Wednesday 20 January 2016

random things.. i just want to write stuff

Hello and salam to all,

Now i am at offshore, onboard of platform MDLQ/MDPP, in Muda Field, Gulf of Thailand.
I am at my so called office, one of the 2 places where i can get wifi.
my work is almost finished here, remaining to do endurance test of the Wimax Link from this platform to 2 remote platforms, JKB and MTA, the test to JKB has started since yesterday, will finish by 3PM tomorrow.
the next day we will proceed to do the test to MTA which will take another 48 hours, that means the soonest that i will demob is on 25th of Jan, by boat.
i still need to check the boat schedule tho.
for today, my plan is to perform inspection with CPOC operation representative to clear the construction punchlist from before.
well, truth be told, even if we performed the inspection today, it will not close all the punchlists because we still do not have the nameplates and cable taggings.
but i will try to get all the punchlists cleared as many as possible, altho highly unlikely
theres another issue pulak, the endurance test ni mcm akan fail je.. huhu..
stress la keje ni.. mcm2 masalah..
tapi mungkin mmg mcm ni la kan bila baru2 keje, projek  pulak cuci tahi orang punya.. so mmg byk la masalahnyer
tapi mungkin jugak ni peluang untuk aku belajar, make me tougher, and gain valuable experience..
skrg link ke mta ni mcm down je, sbb aku try call x dpt.. aku x dpt nak check link ptp sbb aku kat ofis skrg.. malas pulak rasanya nak pegi LER tu semata2 nak check link.. huhu
sbb salu stress keje ni, kadang tu rasa cam nak quit je.. nak keje simple2 yg x stress.. tapi nnt aku akan rasa cam x best sbb seolah2 tewas kepada stress.. aku rasa aku lebih kuat dari itu, meaning that i believe i can handle it..
need to remind myself too, that all this hardship, the problems etc they are not for forever.. sumer benda pasti boleh diselesaikan..
tapi aku akan tanya balik diri aku, is it worth it?
adakah semua stress ini berbaloi?
aku x boleh terlalu stress sbb akan affect my health, i think..
or maybe it doesnt affect..
anyhow, i'd prefer to not risk it.. and not be in stressful situation for a long time..
im in the process of looking for another job, office job, less stress..
but does that kind of job exist?
senang start bisnes je.. tapi betul ke senang? aku xda experience, xda modal, byk commitment, pasti tidak mudah..
hmm.. citer pusing punya pusing mesti akan balik ke kisah duit, dan perbelanjaan.. mmg xleh nak lari..
tapi aku akan cuba untuk kurangkan bercerita pasal duit..
aku nak cerita something yg agak membanggakan, dan juga merisaukan,..
untuk buat endurance test ni, ia akan mengambil masa selama 48 jam..
test equipment yg digunakan, di bawa oleh Omega kesayangan, is JDSU Ethernet Smart Class, which runs on DC battery. However the battery can only last up to 5 hours.
to run the test for 48 hours, would mean the test equipment needs to be hooked up to its power adaptor (230VAC) and be in continuous charging mode.
at mdpp, there is no problem since our telecom cabinet is equipped with 3 pin socket that serves 230VAC power.
at jkb, we dont have continuous AC power. however, there is continuous DC power that feeds the existing WCS and SIS system.
the PTP enclosure that we installed last mob in November takes power from this DCDB.
i have been planning to utilize this DC power from PTP Enclosure for months, and last few days Usop went to JKB and tried to setup the power for the test equipment as i have planned.
but unfortunately it didnt go as planned as the enclosure was not big enough to fit all the additional equipment required, including the test equipment, JDSU, the power inverter, socket adaptor and JDSU power adaptor.
so i came up with a plan to introduce an additional Ex type enclosure to house the JDSU, power inverter, power adaptor and socket adaptor.. we just need to run 2 cables from the PTP enclosure to the new Ex type enclosure..1 run power cable and 1 run ethernet cable.
so my plan worked.. the test equipment can be charged..
but what im worried of is..
the platform is unmanned, and the glanding on the new enclosure is not perfect, we coudnt find any m25 to m20 reducer for the gland, so we just used the existing m25 gland for the 2 runs m20 cables.
we taped the cables so it become thicker and glanding would be fairly okay..
another thing is that the ptp enclosure didnt have enough spare holes.
but it did have 2 breather valve on its side and on its bottom.. so i used these holes for the power cable and ethernet cable, meaning now there is not breather valve on the ptp enclosure.. i am so worried, i hope the enclosure will not burn or anything like that..
esok aku akan pergi check and see if semuanya ok..
just now aku check link tu da drop from 40mbs to 25mbs.. and the link lost pun da banyak.. confirm2 la endurance test tu akan fail, sebab rquirement cpoc ni nak 99.995% availability.. tadi aku check availability dia da drop jadi 80%.. haha..
bila aku check plotter graph dia tunjuk, 10 jam yg lalu link drom jadi 10mbs je.. haha.. mmg gagal..

sekarang pon modulation dia limited by wireless condition, previously it was running at maximum mode..
sangat menjengkelkan perkara ni sbb kegagalan berlaku ketika kita nak buat test tu pulak.. astaghfirullah.. dugaan tuhan sungguh..
anyhow aku da shoot email ke budak2 omega kasi derang yg pening fikir.. aku malas la nak pening2 untuk derang..
tadi aku check cctv, memula tu nampak je gambar untuk 2 camera yg kat MTA tu.. tapi pastu tetiba hilang.. tengok kat cmd pon ping ke cctv 12 dah putus, putus kat workstation, meaning mmg link ke mta da break.. try call 3502 dgn 3503 pon x dapat tadi.. stress kan.. stress sgt sekarang ni..
nak balik~~

okla sampai di sini saja aku meroyan, aku harap aku akan diberi kekuatan dan guidance oleh Tuhan untuk menghandle masalah2 ini dan balik dgn fikiran yg lega..

Thursday 14 January 2016

nak meroyan jap la.. nak release stress

point entry ni adalah untuk aku meroyan sbb dalam kepala aku ni skrg tgh berat dgn benda2 yg sgt stressful berkaitan kerja.. btw, today is friday 15/1/16

1- commissioning yg dah x nampak masa depan

2- client nak buat endurance test selama 48 jam, dalam SAT procedure 24 jam je.

-3 Client ada dua team, project dgn operation. Untuk start commissioning kena dapatkan ptw dari cpoc operation

4- cpoc operation mintak provide cert Ready For Commissioning (RFC)

5- RFC pending cpoc project sign

6- cpoc project xda representative kat mdlq, sbb dia pergi mdb ada keje kat sana. si sekson siam tu

7- earliest boleh dpt rfc is this evening, and hopefully no issue, boleh dpt ptw and start commissioning esok 16/1/16

8- after commissioning is endurance test yg ambil masa 48 jam, so kalau start tomorrow evening, maksudnya petang 18/1/16 baru akan habis endurance test, assuming xda link putus or whatever

9- nak buat endurance test tu kena ada power 230ac continuous on both sides. Side aku mdpp xda masalah sbb mmg platform ada power 24/7

10- masalah kat platform remote sbb derang xda power continuous.

11- aku dah highlight ke orang2 kat MTA, kalau derang x prepare power utk buat test tu, itu masalah kau derang, bukan masalah aku

12- walaupun begitu, nnt akan jadi masalah aku jugak

13- mmg dah resmi keje ni macam ni.. orang lain buat taik kita jugak kena bersihkan

14- tadi Guna cakap derang nak demob on 17/1/16.. so camner nak buat 48 jam endurance test kalau mcm tu

15- jadi kesimpulan nyer mmg x nampak masa depan nak buat endurance test ni

16- aku seriusly dah givap dan aku cam like whatever la kau.. kalau x dpt buat kali ni, nnt next mob buat la.. lagipun mcm byk je lagi issue..

17- pastu ada issue cable cat5e ni pulak..

18- cpoc dah specified dalam specs derang nak cat6, kenapa la pulak pergi beli cat5e

19- mazlizan, engineer SK yg handle benda ni, attend FAT ape sumer, dah tahu dah pasal cable ni, tapi xda highlight or takda action, sampai la cable tu di installed at platform

20- sekarang cpoc suruh tukar cable, pastu retest balik.. meaning that yg sebelom ni pasang, test semua adalah sia sia..

21- aku risau disebabkan cable cat5e ni, nnt cpoc project refuse untuk sign rfc, dan menyebabkan kerja2 commissioning aku terbengkalai.

22- nak kena tunggu cable tu sebulan lebih baru sampai, pastu nak kena pasang balik, test bagai..

23- yang si Ong ni pun, dia yg install kat offshore bulan 11 lepas, tapi tak pernah nak highlight, sekarang bila da jadi issue, dia nak aku sorang2 settlekan

24- team sapura yg kat mta pun bila kita minta tolong langsung takda respons. dalam email cc je boss semua tapi sama je takda hasil

25- memang la scope telecom ni dianaktirikan

26- bengang pulak dengan team cpoc project ni

27- si hazlin tu dah agree nak sign rfc tapi sekarang dia dah blah

28- yg ganti dia encik siam sekson ni asyik xda kat mdlq, dia asyik ke mdb, skrg xda orang nak sign aku punya rfc

29- lepas ni nak check barang2 cctv pulak dan clear checksheet

30- mazlizan ni prepare checksheet pun consider la jugak benda tu boleh lepas ke x boleh lepas

31- yg nak menjawab nyer aku sebab aku yg conduct inspection dgn cpoc

32- kalau kau nyer checksheet mintak benda yg bukan2, mcm mana aku nak provide

33- mintak neoprene sheet dari team MTA utk punchlist clearance, tapi tak hantar ke sini pon

34- derang anta sorang scaffolder sbb electrical tech yg ada kat sini x berani nak naik tower

35- sekarang ni scaffolder xda keje dok goyang kaki sbb xda material nak buat punchlist clearance

36- cpoc operation pun sorang2 perangai astaghfirullah

37- aku suruh kau witness je, dan tulis remarks dalam checksheet, bukan suruh kau accept

38- yg akan final accept is mr sekson, tapi dia sekarang ni kat mdp

39- this is unnecessary delay. kalau hazlin dah sign haritu, sure dah complete dah commissioning aku

40- pastu cpoc ni nak mintak bandwidth priority pulak.. sedangkan itu kena buat thru router dia by cpoc it.

41- aku dah highlight dalam email, dan skrg tunggu cpoc IT yg confirm. should be no problem pasal derang boleh setting remotely from KL

42- communication dgn redang pun sangat hopeless.

43- internet kau selalu down, lepas tu bila call semua orang xda dalam office

44- aku simply dah give up

45- nak balik

*emoticon nangis airmata jurai2