg aku buat tu.. haha..

and kitorang salu main taboo kat sana.. taboo kat phone je la.. hairi sangat bersemangat.. dasar taknak kalah!! eh..
last day tu pegi kanopy walk.. cam bosan jer..

balik dr taman negara singgah ke kuantan, teluk cempedak.. pegi umah hairi makan tghari bagai..
ok cam malas lak nak citer pasal taman negara ni..
overall trip ni so so je la.. duit yg habis pon so so jer.. so okay la kan.. dapat la escape dari KL kejap.. walaupon keseluruhan trip tu cam suam2 kuku jer pada aku..

owh nak citer gak.. aritu after wedding rahim and kina kitorang ada pegi main futsal n frisbee kat ferro futsal..
ni sumer atas usaha kak zati la buat event kat fb and ajak budak2 ni ramai..
pendek citer , mmg sonok dapat main frisbee aritu.. tapi aku main futsal kejap sangat.. hehe..
banyak main frisbee je..
rasa cam bersalah lak kalau aku nak keluar frisbee and masok main futsal pasal dalam event tu aku da vote nak main frisbee..
hmm.. takpe la.. sumer pon da lepas.. yg penting aku happy jer main haritu..
tp the next day tu aku cam penat gila.. rasa cam nak demam pon ada..


aku still x paham kenapa aku takleh nak post gambar kat sini..

owh btw, before aku terlupa.. tadi masa kat the curve aku jumper nazim othman pelakon tu..
memula aku nampak dari jauh jer.. pastu cakap kat odie.. pastu ontua tu ajak aku pi amek gambar.. pasal mamat nazim othman tu cam jauh aku pon cam malas la nak semangat nak amek gambar bagai..
tp odie cam semangat nak kejar..
last2 mamat tu masok salon snips tu nak potong rambut agaknyer.. so tak sampai la harapan aku nak bergambar dgn nazimothman..
lagipon cam segan gak nak amek gambar dgn dier sebab baju aku cam selebet sangat tadi time pegi curve.. hehe.. so takleh la nak amek gambar dgn retis kan.. nnt nampak hudoh sangat pulak..
eh camtu pulak?

okla tu kot..
aku rasa cam da citer je apa aku nak citer kat sini.. da malas da..
aku nyer stamina nak nulis blog da semakin menurun la..
faktor usia kot ni..

ok la..sampai di lain masa..