Monday 30 September 2013

oh my its almost october already..


now its 30th of september.. its payday.. hooray!!

although there is nothing much for me to hooray for..
i made a budget of where my gaji of september will go to.. and i found that whats left for me to hooray for is only ~~rm150..

ok feel like crying now..

haaa... nah.. its okay.. only for this month.. the coming months things will get better.. that i know for sure.. i think?

hmmm... well now what is it that i wanted to talk about..
there are a few, i suppose.. so in order to help me organize my thoughts, i will make a list of the things that i want to ramble about in this entry..

ok lets see whats first on the list..

1. work is life

 hmmm... ok i admit that its a bit silly that the first thing on this list is work..
thats what my first impression was.. why does it have to be about work..??

well, it is not really about my work as an engineer that i want to highlight here..
the main thing that i would like to bring up in this entry is how we as the people of the mass, the ordinary public, cant really get away from talking nor thinking about work..

a lil bit about the project i am currently working on..

its called Banyu Urip, consists of wellpad, CPF and IF area. the site is located in Jawa Island, 10 hours drive from Jakarta.. now the project is in the FAT stage.. so until the middle of October, the client which is Tripatra-Samsung will be with us to witness the FAT for all the systems.. i am grateful to be apart of this FAT because i get learn about many things as well as establish connections..

ok i think thats enough about my work..  lets go back to my main point..

work is inevitable.. everybody has to work.. some lucky few get to do their dream job.. well yeah good for them.. but not everyone is as lucky..

i may not be one of them.. engineer is not my dream job.. but i am grateful with what i have now.. for it pays the bill and allows me to live quite a comfortable life.. so Alhamdulillah..

my dream job is to be a TV Host, or a travel journalist..
hahaha ok rasa seperti sangat poyo!!

sekadar hiasan

hmm.. i think i have come to terms with my life now.. and i really dont feel the need nor the passion to pursue the said dream job..
simply said, i have other priorities now.. and chasing after that dream job isnt one of them..

ok cam bosan cakap pasal ni.. but im sure i will come back to this topic later in the future..
because whether i like it or not.. I do think about work 75% of the time..
ok maybe only 60%..
simply said, most of my time..

2. i have a girlfriend and i want to marry her

 if i still have my school and uni friends reading this, i am sure they'll go "uuuu~~~'' or "like what??!!"

haaa... what i can say right now is that I am committed.. i think this is the first time after a long time that I feel happy.. like I am in cloud nine.. I am in love!!

Maigod!! I miss her so damn much..
although now she is a bit mad at me because of some txting issue.. she saw me online and didnt reply her txt.. i was trying to fix my messed up laptop.. she saw me as online because i checked my txt when my friends txted me.. but i didnt bother to reply any of them..
ok sounds complicated.. but lets just leave it at that..

she is merajok now.. hehehe.. so comel..

owh about me wanting to marry her.. lets just wait for the wedding invitation on fb or whatever..
to be honest i am also quite amazed by the level of confidence that I have now to actually say that I love her with all my heart.. and I want to marry her.. she is on my mind all the time..
I really hope she knows that..

there's just this one thing.. she worries that I'm still not over my ex..
I am so over my ex.. if only there is something i can do or say to get rid of this worry she has..

and I have worries of her ex.. i also worry that she might still hv feelings for her ex.. that she still hasnt gotten over that mamat..

aaaaa seteress nyer (stress)... nak kawen cepat2.. i want to make her mine and i'm hers.. (wah mcm dalam true blood pulak)
x perlu nak risau2 pasal our exes ruining what we have now..

ok tetiba aku rasa sangat risau..

xper.. x perlu risau kot..
I do know that Allah will help us if our intention is good, and sincere.. i know for sure mine is.. I shouldnt worry too much, yes?

semoga Allah permudahkan.. ameeenn..

ok da malas nak fikir..

3. i really dislike smug people

i really think that the title is self-explanatory..
my sincere hope and request to God is to actually protect me from these lot..
i really dislike them..
Oh god.. xtau nak cakap caner betapa x suka nya ngn orang berlagak and poyo..
pastu suka menipu lak tu.. cakap nak besar padahal menipu..
come on!! xda maruah nyer..

kalau benda betul, kau kecoh semua orang.. that is berlagak.. and that is annoying..
but if it isnt true and you brag to others.. and we actually know that your lying..
like seriusly?? come on!!

Oh Tuhan, aku bersyukur kerana Kau telah menjauhkan aku dari salah seorang manusia bangsat sebegitu.. dan aku harap ianya adalah untuk selama2nya..
Sumpah aku taknak jumper chelakadotkom tu lagi..
Go rot in hell, please..

ok aku rsa sampai di sini saja carotan aku untuk kali ni..

tak banyak carotan pon kali ni except for the bangsat.. urghhh why does it bother me?? why do i let it bother me??

ok tarik nafas... ingat Tuhan...

and ingat my sayang...

ok da happy balik..

hmm.. aku cam da ngantuk dan esok aku kerja dan kena bangun awal sbb kena catch bus ke pulau Singa.. so sehingga ke carotan seterusnya... later~~