Sunday 29 July 2012

25 tahun

haaa bosan nyer hari sabtu pon kena keje.. mencik!!!

now aku kat opis, macam xda keje je, except for circuitry for csc renewals ni, which i will do later..
right now im just not in the mood. what im in the mood of right now is to go home and watch tv, watch Olympics opening that i missed this morning.
the plan was that id get up and sahur and watch the opening, but i didnt get up.
too tired?
the pillow too good to get away from?

haha maybe a lil bit of everything of the above..

tak sahur this morning, but nvm im not hungry. maybe im just the kind of person who is ok if i do not sahur. ok what is sahur in english? early breakfast?

nvm, not important.

a few things to ramble on here.
last night i watched the iron lady starring the awesome meryl streep. oh god she showed tremendous talent in the movie when she plays margaret tatcher, UK PM from 1979 to 1990.
shes just really good, from the wat she walks talks shes magnificent.
and altho ive never really known margaret before.. i probably have heard of the name before but never really cared of who she really was.
but seeing meryl streep in the movie made me have the utmost respect for the true iron lady mrs tatcher herself.. and of coz ever more respect to miss streep who is just so awesome in every movie shes in..
shes in devil wears prada, so good.
then the movie with alec baldwin.. awesome..

haha ok2.. tak perlu la nak panjang lebar talking about her talent, greatness etc.

now moving on to the real deal.

tomorrows my birthday.. haha macam best jer.. i think its weird that i feel excited now.. unlike previous years, i didnt really the excitement compared to now.

maybe its because im getting older?
and at 25 year old, which the prime age for any guy, i am just more excited from before?

wah talking about being 25, i remember that time when i was turning 20 i did write a post about being a 20 sumthing guy and i felt really different like i was growing up, not a child no more.. and now the mutual, sort of the same feeling i have that im turning 25..

time flies.. and in the past 5 years, ive earned my degree, got a job as a technician, then sort of promoted to consultant. still working for the same company.. waiting till im ripe enough to test market at other companies, and hopefully make a fortune with the leap

ok put that aside, still a long way to go before im ready for that.

back to talking about getting older..
and of coz lifes goals?

hahaha the above portion i wrote it when i was at the office, the of coz i got distracted, got pulled into a meeting that i didnt want to join, and in the end it all left unfinished..

not everything must have an ending(true?)

especially now im home in WM and waiting to bukak puasa in 1 hour.. and my body so penat.. i will just post it as it is..


Saturday 21 July 2012

ya allah tekanan nyer sekarang ni

aku berada dalam situasi yg sangat menekankan perasaan.
sumer benda pon aku rasa macam fighting, acting against me..
sumer benda takda, tak menjadi, rosak, hilang.. adeh pening kepala

arini aku balik wangsa maju pasal 1st day puasa aku mmg nak balik la. lagipon pasal da lama tak balik aku rasa mmg patut balik kalau x nnt mak merajok jadi anak derhaka pulak.

aku bawa laptop keje n laptop peribadi. tujuan pasal nak buat keje la kononnyer and pasal i told my coleage id email her my portion of the proposal bla3..

nothing much happen siang tadi pasal aku membuta je la taktau la kenapa bila puasa ni rasa mengantuk makin menjadi2. lagipon kalau tak leh makan apa je la aku boleh buat kat umah tu kan.. dgn budak2 ni berebut nak main ipad bagai.

ok malam ni lepas bukak posa aku lepak2 then teringat akan keje yg aku kena buat nak bagi ke coleague aku tu.

aku pon bukak la laptop keje aku tu. then aku perasan yg power cord laptop ni takda.. what the hell?? where the hell?? aku sangat yakin aku da masokkan dalam beg aku befoe balik tadi.. damn!! i couldnt find it.
then i thot its okay i can copy the files to usb drive and do the work on my own laptop.. shit happen i couldnt find the file so i wanted to dload from my email, outlook.. so aku bukak outlook, tetiba die cam suruh aku register pekejadah masukkan whatever code that i didnt know of.. last2 aku takleh bukak my email.. xleh nk dload the stupid file
and tup2 la pastu laptop keje aku tu mati habis power.. ni sumer pasal si aleya tu on siang tadi pastu dier tak shut down properly dier main tutup lead jer.. abes la power..

so kekdah nyer sekang aku kat kdai oldtown dgn laptop aku tgh dload dari email server aku email2 yg bersaiz 1.8 gb
macam tak logic x masok di akal jugak..
sebab da lama x bukak email sini so mmg berlambak la kan..
then i thought kalau bukak ka webmail sure lagi cepat..
then baru sedar webmail perlukan password aku yg aku taktau apa..
argh!!1 banyak nyer masalah..
so nak taknak kena la tunggu die dload email ni pulak..

nak dijadikan cerita lagi, bertambah masalah aku..
internet kat oldtown sri rampai ni bangang.. mada putus2 jer... so kekdah nyer aku da 3 kali kna refressh email ni pasal internet tu putus dier tak reti nak sambung otomatik gamaknyer... haddoi banyak nyer masalah
ni baru nak dapatkan file ni.. belom mula buat keje lagi pon... haddoi la..
lantak la.. kalau sampai ke subuh aku kat sini pon sampai ke subuh la.. lagipone sok aku takda apa2 aktiviti pon kot..
except for pasang langir mak, kena drill2 bagai.. which i will need to buy the drill bit kat kedai hardware pesumer.. damn!! at times like this i wish i were still a kid, minum susu je tau.. haha

okla sampai di sini saja.. saku sangat tension pasal terlalu banyak perkara yg tidak menyebelahi aku sekang ni..
terima kasih la ada blog boleh jugak meluahkan perasaan.. kalau ada awek aku luahkan kat awek tapi takda nak buat caner.. luahkan kat diri sendiri je la

okla bye